
My Home-girl, Tsuyu (Tsuyu Lemon X Male Reader)

Ever wanted to get with Tsuyu but not sure where to start? Well here's a story for you as Tsuyu developes as a hero and a love interest!

DartY_NS · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Visiting At Ochako's

Chapter 5: Visiting At Ochako's (but first, let's screw at Tsuyu's)-

Showers of water glistened on our skin and did wonders for her green sheens in her hair as our eyes locked for however long time wanted to depict. After our very sensual moment while naked in the rain, we grabbed our clothes and went inside. Both of us went into the downstairs bathroom to dry off. I playfully dry her big boobs with a towel, which she didn't mind, "I had a feeling you couldn't get enough of these" Tsuyu said, "Same for everywhere else" I suggestively mentioned. I had her sit in my lap (eue) as I dried down her lower abdomen region. "Yo frops.. In case I fuck up and actually got you knocked up.. Got any names?" I asked, "Hmm....Let's trrrrryy.. Kuroki" she answered, "(....It would sound froggy like that)" I remark in my mind.

"I don't think we're ready for a kid yet. We're still in school yknow, even if we made quite a bit of money back there."

"Oh yeah. How much did we make? I kept the money in my pocket."

"I lost track after 10000¥"

"10K?! Why the hell didn't you say shit?!"

"Don't get too excited. It's good to have, but that doesn't mean we can kick back, and let up on our hero duties."

"Yeah, I know.. You heard what Ochako said to me, right?"

"Uh huh, and it's true. I want a boyfriend that's a hero like me."

"It kinda got me thinking.. The things you need to do to actually be heroic. Yeah, there's the basic idea of giving your life and sappy shit like that.. There's also saving others, even evil bastards, which is really hard to do with this other quirk I pretty much have."

"Well moreover, you seem to be getting a bit weaker."

"W-what do you mean?! Like I've seen you train!"

"You don't know that. Anyways..I am sorry I couldn't do much of anything in that last fight..And if it looked like I was gonna croak. For good."

"..Shit!.. These assholes have been getting harder..If she didn't come in..I don't think I could do anything....."

"We just both need to train is all, but you shouldn't be so dependent on this other set of moves you have."

"....You're right. It's actually become a guilty pleasure to use. Seems to be bad in the rain too. Even with the Soul of the Sovereign Beast accelerating my primary quirk's prowess, it looks like I gotta start taking part in advancing it myself."

"And working out."

"Umm, well that's a given, home-girl."

"It's important to expand on both of your quirks. Speaking of that, we should see how strong that primary one is in a few."

"Sure thing, after it stops raining. For now, let's find some clothes and see the outcome on the news."

"Roger, green-thumbs."

Both of us went into my room, putting on some relaxing clothes and walked downstairs to catch the news. Tsuyu sat in my lap as we looked at the TV, with the back of the chair aimed at the monitor. "The extremely aggressive storm turned out to be caused by a very dangerous quirk user, and a portion of the city has taken quite a thrashing. If it weren't for a group of leading, valiant heroes that stopped this young man, who knows what more he could do" the reporter disclosed, "Thinking back on it, I could've done better, but hey, what matters is that he's behind bars" I comment, "Are you saying you'd do better against him now?" she asked, "You kiddin'? Your jaw's gonna drop after you see the man with the plan in action" I answered confidently, "Well you are dubbed 'Force of Nature'. That's something you gotta keep up" Tsuyu adds. "Authorities seem to have trouble with what to do with his little sister, who was deemed accomplice but was forced to help according to interrogation reports. More will be conducted, but she will reside in foster care in the meantime. Though the city's buildings are in a fragile state, there is hope for recovery, and we need our heroes to be out there more than ever" the reporter concludes, "Yeah yeah, I'll make sure not to fuck up and all. Kinda reminds me, wonder what my costume will look like" I said, "Probably will make you just wear a bunch of leaves or something. I have a feeling we'd at least match" she said with a smile, "You're saying that as if we were meant for each other?" I asked with a smirk, "W-well you didn't have to say it like that but.. Sure. It's heading that way throughout this story anyway" she comments while blushing.

