
Can I Kiss You?

"And this is for you..."

I rushed to her aid and gently caressed her swollen cheek, afraid that it was going to hurt her.

"Paboya. Why would you hit yourself..." I cried out to her. She grabs my hand to stop me and pull me into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry Hani. I called myself your friend, yet I couldn't even tell you were lying to me when you said you didn't like Jimin Oppa. I deserved that slap for not knowing your true feelings. I'm so sorry..."

And she bawls into my shoulder as she held on. My tears falling in sync with hers as I held her back.

"I doubted you and hurted you earlier without even hearing you out Hani. I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me..."

"It's okay Mi-Young. It was my fault for lying in the first place. I'm sorry..."

"Ani, it's not your fault. I was selfish and wanted Jimin Oppa. I should have seen through your lies. I should have known how much you love Jimin Oppa... I-"

She choked on her tears and her own saliva which caused an ugly cough to escape her mouth. We ended up laughing and crying while comforting one another.

When we both had calm down, she finally tells me that she was so angry earlier that she went to tell Yoongi to break up with me. Instead, Yoongi told her about my plan, the deal between us, how much I loved Jimin Hyung, and how Yoongi pretended to be my boyfriend.

"Yoongi Oppa never doubted you.. though we both can't say the same about Hoseok Oppa.." Her voice trailed off. Tears threatening to fall down her face as she mentioned Hoseok.

"I trust you, but I don't know about Hoseok Oppa. He looked like he really liked you..."

I smiled at the girl and pulled her into a hug.

"Nothing happened in that hotel room Mi-Youngie..."


I nodded at the girl. I told her what happened between Hoseok and I. How I seriously thought I was going to lose my virginity, but Hoseok ended up surprising me by asking about me and Yoongi's deal.

She smiled brightly when I told her, but then soon her smile faded.

"I didn't believe Hoseok when he wanted to explain to me. I must have hurted him a lot."

She got up quickly and rushed towards the door.

"I gotta go Hani. I need to see Hoseok Oppa.."

"Yah! This late? Call him and see him tomorrow morning."

"I can't wait Hani because... Because I love him.."

I thought I heard her incorrectly.

"You what?"

"I love him Hani. Hoseok Oppa is the one who really makes my heart jump crazily. I was attracted to Jimin Oppa, but I think it was just a small crush. After the double date, I confessed to him but was rejected. It hurted a tiny bit, but I felt fine. When I saw you and Hoseok Oppa together, my heart ripped apart. I felt like a train had run over my heart repeatedly and it hurt so much thinking that he no longer loves me..."

"I'm so happy for you Mi-Young!" I happily rushed to hug her. She returns the hug and proceeds to rush out the door. The door closes on me and I smiled happily to myself. I didn't lose Mi-Young.

The door slightly opens and Mi-Young pops her head halfway through the door with the biggest smile on her face.

"Oh, and by the way, Jimin Oppa hasn't left Korea yet.."

And she closes the door on me. I rushed out the door right after her.

"What do you mean Hyung didn't leave yet??!!"

"Call him and ask for yourself chingu.. I'll see you later!" She calls out to me and ran out the door.

Hyung is still in Korea?


***3rd Person POV***

Mi-Young was in a rush to leave that she forgot to grab her phone before leaving Hani's place again.

Nope, she didn't care about her phone. All that was on her mind right now was Hoseok. She had gotten a spare key when she slept over last time from her future-in-laws and was told that she was welcome to go over whenever she wanted.

She quickly ran towards the front door and opened it. Since it was 3 in the morning by now, she tried to make as little noise as possible. She didn't want to wake up Hoseok's parents. She crept up the stairs in the dark and slowly found her way to Hoseok's room. She lightly knocked to see if he was still up.

Hoseok was indeed still up, but he was too caught up with crying that he didn't hear the knocking on his door. So when the door slowly creaked open, Hoseok instantly stops crying. His whole body froze as he thought of the ghost that had just entered his room.

"Why tonight out of all nights?! Mom and dad aren't even home too," Hoseok silently cried to himself while slipping lower into his bed and covering his whole body.

His parents had gone overseas for a business trip, so Hoseok was all alone for the next week. He could hear the footsteps slowly making its way closer and closer towards him. Soon it was sitting down next to him on the bed and he held his breath.

"Oppa, you're already asleep but I couldn't wait to see you so I came..." Mi-Young silently whispered toward Hoseok.

