
My Life My Doom

This is my life, a life of glass filled with imagination but without any memories. However, what shatters this fragile existence is the cold stone of reality thrown by fate. I don't know where to start, but the end feels inevitable. It's not a happy ending, but at least fate is showing me some kindness. Still, I must begin somewhere.

RAYAD_MALIK · Realistis
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3 Chs

Journey Through Predestined Pages

On the day my soul took residence within this mortal vessel, I was bestowed with the gift of life. Yet, in my naive innocence, the concept of blessing eluded me. Instead, I faced the impending specter of death, an ominous shadow lurking in the proximity of my existence. As I opened my eyes, tears streamed down, marking my entry into a world filled with wailing and clamor. How could a life commence with tears, shouts, and cries? Observing the faces around me, all adorned with smiles, a fleeting thought crossed my mind – am I the unwitting jester in this scene, the sole lunatic expressing distress amidst the jubilation? In that moment, I grappled with the disparity between my tears and their laughter, desperately trying to decipher the enigma.

From the very inception, I clutched the Book of Fate in my hand. Yet, its pages seemed preordained, and the thought of altering its course loomed beyond my grasp. The author, an unseen force, penned my destiny without soliciting my desires or needs. Was this author omniscient? If so, why did I find myself in this predicament? Not a single blank page remained for me to inscribe my own narrative, and the phrase "As you wish!" was conspicuously absent. Should the author have entrusted me with the pen, allowing me to script my own fate? Ignorant of the concept of fate, I had no understanding of life's intricacies, and I questioned the legitimacy of the predetermined path. Forbidden to turn the pages, I remained ignorant, and when I finally learned to read, it was too late – the Book was consumed by flames, self-inflicted in a moment of despair.

Life continued its relentless march, and I found myself ensnared in its intricate web. The question of identity, "Who am I?" remained dormant during the days when I still felt like someone, much like the world around me. A name was bestowed upon me without inquiry, and though the lack of choice perturbed me, I accepted my fate. Perhaps, this was the one aspect of existence I never dared to question and, perhaps, never would.

Ambitions thrived within me, driven by a desire to live joyfully, indifferent to the uncertainties of the future and the myriad goals that lay ahead. Unacquainted with the complexities of emotions, my countenance bore a seemingly meaningless expression. The world, once confined, now resembled a vessel navigating the vastness of the seven seas.

This continued for a decade, perhaps fifteen years or so. I garnered knowledge about the world but lost myself amidst its intricacies, forgetting to embark on the quest to rediscover my essence. My very existence and its purpose remained unexplored territories. As this era concluded, I recognized that I had relinquished everything, my cries echoing in the vast cacophony of the world, unnoticed and unheeded. I continued to scream until my voice grew hoarse, the decade concluding with no lessons learned, except for the echoes of my own screams.

The twist Began when.......

Life is hard, cheer Yourselves!

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