"Anyways, doesn't seem like anything bad's happening now. Can we finally pay my parents a visit?" Tsuyu asked, "Double that as a date, and you got a deal" I replied, "Isn't that a given now?" she rhetorically asked. Hopefully we'll be under the radar in the public eye, like most couples. I just wanna enjoy my time with my home-girl for a bit. Almost forgot, gotta change. We go back upstairs, looking into each other's eyes for a sec, wondering who'd change first. "Im not sure what'd Im gonna wear. I guess my school clothes are fine for now" she saying while planning, "There's always getting into something comfy at your place" I suggest, "I do have these pairs of shorts. Haven't wore 'em yet" she lets me know, "Mmmm, sounds pretty good- I mean yeah, you should look great in it" I try to deliver innocently, "I know you're gonna watch anyway. Cant get enough or what?" she said, "Like you're any better?" I said with a short laugh, "Either way, strip down for me and I'll return the favor at my place, k?" she said with a lewd smile and slobbers. Am I starting to have that effect on her now? If so, not quite what I had in mind..... Well we're together, so I shouldn't mind. I turned. Sliding my pants down and taking my shirt off, she slings her tongue at me, making me flinch, "W-what the hell was that?!" I asked, "Hold it" she ordered, wrapping her hands around my whole torso, which I wanted to enjoy but it's kinda hard to when she wants me to stay still. "You need to workout more" Tsuyu comments before backing away, "T-that's what you were checking for?!" I shouted, "Well you do though. Not sure if I can call you 'big guy' anymore" she added, "What ev. I'll work on it after a good meal" I replied while blushing in slight frustration and finishing to dress in a black, button-up shirt with jeans. I peeked back at her afterwards, seeing her already dressed while she was licking her lips slowly as she looks back at me, "W-what's that look for?" I asked, "Just swallowed like 3 flies is all" Tsuyu answered, "Stop doing that shit! Brush your damn teeth! Mouthwash! Anything!" I shouted at her, "Wait outside then" she replied while heading to the restroom.

I waited outside for her to deal with her dental routine..Which I hope she really has. Being in the rain earlier didn't help THAT much. It hit me that night time was starting to approach, "Maybe that date'll wait tomorrow" I said to myself, "Yep. Heard tomorrow's gonna be sunny even" Tsuyu followed, "Yeah it shoul- The hell?! T-that was a bit quick, but let me know next time you're this close!" I shout after jumping back a bit, "Stop panicking so much. Let's make our way there" she says to me, holding my hand as usual. Yeah, like it'd feel out of place if we don't hold hands now. Well on our way to her house, we see a good number of heroes out on patrol and fixing houses that were damaged. No asshole would be dumb enough to pull off stupid shit now. And of course, then there's me. Whoever was passing by sped walked across us, pretty quickly might I add. "Think they're getting jelly of us?" Tsuyu asked while rubbing her head on my arm and looking into my eyes, "Uhh, yeah. Let's go with that" I replied...Unable to look away from such beautiful eyes. "A-anyways, you really know where your house is from here?" I asked, "Nope" she said quickly, "WHAT?! Then what the hell we doin' then?!" I asked loudly, "Mind keeping it down? Never know when these guys are high-strung. *looks ahead* Hey! Do you guys where I live from here?" Tsuyu ends up shouting at a group of good guys, "You can't be serious.." I said, starting to regret coming out aimlessly. "Y-you called lil' missy?" a hero with a big mustache runs up to Tsuyu out of the group, "Do you know where 522-9 is?" she asked, "Uhh...Come again?" he asked back, "I know it's a weird address but it's where I live" she informed, "Hmm..Ah try north and make a right. At the fork, keep going down the road and you should be there" he answered, "Close enough, thanks mustache" Tsuyu thanked, "What do you mean 'Close enough'?! Havent you walked back home before?!" I asked frustratedly, "I always ask these guys for help. Ribbit" she answered. Bet the only thing they've been helping out with is giving her directions e e. At least the streets were well-lit by these light posts. They better know how to get through the whole country by now..Or so I figured.