Hoseok instantly got up and pulled the girl into a hug. He had never felt more relieved that it was Mi-Young. Shocked that he wasn't asleep Mi-Young froze as the boy held her and cried into her shoulder.

"Mi-Young ah.. I'm so glad it's you."

He pulled away from the hug and turned on the light on the night table before holding both her hands in his.

"I was so worried about you. You wouldn't pick up my calls."

"I didn't have my phone on me. I left it at Hani's place."

"I'm so sorry Mi-Young. There's nothing going on with Hani and me..."

The mention of Hani's name made him recall their talk inside the hotel room. His heartbreaking as he remembers Hani's words. This girl who was in front of him didn't love him.

"Mi-Youngie, I love you. I love you so much, but I know you don't feel the same way I do. All you had to do was tell me. Tell me that you don't love me. Tell me that you don't want to marry me. I will never force you to do anything you don't want to. So I-"

He swallowed the thickly formed lump in the back of his throat. He didn't want to say it. He never wanted to say those words.

"...I will let you go."

It was harder to do than to say. Now he wanted more than anything for Mi-Young to be a ghost so those 5 words, 'I will let you go' wouldn't have to leave his lips so soon. Tears leaving his eyes nonstop as he decides it was time to let go once and for all, for her happiness. Hoseok loosens his grip on her hands. Mi-Young grips his hand in return when she felt his touch leaving her. Her gaze never left their hands.

"Don't.." she quietly whispered to him.


Hoseok had heard her, but he wasn't sure what she meant.

"Oppa.. Don't let go. Don't stop loving me..."

Hoseok could feel his heartbeat increasing rapidly. He also felt the droplet of tears from Mi-Young hitting the back of his hand as Mi-Young's thumb gently caresses the back of his hand. He wanted to wipe her tears away, but Mi-Young held on tightly not letting his hand leave hers.

"Oppa, I'm sorry. All you've ever given me was your time and love and I took you for granted. I was comfortable with you Oppa. So comfortable that I didn't know what I felt for you all along was love."

Hoseok's heart hammering with every word that left her mouth. It was beating so wildly fast as his eyes never left the one woman he loved so much.

"I was on my way to meet my parents earlier to let them know that I want to marry you. I need you in my life and that...."

Mi-Young finally looks up to meet Hoseok's brown orbs as tears left hers.

"...I love you. I love you Oppa."

He gently broke free from Mi-Young's hands only to cup her face and wiped away her tears with his thumb. He leans in close to her face.

"Can I kiss you?" Hoseok whispered ever so softly to Mi-Young. His thumb traced her bottom lips, wanting to just devour her lips. It will be his first kiss and he was holding on to the last bit of self-control he had left when he heard her confession.

"Oppa, I'm yours. You don-"

She didn't even finish her sentence when Hoseok cut her off with his lips.

Both their hearts exploded in their ribcage and the fireworks boomed loudly in their hearts. He finally got to touch her, to kiss her, and she was finally his.

He breathlessly broke the kiss for more air to fill his lungs and pulled her into bed with him and within a split second, she was beneath him.

Hoseok was leaning on top of Mi-Young and he gently kissed her forehead, her slightly swollen eyelids, down to the tip of her nose, her now smiling cheeks, and then finally kissed her lips again.

Mi-Young wrapped her arms around Hoseok's neck and pulled him closer to deepen their kiss.

"I've been waiting so long to taste your lips. They taste so sweet," he said in between their kiss.

Hoseok pulled away from the kiss and stared down at the girl beneath him.

"Mi-Young, can you punch me? I feel like I'm dreaming."

She giggles at him and pulls him in closer to her.

"You're not dreaming Oppa. I'm really here and I love you..."

And she kisses him again only for Hoseok to pull away from the kiss once more.

"It feels like a dream. I'm scared that I'll wake up tomorrow and you won't be here with me."

The girl laughs underneath him as he cutely pouts and wonders out loud to himself.

"Oppa, shut up and kiss me..."

And he does.

To Be Continued...

He finally got the girl he always loved. I actually wanted to go more in detail about Hoseok and Mi-Young's relationship, like more scenes between the two and have Mi-Young slowly realize that Hoseok had always been the one for her, but being 40 chapters into my fanfic already, I didn't want to drag out this fanfic any longer so I made her realize it very quick. Lol. ?

Hoseok and Mi-Young will have their own Book soon. A totally different storyline and everything. Look forward to it. ^_^

Shookieillegirlcreators' thoughts