

Lee woke up but he didn't opens his eyes he still feels a heartache and a headache he still remember a year ago he quit his job and focus on playing Game world and gets paid by blogging and selling weapons, armour, elixir and anything that is tradable just by blogging he already doubled his salary because the game world has its access to youtube which it is very easy to upload a persons adventures and he became instant celebrity due to his fighting skill and that's why he just focus on gaming and his family but those tragic makes him feel like dying, he recalled the time when her wife bought him the game helmet even it cause them his whole performance bonus worth 80 thousand pesos, it is because his wife was aware of his stress at work which made him sleepless at night and she have read about the feedback of the game which is good for person who is suffering from stress and insomnia so she grated her teeth bought a helmet and after a five months he became healthy and decided to leave his work thou his actions made his wife puzzled she still supported his decision and they started to have a good life, it may not as good as other gamers but still better that his salary and it is good enough, but thinking right now how would he be able to support his family? all he wanted to do is dig a whole and hide inside for the rest of his life but suddenly the door of his room opened his wife enters the room, went into the bed and started kissing him fiercely and she whispered darling it is already 8 am you should wake up eat your breakfast take a bath and go to work. Go to work Lee was puzzled? he tried to take off his Game helmet but he can't grab anything, he opens his eyes and asked his wife what's day to today? his wife answered it Monday and you should be early to work or your boss will scoured you huh? Lee was speechless for a moment then asked a question again, darling i mean what is the date, its June 15 darling said his wife, June 15 what? asked Lee, 2020 his wife replied, what said Lee on his mind and ask himself is it all a dream? if I remember correctly the game world was officially released on December 2020 and it is a hot topic right now on the Internet because today is the day that some of the beta testers will have there interview and give there feedback regarding the game. Lee woke up as fast as he could and opens his phone and search the Internet about the Game world and he found out that the interview on some of the beta testers is scheduled this 1 pm. He recalled that her wife bought the game helmet on August 2021 which delayed him for 8 months and after 5 months he quit his job and January 2023 he died which made his good career dissolved, but today he can't explained if it is a time travel or just a deja vu but he knows one thing, this is an opportunity he shouldn't missed so he started thinking on how he could get his hands on the Game Helmet as soon as possible but before he could formulate a plan his wife cut off his day dreaming by biting his ears smoothly and said you'll be late come on eat your breakfast so he nodded then went to kitchen with her wife.

While eating breakfast Lee already started to fomulate a plan and only finished his plans we he arrived at his work place.

The first problem Lee is facing is how to acquired a Game Helmet. Lee wanted to count his savings but then he realized, he has no savings at all.

Lee put his right hand on his right pocket to search for cash but found out nothing, then Lee uses his left hand to search his left pocket and got a 1000 peso bill.

The 1000 peso bill Lee has, would be his budget for the whole week until he received his paycheck. Lee would received 12,000 pesos every month.

The reimaining of the of his paycheck would go to his family which left them with no saving. Lee whole month of salary is just enough for his families needs.

The Game Helmet worth 80,000 pesos. Lee should acquired that amount before december for him to buy the Game Helmet on time.

Lee is busy thinking when someone approached him and said "zup bro". When Lee turns around he saw Mark which made his blood boiled which made him felt like wanting to punch Mark on the face.

Lee recalled how his Bestfriend betrayed him. Lee restrained and reminded his self, that the one who betrayed him is the future Mark not the one that is here today.

"He may betray me in the future but not today." said Lee to himself. Lee hide his emotions and smile at Mark "long time no see brother how are you." said Mark. "I'm good." Lee replied.

"I came here to inform you that my uncle scheduled his best Cock today for a fight at wild arena do you want to joined betting with my uncles Cock." asked Mark.

After a moment Lee recalled that he went at the Wild Arena together with Mark and his uncle. Lee bet his whole allowance and lost which made his wife got mad at him.

Today it is different, this is an opportunity for Lee to acquired some easy cash, Before when Lee didn't know the true color of Mark, Lee would not hesitate to join Mark bet on his uncle cock even if he knows they would lose.

After all Lee could beg his wife for more allowance. Today is different Lee is determined and wants to have a large amount of cash.

Lee and Mark arrived at Wild Arena and went straight to Mark's uncle. Mark introduced Lee to his uncle. "Uncle this is Lee my Bestfriend Lee this is my Uncle Victor."

"Hi Lee do you want to bet on my cock." asked Victor with a friendly smile. Lee nodded with sly smile and said, "I would love too but I only have 1,000 pesos.

Victor laugh out loud and said. "Fine fine it doesn't matter how high or low your bet is I would allowed it, after all we are the one in lead."

What Victor mean is that if they bet a higher amount they would be force to accept a ratio of 1:2 or they could only forfeit the battle.

Lee just nodded in responds. Victor could guess that Lee didn't understand anything and only trusted them, that's why he nod.

30 minutes before Victor's cock enters a battle, Lee made an excuse and told Mark he would go to comport room.

Mark nodded in responce, he assumed that Lee is getting nervous, after all Lee only has 1,000 pesos on his pocket and if Lee lost he would have to face his wife in beastmode.

At the left side of arena were a group of cock owners hang out, a bald fat guy hold his fighting cock, sweat could be seen on his forehead.

Lee approached the bald fat guy and said "Zup your cock battle was about to start right?" The fat bald guy look at Lee with a curious look and asked him. "Do I know you?."

Smiling gently, Lee shook his head slowly and replied "No, I'm with Victor your cock will battle his cock."

"Why are you here." The fat guy said with a unsure look. "I wan't to make a deal with you, I will garanty that your cock would win the battle."

The fat guy furrowed his brows and said "Why would you do that?." Lee look at the fat guy with a smile and said "I will bet on your cock."

"How much would you bet?" Asked the fat guy as he relax a bit. At first, the fat guy thought that Lee would ask him to do something, that would lead for his defeat.

This is a blessing for the fat bald guy if Lee isn't conning him. yet he felt like trusting Lee though it is there first meeting.

"I would like to bet 40,000 pesos." said Lee. "Ok hand me your bet." said the bald fat guy. withraw his wallet from his pocket and gave the fat guy his ID.

The fat bald guy was shock for a moment and look at Lee with a questioning look. Before the fat bald guy could speak. Lee spoke in a serious tone.

"My bag is with Victor, he has my cash to proved that I support him, I give him all my cash and I told him I would bet on every cock that he brings."

The fat bald guy scrached his head as he replied "What if your conning me can I trust you witu just your ID."

Lee smiled and replied, "that is my drivers license I can't drive if I don't have it you can also used it to know were I am and you could do anything to me if we lose, if your still not satisfy I will give you 200,000 pesos if we lose in order for me to redeem that ID."

The fat bald guy isn't full but he is disperate, he also need cash and if he see's any opportunity he doesn't want to let slip so he agreed to Lee's proposal.

"If we win later let us meet at the comport room and you give me the money and my ID is it a deal?." said Lee. The fat bald guy grated his teeth and agreed to Lee's proposal with a nod.

"After our deal I will give you signals were you should place your bet, I assure you. you'll go home with a sweet smile on your face." Lee added.

The fat bald guy was some convince so he smile and said " just make sure that I would not regret our deal." then they shake each others hand.