An hour of following some uncertain heroes who passed by and NOW we get to her place, which I wager was 10 minutes away from my house if we used a GPS...I JUST NOW THOUGHT OF THAT?! Tsuyu then knocks on the door, "Mom! Dad! Im home now with the money" she said, "(Who the hell tells their parents this stuff? How long's it been since you seen them?)" I asked in my head. The door creaks open, and her mom comes out, greeting "Oh you came back so soon? You even brought a handsome friend with you" she comments, "Boyfriend, mom" Tsuyu corrects, "Did you have to let her know so quick?" I asked, "Don't be rude, dude. Say hi to mommy" Tsuyu urged me, "Ahem. Hey Tsuyu's-mom, I've been making some good dough for us with this hero thing. Her old man hurt himself, right?" I ended up asking a bit shyly, "Oh no, he's fine now" said Tsuyu's mom, "Hey, honey. Where'd you put the ramen?" her dad asked from the couch....YOU TELLIN' ME SHE MADE A BIG DEAL OF THAT SHIT FOR NOTHING!? UAGGH! They gotta be almost as weird as her too?! What'd I get myself into...? "Don't you text them or something? Why didn't they tell me about this?" I asked her in a tired manner, "Oh right. I am supposed to do that" she replied with smile, "This is literally killing me..." I said even more tiredly, "Your friend sounds tired. Does he wanna spend the night?" asked Tsuyu's mom, "*sighs* Might as freakin' well" I answered while texting my parents, hanging my arms while heading in with Tsuyu. There was moss practically everywhere, and had some small ponds with lily pads inside. The walls and floors were wood. Honestly smelled like dog-shit. I wanted to get the hell out. "Wanna go to my room?" Tsuyu asked, "Yeah yeah, you lead" I replied, still a bit mentally exhausted. We entered and I see that her bed looked pretty normal...However that works for this type of house.

The two of us sat on the bed together, then she placed her hand on my leg, asking "Can you make that wooden banana for me? I remember you mentioning it", "I-I guess, but man are you always horny or what?" I asked back, "Anything wrong with a normal rate of hormones?" she asked, "(Just don't turn into a nymphomaniac. I know our ethics are crooked but still)" I thought to myself while making the wooden banana. I thought the idea was a joke, but apparently not, and I know where this is going. "Now do some push-ups while I look for my vibrator" Tsuyu abruptly said, "PFFFTT, What the hell?! Then why you got me making this?!" I asked while stunned in surprise, "Im waiting" Tsuyu said to urge me, and I start doing 100 push-ups. During my lil' catch up with my own routine that I was admittedly slacking on, I thought "(...I can't afford for her to keep acting on her own like she has as of late. I gotta tell her)". I waited for her to get done with finding her toy and after I finished my push ups, I stood up.

"Tsuyu..We need to talk"

"What's wrong, dude?"

"Well.. I think we should act more as a team in fights more often. You've been doing you're own thing and..Let's say it only sometimes helps."

"Hmm, yeah. I guess I've been trying to do so much on my own, with me being a hero by myself till you came along."

"Also, tell me what's on your mind more often. You can be too unpredictable for me."

"Oh? Hmm.. I guess that would be a thing since we're together, huh? You got it then, sweetie."


"I've been able to do this other thing recently. Wanna check it out?"

"Go right ahead, Frops."

She made sure she was bottomless, leaned over on the door, bent over, aiming her ass at me, which made me like where this was going.. Then I saw something yellow...and scaly come out the bottom of her shirt. "Umm..Is that really a dino tail?" I asked, "Yup. I don't think I'll ever really become a raptor, so don't be scared" she answers, "Just a lil' something to help your grip on me" she then said while looking back at me, swaying her ass left and right, waiting for my insertion. I gave the tail a bit of tug and Tsuyu moved her cute lil' ass slower, making me want to touch it more. The ring around the hole was pretty puffy too. I hope the weird factor stops there, cuz I dunno how much my already-tainted moral compass can take, but at least this is still Tsuyu Im gonna bang. My now erect member plunges into the morphed anus, which seems to move on it's own bit and throbs around my shaft before settling down, "Eeeerp, geeerp.." she starts to moan as my thingie goes into the depths of her rectum, and I hold her tail with both arms in the process, hugging onto it the more I go deeper. Whoooa, w-why does this feel a bit better than normal anus? Sure does spice it up a bit.

