
New term,new friend

A new term came,I was in school so early that I was sure that I was part of the top 10 people in my class that came early to school. In my class we were just five people in ss2b that came early which were Ella,Chidera,Deborah,Amarachi and also me. That morning we were all gossiping of different people and their relationship,well I really started to feel bad when I began to think about my ex so I went to look out the window to received fresh air all of a sudden someone walked up to me,It was Ella someone I never took note of in class. How are you?why did you leave there?what Is wrong?,I began to narrate everything that transpired between me and my ex,we talked and talked........

Time for assembly reached and Bunmi was already in school so we went down for the assembly but I haven't told her about the girl I had a deep conversation with,which was so usual of me,I decided to tell her after the assembly. We sang our national anthem and pledge,after the the announcement our principal made we matched to our different classes. On getting to the class I couldn't hold the excitement so I told her everything. Wow!Bunmi I never imagine that I would have such a deep conversation with Ella because she have been in this school since jss2 can't really remember because I never really cared I said with excited face, that nice Bunmi said at least we'll have a new girl in our bff group.

We went to the computer lab for data processing on getting there we saw that all the seat have been occupied,so we went to get chairs for our self immediately a loud voice calling out our our name,Rachael and Bunmi over here there is space,I was so shocked but headed towards the place she was sitting. We talked still the end of the class,she started sitting with us some times she would leave her seat to come seat with us ,we shared different secret and gossiped a lot it was fun to be more social now. This was how we continued the weeks,eat together, gist and gossip,I was loving this new me I became and started talking to my classmate more,stopped my rude behavior and became more nice.