
My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Route

Blessed with a system to aid his understanding of his new abilities and offer chances for further growth, he makes his path towards becoming both the leader of his new home, and the conqueror of beautiful kunoichi of various talents and backgrounds. Follow a child soldier reborn as his favorite fictional character after losing his life in worldwide conflict! Rated M for language, suggestive themes, and explicit sexual content. Content Disclaimer: Character biases will not be respected or taken into consideration. Fanon is not respected or considered. I rely heavily on the Naruto Wiki since it is the most accurate source of info regarding the series. Copyright Disclaimer: I own nothing except for original characters, concepts, technique names or otherwise original material not owned or previously patented or published by any publishers or companies as of the beginning of this serialization. Cover Art found on ARTVY with the Naruto cyberpunk wallpaper AI prompt.

SilverSnow125 · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 61: Exams Part 6

My Life as Naruto Uzumaki - Harem Version

Chapter 61: Exams Part 6


A few moments after Kin left, Team Kabuto appeared out of the bushes, "Oh, hey there. Another Leaf team." 

Kabuto walked over with his disarming smile. Naruto played along and greeted them, "Hey guys, sorry for the ruckus, these two get excitable and I can scarcely do anything to stop them."

"Haha, don't worry. We've all been there. I'm surprised Sakura is so much stronger than I remember her being, but again, she did have that crazy growth spurt. I should've expected it", Kabuto commented.

"Did she? I just thought she got a big butt from all of those sweets I was feeding her, hahaha", Naruto chuckled.

"I'm going to kill him", was Sakura's thought at that moment.

Kabuto tried to hold a rolling of his eyes at the crude remark, "So, did you guys get your two scrolls?" 

He changed the subject and prepared himself.

"Hm? No, duplicates, sadly. What about you?", Naruto continued his charade. 

"Not yet, unfortunately. How about we team up? I'm sure it would be to both our benefit...", Kabuto offered.

Naruto shrugged, "Sure. You seem like a nice enough guy. Maybe I could learn a few things, I remember seeing you at the hospital when I was training there."

"Oh? That's right, you were in one of those classes being offered last year. I heard you specialized in treatments without the use of chakra", Kabuto continued the conversation as the teams walked off.

Sakura and Haku made sure to walk at a considerable distance from Naruto and Kabuto. They knew what Naruto had planed and wanted no part in it. They also wanted to chat about how cool he was going to look beating Kabuto. To them, it wasn't a question of if, but how and how long.

Yoroi and Misumi stuck close to their intended target, Naruto. Walking right behind him and surrounding him on all sides. They were waiting for Kabuto's signal and they would finish this farce and get on with their original plans.

"Yeah, my control wasn't all that good, so I wanted to focus on helping others without risking further damaging their bodies if possible", Naruto rubbed the back of his head as they walked.

"You wrote five books in three months about it, I'd say you did more than just help. You revolutionized medicine in ways few visionaries would. I'm surprised you didn't continue your medical studies after that, though. You might've learned some very useful techniques", Kabuto told Naruto as he readied his attack.

"Oh? Like what? I did get to master the Mystical Palm Technique, that was plenty interesting and useful by itself", Naruto continued playing along.

[New Objective: Defeat Kabuto and his lackies

Conditions: Use less than 5% chakra

Fail Conditions: Haku or Sakura is defeated/ Kabuto escapes

Rewards: Temple of Nirvana Technique Scroll, 1.5M Ryō, +1000 Reputation with ANBU and Danzo Shimura] 

"Well... the Chakra Scalpels comes to mind...", Kabuto said and activated his technique before slashing at Naruto with his long-blade form of the technique.

[Kabuto Yakushi | Lv100 - DS: 25,000/ CP: 48,000]

Naruto failed to react and was struck before exploding violently, sending Kabuto and his teammates Yoroi and Misumi flying through the air at dizzying speed.

Sakura took on Misumi and punched his chest so hard so hard his body went into shut down. Haku chose to go after Yoroi and used a weakened form of her jutsu, "Ice Style: Shattering Ice Spears." Yoroi was stabbed through the stomach, right-thigh, and left-arm. He was alive but barely.

Naruto sped towards the flying Kabuto and marked him with his jutsu formula before planting a Rasengan: Stage 3 into his abdomen, incapacitating Kabuto.

[Mission Completed! Hidden Objective Completed:

1. Use the Rasengan, +1000 Admiration from ANBU, +1000 Satisfaction from Jiraiya

2. Defeat Kabuto by overloading his regeneration ability, Yin Healing Wound Destruction Technique Scroll]

Naruto placed a prisoner tag, one of his few tags created based on the Naruto games he'd read about from forums in his past life. Much like most of the series, he needed to watch or read what he could from any surviving archives. He'd always wanted to play the games at least once.

The tag was simple, it denied the target the use of their chakra by severing their connection to the chakra network, and took away the senses of sight, smell, and hearing. A torture device by most standards, but Tsunade authorized its use for extremely dangerous individuals. The final determination of who that was fell to Naruto, but would be reviewed later by her and her council. 

Danzo had asked for several revisions for his own collection of tags at one point, and while Tsunade was against it, Naruto gave Danzo the tags.

He just neglected to mention that there was a specific hand seal combination and chakra ratio required to prepare the tag, and an entirely different one to activate or deactivate it. Essentially, what Danzo got was really pretty Seal Tags with none of the utility. He was furious when he found out.

Naruto looked at the orphaned former root-nin with pity. He liked the character, having read his backstory, but he knew that this guy would not be easily redeemed and he wasn't going to risk it.

The ANBU took the three halfdead shinobi to Tsunade who had a contingent of Hinata, Kakashi, Guy, and Shino with her just in case things went south. Kurenai would be performing the intel extraction along with Tayuya and Anko once the second test was over.

Jiraiya smiled at his godson, the kid was a menace. He's turned his girlies into weapons of war without even realizing it (he has). Ruthlessly efficient, too. Didn't let them even get a lick in. Danzo would have an orgasm at the efficiency displayed.

Next, it was Orochimaru's time to dance with the young Jinchuriki. Naruto felt the vile chakra coming closer and told his two teammates to rush to the tower or help out any teams they felt deserved it. They wanted to protest but Naruto was very much the one running this operation and they had to leave without getting a word out in protest.

He was getting ready for a potentially deadly battle.

The next moment, Orochimaru appeared with a menacing grin.

[S Rank Battle: Orochimaru | Lv380 - DS: 136,800/ CP: 273,600]

[New Objective: Make Orochimaru Flee

Conditions: V2 Bijū Cloak Limited to 4 Tails

Fail Conditions: Take more than 4 hours or lose all of DS

Rewards: Curse Mark Formula, Summoning: Rashōmon Scroll, Sound Village Techniques Scroll, Notes and Research on Hashirama Cells]

"So... already dealt with the peons? I was hoping for a show", Orochimaru stated with his arms crossed.

Naruto looked at his new mission with intrigue and excitement. It's been a long time since he got a mission so rewarding. Kabuto's was also pretty good though...

"Hm, sorry to disappoint, Orochimaru of the Sannin. But perhaps I can entertain you with a dance instead?", Naruto took a stance and grinned at his opponent.

"Then, shall we?", Orochimaru asked and the battle was in full swing.