By the time I went balls-deep into her dino-anus, she puts her arms on the door, and her tail was hugging up against my chest. I then decided to go to town on this booty, and she started to moan more, which were really good to my ears. The fun couldn't last too long though, cuz when she squeezed on my rock-hard dick, it actually made me come inside her rather quickly, which she gave a good moan to, then moaned a few more times after I pumped her with my loads of semen into her. The stuffing gushes out of the hole and flies up the tail then on my chest. "Mmmm, that was good to you?" Frops asked while catching her breath, "Y-yeah..Just wish..I didn't climax so fast" I tried replying as her anus kept squeezing me dry, overflowing her hole. Tsuyu reverts her backside, and pulls my softening dong out of her. I fall on the floor from exhaustion and maintaining my vision from the climax.. "(Damn..Hate to say it but..That was good..Even better is that I can take it easy now..)" I thought to myself as Tsuyu crawls on top of me, grinding her privates on me, "Hope you're ready for Round 2" she said while taking her shirt off, "C-can it wait? I need some time to-" she interrupts me while putting her big breasts in my face, "Shhh. Not too loud, ok? But yeah, let's say this 'itch' has been bugging me. I think it's my turn anyway" Tsuyu said to me....I..I think they got bigger..and a bit rounder..I couldn't resist so I helped myself to a mouthful of them, making my erection return. She then precedes to making my penis go inside her pussy, and after our genitals connect, she holds my head, smothering me in her tits. I would've liked this if only this didn't limit my breathing, then she went to town on me this time, dropping her hips on me while her moans fill my ears. It was like she was pounding on me into oblivion, cuz it all faded to black as she kept going faster on me.. Scratch that, it was more like bliss, since it felt too good to stop.

Next thing I knew I was shortly awoke by a kiss as we both lay in her bed, "You came alot this time" Tsuyu said to me happily, "What the..! Dgggerrrr..! Did I really cum in you again?!" I asked in an angry whisper, "Yup" she answers, "Dammit then! We're reaaaaally pushing it as far as me possibly knocking you up" I quietly tell her. "Well that's not gonna happen anytime soon, I mean unless the story really demands for it" Tsuyu says, "Anyways get some rest. We're gonna continue making money for ourselves, k?" Tsuyu added before kissing me and slipping into dreamland. Some woman, huh? I followed since I was pretty tired anyways, practically getting fucked and all.

Morning came, and I was greeted by ray of day's dawn touching my face...As well as something happening in my southern hemisphere. I had to look under the covers and what do you know, Tsuyu was trying to giving a rather random handy, "W-what the hell?! You can stop yknow!" I shouted at her, "You're a heavy sleeper. I was at this for 10 minutes now" Tsuyu said, "Well Im awake now!" I insist but she kept going, "Did you forget what we were talking about yesterday? The hell's the deal?!" I added. Tsuyu then stopped after a moment later, "Just what was that?" I asked, "I was seeing if it'd help me think. It kinda didn't though" she responds, "What the fuck was the point then?! Aaauggh! Ok ok, look let's get back on track and head to...Oh shit, my backpack" I said in realization. "I gotcha, man. I can get it for you if you want" Tsuyu suggests while heading out the window, "Hey, don't go! I...Rather get it together" I said with a hint of shyness, which made Tsuyu look back with a blush, "S-sure thing, sweetie" she replied while closing the window.

"Say, you mentioned how that thing inside you's a 'Soul', right? Tried talking to it?"

"Hmmm..It would've spoken to me by now if that's the case. Maybe Ochako can help since she's trying to get mind-reading down too. Wouldn't looking into someone's mind be the first step?"

