
My Life My Doom

This is my life, a life of glass filled with imagination but without any memories. However, what shatters this fragile existence is the cold stone of reality thrown by fate. I don't know where to start, but the end feels inevitable. It's not a happy ending, but at least fate is showing me some kindness. Still, I must begin somewhere.

RAYAD_MALIK · Realistic
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3 Chs

Veil of Night Unveiled

The twist Began when I got time from the world. When I got time from the expectations of people from me. When I got time from the screams of mine, then I got time for myself. That was the day I first saw the beauty of the moon, the brightness, and shine of the stars. Though it was not the first time I saw the sky it was the very first time I felt it. And then someone added to the beauty of the night. That someone was a young lady. The lady I never talked to. The lady I never thought about and I never had any feelings for her or anything in my heart till then. That was her very first imagination of her and that was the very first smile I liked on the very first beautiful night. But after all, it was an imagination and was soon going to break by the stone of reality.

Throughout that night, numerous unprecedented events unfolded. Some appeared as nightmares, while others manifested as pleasant dreams. Engaging in a conversation with myself, I discovered that peace was an elusive concept in that introspective space. Initially, I believed there was silence, only to realize later that time, once gone, doesn't return for anyone. It dawned on me that an entire decade had slipped away, veiled in ignorance, which I now choose to label as innocence. Recognizing that I had become entangled in the cacophony of my own screams, I refrained from harboring regrets, as I held the belief that dwelling on them only leads to failure.

Discovering an unsettling fear lurking in the darkness, I pondered why the shadows evoked such apprehension. The mystery of what hid within the obscurity left me speechless. From that night forward, a new habit emerged—I began conversing with myself. Listening to the whispers of my heart, I found it to be a remarkable experience. However, the crucial aspect I neglected to consider was the potential consequences. Despite the calmness of that night and the captivating allure of the dark, I failed to contemplate the aftermath. Engaging in dialogue with myself, I noticed the moon gazing at me with unwavering brightness, perhaps amused by my musings.

Indifferent to the thoughts of others, I had discovered an alternate world—a realm more beautiful, serene, charming, and peaceful than the harsh realities of our existence. It proved to be a sanctuary even surpassing the tranquility of the dark. However, this utopian haven was the very cause of its creation. Although the details weren't crystal clear through my eyes at the time, the translucent view of this alternate reality was irresistibly attractive and enchanting. It drew me away from the tangible world, compelling me to abandon reality, but alas, the reality remains inherently disappointing.

With a deliberate closing of my eyes, I found myself transported in an instant. In this newly constructed world, I assumed the roles of both gardener and deity. I fashioned buildings, palaces, and skyscrapers, and populated them with people who existed at my every whim. This act of creation brought about a sense of tranquility, a momentary escape from the complexities of the real world. 

In this created realm, the inhabitants conversed with me in a manner tailored to my desires, offering a sense of fulfillment and relaxation. However, this idyllic experience proved transient. The abrupt intrusion of the ultra-bright, tropical light of the sun acted as a harsh awakening. It admonished me against dwelling in the realms of inception, illusion, and imagination, warning of potential erasure from the tangible world.

Despite the stern caution, I remained obstinate. The threat did little to deter me from indulging in the heavenly expanse of that imaginative world and the vision of the mysterious lady, who, although present somewhere in reality, eluded my grasp in both realms. The futility of my attempts to intertwine her presence with my created world revealed a striking similarity between the two dimensions of reality and imagination.

Contemplating whether this dichotomy was the result of fate or my own actions, as previously suggested, I resolved to take charge. From that moment onward, I committed myself to living and reshaping my fate. Fueled by the belief that anything is possible in this world, I embarked on a journey of exploration and transformation, driven by the simple yet powerful notion that one must endeavor to see the possibilities unfold.

Reflecting on my past, I discerned a pivotal mistake—the haunting echoes of my own screams. Amidst internal turmoil, I inadvertently tuned out the world, missing essential aspects of life. This revelation sparked a profound question: Was the world inherently harsh, or was my resilience insufficient? Driven by a thirst for understanding, I committed to fortifying myself, recognizing the need for knowledge in navigating this era of cruelty.

This transformative journey embraced a paradigm shift—a strategic silence not as withdrawal but as a tool for attentive listening. This signified a commitment to silent observation, a recognition that strength lies not just in speaking but in commanding attention through profound insights.

This marked the true beginning—a journey characterized by introspection, silent observation, and the cultivation of strength to compel the world to remember my words.

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