
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

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Chapter 62: Exams Part 7

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 62: Exams Part 7



I jumped from my position and did a hand sign, "Wind Style: Infinite Devastation!"

This is just a supped-up version of the wind-style technique I like to use. This one just has 4x the chakra and is much more focused while still covering a larger area than the original technique can normally. This technique was meant to do one thing; eviscerate.

Orochimaru substituted with those godforsaken earth clones of his and tried to slice my head off with his Kusanagi. I really wanted to take it, but Sasuke had dibs on it. I dodged the sword slice and took out my own sword. I called it the Spiraling Fang after my parents and Kakashi sensei.

I began my kenjutsu match with Orochimaru and I showed him that I was every bit the kenjutsu expert he was. He deflected an upward slash and went for a stab aimed at my chest, I shifted to the right, inside of his guard, and punched his face with a chakra-enhanced punch. Also took the chance and marked him with my formula.

He was sent flying and crashed through several trees before his sword stretched to try and stab me through the cloud of dust. I substituted with a standard clone, making the sword go right through the illusion, dispelling it. I flickered to his side and slashed at his torso. True to his namesake, he dodged in a manner eerily similar to a snake and wrapped around my arm. 

He bit down on my neck but was shocked when the clone exploded into electric sparks. I kicked him back to the treetops and began a dancing flurry of sword swipes and slashes aimed at maiming and incapacitating the formidable rogue shinobi. The fucker deflected almost every one of them and blocked the ones he couldn't.

He used his striking shadow snakes and I was wrapped in the darn things. He went for another slash, aiming at my head this time, but I substituted with an exploding clone and he was sent flying back down to the ground. At this point, he'd only lost about 15% of his DS. It's only been about 30min but I could tell that he was more than a little miffed at being kicked around like this.

"What's the matter, Orochimaru Sensei? Surely there's more to you than this?" I said as he walked towards me, looking like he was finally going to put in the effort.

"Sensei?" He asked, curious at my form of address.

"Well, yes. Aunty and the Pervert have all taught me in some form. you, by association, could also be my sensei. You are training my wayward little tomboy, after all." I told him nonchalantly as I rested my sword on my shoulder.

He grinned, "Well... I suppose that's true... very well, let's see what you can learn from this little sparring match..." 

He tried to intimidate me with his Killing Intent but I responded in kind by borrowing Kurama's. He seemed surprised but not intimidated, which surprised me, but It was Orochimaru, he wouldn't display fear in his expression without being in a particularly precarious situation. We grinned at each other and used jutsu,

"Wind Style: Wind Dragon Bullet!"

"Summoning: Triple Rashōmon!"

My jutsu blew past the first two barriers but stopped at the last one, just barely though, the gate looked like it would fall if I blew on it.

Then I felt a presence behind me and I dodged to the right, avoiding a slash aimed to bisect me. Another clash of swords ensued, and I was actually enjoying myself in the battle. I was learning with every consecutive clash and exchange we had and was slowly gaining more and more momentum against him.

I eventually managed to knock his sword off of his hand and used the opportunity to use my one kenjutsu technique, "Ninja Art: Thousand Slash Wind!" 

The technique created a thousand wind blades that attacked the target from all directions in a random pattern. It required me to slash 100 times consecutively without pause while focusing wind chakra into the blade and the surrounding area at the same time. Not an easy technique.

Orochimaru was turned to meat slices, but these turned to mud after a moment. I was a little disappointed that the technique's debut on the battlefield was a failure, but he seemed scared shitless at it, so I'll take it as a win.

"That's a terrifying technique, I'll admit. Where did you come by it...?" He asked, his brow sweating.

"Just came up with it myself about a month or so ago. It gets boring when I can't go out on missions, ya'know?" I replied, swinging my sword arm in a relaxing motion.

"Impressive..." I saw a glint in his eye and knew this was going to go up a notch.

"Let's see how you handle this, Formation: Ten Thousand Snakes!" He spat a bunch of snakes into the ground. 