"Why ask me? I can't read minds."

"I mean, I just never thought about mind-reading other than yknow, 'Doing' it"

"She could have some better luck from touching you" Tsuyu said, making me actually think some dirty thoughts with a lewd smile growing on my face.

"Yknow what I mean, silly. I'll break up with you for a year if you act funny with her." Tsuyu abruptly adds

"....You can train while we try this mental thing out. I don't want you to slack either. In fact, how do you train?"

"Some push-ups. Some tree-hopping. Some diving. Some gag-reflex exercises."

"...gag-reflex...exercises? What the hell even is that?" I asked while puzzled.

"I made barfing a skill, basically. It wouldn't naturally hold you on that wall like that. I've grown some real good oral and throat muscles."

"I can tell...But what's this 'some' shit? Don't you keep count of your reps?"

"A bit too tedious for me. I rather feel it out."

A split-second glaze at my watch in my pants tells me it's noon, "Holy shit, Frops! We're late for our classes!" I shouted in panic.

"Don't worry, the weekend started yesterday" she said, which made me think. I see the watch's day and it says SAT for Saturday, making me sigh in relief.

"Well damn. Dodged a bullet there. I wanted to see the look on Bakugo's face with that scar I gave him. As well as maybe see what Todoroki's about.. Actually did Bakugo move in 1st period with us?"

"They do seem to be doing things a bit differently this time around."

"I said to myself that you were the only one that interested me out of the bunch in the class. Do you think they might be more lenient about letting more normal students join UA?"

"I like to think it started with Deku."

"What do you mean? Was he a normal student?"

"Yeah, and later he got a quirk. How'd it go for you?"

"It seemed like I was a normal-ass student too..Then they saw that my skin turned green and were like 'We'll give you one more year, or we'll have to drop your hero classes' or some shit."

This made Tsuyu think to herself more than I've ever seen her ponder, "That goes the same for the teachers. I have been seeing quirkless teachers in some classes, but that could be just to separate them from hero classes..Still, I can't shake this change" Tsuyu began hypothesizing.

"Then.. why're you, Deku, Ochako and Bakugo in my classes...?" I asked, "It seems that they're mixing quirk-users in with normies according to conduct, and probably cuz us other heroes are still considered rookies. I'd think that'd be potentially dangerous, cuz what if Bakugo went all-out one day during a class of normies?"

"Wouldn't a teacher with an actual quirk break that up?"

"I guess so" Tsuyu concurs.

"Ya think one of the staff members is a villain?"

"I wouldn't go that far...But.." Tsuyu begins alluding to.

"But what? Something I missed?"

"...There's still the Stain influence."

Stain...Stain....Where've I heard that?

"Who or what do you mean?"

"Well Deku and Todoroki fought this rather infamous crook named Stain, and let's say he made a viral video that gave our society some bad apples. I think it's still up"

"But Frops, it shouldn't! Didn't people flag the hell out of it by now?!"

"I tried personally, but.. I've seen it pop on multiple sites."

It could explain these rather consistent instances and how we have heroes out on the streets kinda casually.. The two of us couldn't help but trying to theorize.

"I've noticed those students that were being jerks to us. In my hero classes, most students were pretty nice to be around. Just thought I'd share that too."

"Seems like we'll have to keep an eye on the staff then. Just when I thought this damn hero thing wouldn't get any more serious."

"Well don't get stressed over it" Tsuyu said while grabbing my hand, "I know where Ochako lives" she adds, "No you don't" I replied, "How'd you know?" she asked, "I just read your mind" I said with a smirk, "Getting better at it too I see" Tsuyu comments. "Speaking of that, I wanted to talk to Ochako for a bit longer so I entered her mind earlier, to get her number. In case you were unfamiliar with your paths around town" I elaborate while dialing Ochako's number, "Oh how clever of you. Is it easier to read minds when talking to folks?" she asked, "Heheh, seems like it" I answered. She picks up.

"This is Ochako, who is it?"

"It's me."

"And who'd be this "me" Im speaking to?"

