Death by Choking on Tartar sauce Not really the best way to go, but I'm dead, so the hell do I care No-no wait, I'm not dead I'm a minotaur now What the hell is Going on!?! Amateur here, don't blame me if this is ass, also ima use some properties that are not mine in this story, and if the original creator wants me to take them down I will
So that skill is cool and all, but the range is shit, it only covers around 2 feet away from me, although I can sense everything in the range, even the tiniest of movements like airflow can be sensed, so it's definitely good, but the range is again, it's shit.
Upgrading it will make it better, but I'm not spending my ONE point on this sensory skill when I still have my other one, that's more versatile and actually useful. Anyway, me and cadre, more like just me, am searching around the place looking for loot, cadre is just playing around, which includes jumping on the not-destroyed houses and thrashing the corpses around like rag dolls.
I feel like he has something against the dwarves, but I just don't know what it is.
Back to the grave robbing, I found some pretty cool items, mostly just multicolored gems, NOT skill stones, just gems that gave off a faint magical energy signature, they might be useful so I just stored them for later, they had a shit ton of weapons, but I have a soul weapon so I don't need them. (Even though he can't bring it out on command.)
Other than that, there's not much, their tech is pretty standard, maybe a little bit higher than your normal fantasy world, but yeah, not much else here.
After going around the destroyed settlement just picking up anything that looked interesting and after Cadre finished playing, we came across a weird metal hatch that led downwards.
And being the curious minotaur I was, I decided to go down there, it was dark and damp but infrared vision helped me out, Cadre? Not so much as he constantly hit his head on the walls, his durability keeps him from experiencing any pain, that and, I think he's too stupid to even know it's supposed to hurt.
Anyway, we reached the ground floor, and I found a light switch on the wall, I pressed it and the basement was illuminated by a bright singular ceiling light in the center of the room. The area itself looked like a lab, like a mad scientist's lab, tools, and trays everywhere, large tubes filled with a strange yellow liquid lining the walls connected via thick cables that led to a generator?
Okay, now I'm really confused because they have electricity and yet use blades and bows instead of guns? That's dumb, that's really dumb, are they so old-fashioned that they just won't use guns? Or maybe they haven't invented them yet, but they had working prosthetic limbs, that's something we barely had, so what's going on here?
My internal rant is interrupted by the sound of pressurized air hissing, I look over and see another large tube, but this one has clear liquid inside and within the tube was a humanoid figure.
Clean and unblemished grey skin, a slim and defined figure, long white hair that reached the lower back and didn't do much to cover the pointed ears, hazed over heterochromatic eyes, one crimson red, and the other a clear sky blue. Yep, I am 99.% sure this is a dark elf.
And there's a label at the top of the tube that reads