That's a gross technique, but I gotta admire the dedication. I decided to end this since It'd been over 2hours now and I wanted those prizes. I summoned my 4-Taled v2 Cloak and used Great Roar to destroy the snakes and send Orochimaru flying backward while rolling on the ground. That must've been a direct hit because he used his personal substitution. 

I didn't quit there and used my marker to teleport and used a Tailed Beast Heavy Canon at point-blank range and blew the upper part of his torso away. He once again used his substitution technique and tried to stab me with the Kusanagi by calling it with his hands. I dodged it by mimicking his mode of dodging since I could deform my body in several ways while in this form and punched him straight up. 

I thought about it for a moment and used a Nine-Tails Beam to attack Orochimaru as he fell back toward the ground with four powerful beams, one from each tail. The attacks hit and Orochimaru landed on the ground, burnt to a crisp. 

I didn't let my guard down and kept my senses on full alert, waiting for his next attack. The clone then dissolved into white snakes before they eventually reformed into Orochimaru. He was heavily damaged and his reserves were exhausted from what I could tell.

"Kukuku, to have such control over the Nine-Tails' Power... you need to be dealt with", he dashed toward me and tried to use the five-pronged seal.

Lucky for me, I expected as much and substituted with another super explosive clone.

His DS was now 0, which meant that any attack in this form would kill him since the v2 gave a x2 ability increase per tail after the initial x10 boost. That's a lot of extra power to be packing this early on, but I broke the story a while ago, so I didn't give a shit.

He got up, using what looked to be the remainder of his chakra to perform his last substitution of the day, and looked at me with anger. 

"I see the girl was more than just trying to save her old village... Mark my words, Naruto Uzumaki. I will be back to destroy you and this village", he said as he slowly sank into the ground.

"Heh, don't worry, Sensei. I'll be here waiting for when that time comes," I grinned through my four-tailed cloak.

He disappeared with a menacing chuckle and I took a breather; undoing my cloak.

[Mission Completed]

[Hidden Conditions Met:

1. Reduce Orochimaru's DS and CP to 0, Earth Element Scroll

2. Use Two or more of Kurama's attacks, Mastery Quest Unlocked]

[Congratulations! Level+100, A Meeting with the Sage Questline Unlocked]

[Lv350 - DS: DS: 735,000/ CP: 1,700,000/ STR: 6,300/ AGI: 5,600/ VIT: 7,000/

INT: 6,650/ SNC: 6,650 - v2 Bijū Cloak: 9-Tails ]

The Power Scaling for the Tailed Beast Cloaks and different Versions of it is weird since there isn't much in the way of official stats.

What is certain is that 1-Tailed v1 Naruto ~ CM2 Sasuke

CM2 is stated explicitly to be x10, meaning 1-Tailed v1 Cloak is also a 10x increase at least.

After that it is all just speculation.

There could be a 10x increase per tail, or a 2x, or 4x increase. If we go by the 10x measure, 8-Tail v1 Cloak is 80x increase.

But what about the v2 Cloak? Is it double? Meaning 160x

Then there's KCM1 and KCM2. KCM1 is from what I understand in between KCM2 and 8-Tail v2 Cloak, so 170x and KCM2, essentially 9-Tail v2 Cloak for calculation purposes, is x180.

But what about Sage Mode? It's supposed to be between 5 and 6-Tail v2 Cloak, 110x?

But then, why is CM2 just 10x? It can't be that inferior to Jugo's Clan's ability, which is true proper Senjutsu, side effects aside.

So the entire power leveling system needs to be reworked as follows:

1-Tail v1 = 10x, each tail after is +1x going up to x18

1-Tail v2 = 10x, each tail after is +2x going up to x26

SM is in between 5-Tail v2 and 6-Tail v2, ~ x21

KCM1 in between 8-Tail v2 and KCM2(or 9-Tail v2) = x25

KCM2 would be x26 going by the math.

Then we have 6PSM which is stonger or equal to KCM2+SM, which itself is at least x47, I'll say x50 to round things up.

So, If Naruto has KCM2 + 6PSM, it's roughly a x100 boost in power, +/-4.

This is lowballing, of course, but it's how I'm going to choose to go about it.

SilverSnow125creators' thoughts