"Yknow, the coolest badass you met at lunch. The 'Force Of Nature'. Ring any bells?"

"Oh hey it's you!.....B-but how'd you get my number?!"

".....(I wished I thought about this situation) Well uuuh..Long-Story-Short, my mind-reading's that good. I'll tell you more when I come over."

"It's the weekend so sure thing, buddy."


"Also you didn't look that 'badass' when I arrived on the scene to save you two."

"Girl whatever, you know it was a team-effort."

"If you say so, hmmhmmhmm. Well see you here soon."

"Text me your address and we'll get going."

"You got it!"

....If I didn't meet Tsuyu...Nah, I'd still prefer Tsuyu over her..Dont mind a bit of a three-way with 'em though. Dirty thoughts aside, "Alright, we're going to her house. She'll give me the coordinates there too" I said, "Right behind you" Tsuyu said while dressed in a tank-top and some shorts, I put my clothes back on, and she walked outside with me. "Wait, so how'll you get there? You never been there before" Tsuyu brought up, "(There's also my GPS but that'd be too easy for me) Heh, if you thought what you saw was all my quirk could do, you should check this out" I said confidently, then amassed my green organic matter to my arm, and sent out my creatures, which resembled moths this time. "What you have in mind now?" Frops asked, "To help me practice my capabilities of mind-reading, Im gonna track down her house by also seeing what they see" I explain as the lil' seekers scatter about the city, looking for Ochako through a window, and buildings, looking for her address. It's hazy, but Im able to map out the city with multiple views and angles of the area. "Is that actually working?" Tsuyu asked, "Kinda. I can even feel the breezes, as if I have wings as well. Hmm? I think I see her. Practicing with her zero-grav" I said while answering, "*sees my eyes becoming gray* Well that's good and all, but how're we gonna get there if you can't see where we are?" she asks, "Huh?...Dammit, my vision's gone to shit! I don't know where you are even!" I yelled in frustration, looking around but everything is whited out. Tsuyu then holds my hands, "I'll be you're see-n-eye gal. Just lead from where we are, k?" she plots with me, "Hey yeah, that'll work! Just make sure I don't get ran over or walk into a pole" I said with some concern, "Well that's what my job is for now" she says while walking around with me. Flying through the skies like this...It's so soothing.....

"Whenever you wanna wake up" Tsuyu says as she shakes me around, "Oh sorry. Got a bit too laxed there. Anyways, down this street" I said as we walked down the paths, which became populated with my mothy critters and multiplied to help guide us. "Ouch! The hell was that?!" I shouted while holding my head, "Hmm? What happened?" said my froggy partner, "I think that some assholes are starting to kill a few of them. Gotta make this quick cuz Im...starting to feel their pain" I explained, followed with a few grunts but kept leading the way. Several minutes of traveling and a number of migraines later, we arrived at Ochako's house, which was a pretty nice place... I mean, coming from Tsuyu's, I can say that just about any normal house. My eyesight comes back in no time after letting go of the moths' sustainability. I knock on the door, hearing a "Who is it?", "It's Force of Nature, who else would it be?" I replied, "Well you never know, but hey there...You...Found my place kinda fast" she said with a stiff happy face after opening the door, "Well let me in and I'll tell you about it" I said before she lets us in. "You came at a good time. My parents are out for now, and I don't know how'd they feel about....Her" Ochako informs, "So, I used my quirk to make moths along with my mind-reading skills to track where your house was through their eyes. However all this mind-hopping did a number on my eyes, but Im alright now" I elaborate, "You really are doing alot with your quirk, and that's great! But wait...I saw you do something else..It was a light sword or something" Ochako tries to recall, "(Shit! I forgot that she saw it! What do I do now?! Auugh, I'll jus-)" Just before I complete my thought, Tsuyu asks "Can you keep a secret?", "Huh? I-is it bad or something?" Ochako asked. "Depending on...Ok, it sorta is, but let's say he picked up another quirk that's pretty dangerous to use" Tsuyu tries to explain, "No one just 'picks up' a quirk. It's something you're born with" Ochako starts to argue, "I know but.. This is an exception, and he's been doing a good job at mastering it so far" Tsuyu says in my defense, "You saw what I can do. I really could've killed him there, but Im trying to be a hero after all. So I came here to work on my primary quirk, with you, 'Uravity' " I followed, slightly surprising Ochako, asking "H-how'd you know my hero name?!", "Mind-reading. It can come in handy" I answer. "With that outta the way, we goin' in your room or what?" I asked, "Ok ok, follow me" Ochako said as we went upstairs with her. Ignoring the temptation of looking up her ass, we shortly arrive in her room.

She closes the door and says "Welcome to my room! Don't mess with anything please". "Hey, what's with your hands? They got some bulge to 'em" I asked, "Well yeah, that's just a side-effect of my quirk, or at least as far as I know" she replied, "Maybe that's what Tsuyu meant. You said you were trying this mind-reading thing out yourself, right? How do you do it?" I asked, "Well, I just do this and..." Ochako says while pressing her fingers on my head, slowly entering my mind, which was a rather comforting experience. As my mind faded, I looked back at Tsuyu, who was chilling on Ochako's bed, waiting for our session to be done. The two of us were able to see near-astral versions of ourselves in each other's minds, as the surrounding was a constant swirl of darkness and pink..I got a feeling I know who's who's on that. "Can you see and hear me?" she asked from a distance as we're both floating in space, "Yeah, but how the hell do we move around in here?" I asked, and she was puzzled for a moment then tries to swim over to me, which sorta works. "Heheh, you wanna get close to me that bad?" I teasingly asked, "N-no! I wanna be in talking distance, ok?" she replied. What's odd is that I can't read her mind even though Im inside it. Maybe my own thoughts are blocking the way? Then a few pictures of Ochako in the nude appear behind her, 'Huh? What're you looking at?" she asked, "N-nothing at all! Don't worry about it" I nervously replied, "If you insist. Anyways, well? Can you read my thoughts yet?" she asked, still trying to get closer. I concentrate, and when she got a good meter in distance from me, I can see a few thoughts, "Ok...You're thinking about...When to keep training...Fitting in time to wank..and your feelings for Dek-" I was gonna finish but she interrupts me, "Ok ok, You're good at this! L-let me at least try it on you" she nervously said. She came within a few feet away from me before she could focus, closing her eyes. I started to see that the more she got into it, the more she started to appear naked, which was appeasing my "Dragon" in my subconscious being...Then my hand tried to cop a feel at her breasts to see if she really could feel.. Wow these feel a bit bigger than they look, but after a moment of caressing them, she punches me away, "Yes I can feel in this state! And no, that doesn't mean you can just feel my up!" Ochako yelled, slapping me away, covering her goodies, looking pissed. Hmm...I think I got an idea. I put her hands on my head, "W-what's the big idea?" she asked, "Got anything now?" I asked back. "...Im getting something...Of course, your dirty thoughts about me!" Ochako complained, which I laughed off, but then I realized...OH SHIT! MY MEMORIES! "...You....You...D-did it with her?! Eeeeewwww, gross, gross gross!" she said while flailing away from me, "You should've saw it coming honestly" I respond, rolling my eyes. She hid her face from me.. I can't tell what she's thinking if that happens? "So....W-what was...That like...?" She asked out of curiosity, "Maybe I'll tell after letting me feel that booty" I teasingly offered with a smirk, "In your dreams, YOU PERV!" Ochako shouted while giving me a big slap, making me flip away from her, making me hold my cheeks, and grunt in pain. Since when the hell did she have a good arm on her?!

"FOOLS!" we both heard shouting in the distance, making us turn around, seeing a very grimace-looking beast, bearing giant fangs and staring at us with it's huge red eyes towering over us, which seemed like I was staring back into an abyss of death...Was..This power coming from him? I must've truly used a fraction of it's power, and the realization brought a devious smile to my face. "EXIT NOW" he ordered. "W-w-wait w-w-who're you?!" she tried to ask, "DO NOT MEDDLE IN MY MATTERS. NOW BEGONE!" he shouted, making everything fade to black, taking us back to reality. So that's what he's like...Soul of the Sovereign Beast...I'll come back to this.

Tsuyu was practicing her tongue strikes while looking at the ceiling, eyes wandering off into the window, where she sees a slow-moving fortress approaching the shores. "(Oh no...S-should I tell him about this? That's weird how I didn't see something like it before)" she thought to herself, and crawls up to me. Right when Tsuyu was gonna shake me into consciousness, she took another look outside, no longer seeing the flying threat anymore, making her sit beside me. "Was I imagining that? If anything, his friend must've seen it since it's about 2pm now, so we should ask her asap. After we leave here, that is" she plots to herself. As I come back to reality, I feel Tsuyu's tongue licking my face up and down like a lollipop, "Ok ok ok, I'm up, dammit!" I yelled, making her stop.....Admittedly I did like that. Ochako stretches her arms, coming back a minute after me, "Aaaah, that was a nice trip! Well, except at the end there" she comments, "So, think you can read minds like my nature-boy here?" Tsuyu asked, "(Nature-boy? Really?)" I mock internally, "Only one way to find out" she replies. Ochako puts her fingers to her head, throwing her mind to Tsuyu's, "...Im only getting 'ribbits' from you.." she says, "Best to stop there" Tsuyu warns, "Y-y-yeah, don't want you finding any disturbing secrets" I followed, "(you can say that again. Not just for THAT reason)" Tsuyu thinks to herself, "And who knows. Maybe you'll be able to use it casually like me" I commented confidently, "(I...sorta have)" Ochako thinks to herself, sweating alot but slaps herself to keep her from those memories. "Watch, I'll be able to do it with no problem by tomorrow!" Ochako says competitively as Tsuyu jitters her leg, "Hey nature-boy, we were gonna go to the mall, right?" Tsuyu asked quickly, "I don't rememb-" I tried to say in my defense but she drags me out of the room at break-neck speed with her tongue wrapped around me, "Later Urav" she said before leaving the house. "Hey! W-what's the big idea, home-girl?! Where's the fire, huh?!" I asked as she locked the door, "While you two were in lala land, I saw something..." she answered, "And that would be?" I asked, "Your boner" she said, "I-i-it's not what you think! I-I was just...yknow...Sometimes I can't help it if she's a lil hot and was that close..." I tried to explain in my defense, "Guess that means your tank's not empty for the day, but don't worry. I'll fix that when we get back to my place" she replies, "Uuuuh you mean my place" I suggested aggressively, "That's fine too" she comments. "(Telling him tomorrow wouldn't be so bad. For now, I just wanna enjoy my time with him. Besides, it's the weekend)" she thinks.

"But you said we should head to the mall, right? Not a bad idea since we earned some bank! but I was thinking more of a supermarket."

"Sure thing. I suggested cuz I rushed a bit, so sorry about that. Your place really needs the food."

"Heheh, happy you understand."

"It's a date then", she said with a smile.

"You know it, home-girl", I said with a smile back.

"Can you call me that when we're actually home?" she asked with a snicker.

"Ok then, Frops"

She giggles at me, then precedes to holding my arm as we made our way to get some food. I couldn't help but be happy that nothing went down and that I got the hottest girl on block on me like this. The fact that she's still living with me is a big plus too. I'd kill to see the look on Bakugo's and that Tetsu-tard's face at this. "Hope no one breaks this momen-" I thought to myself as a mugger comes in contact with us. "Can you leave?" I asked, "After I get some money offa ya!" he yelled, "Im tellin' ya, man. You're small time to me" I warned, "Wise guy, eh? I'll show ya what I do to wise guys!" he yelled while rushing in with his knife, "(He's not gonna use that move again, is he?)" Tsuyu thought to herself, then I shift her on my other side, showing a bulky stem come out of the ground behind me, aiming at the guy. He stops from the sight of it, "W-what the hell's that gonna d-" he tried to ask but got KO'd by a few rocks to the face that the plant shot from the ground. "Oh wow. You're actually working on your primary quirk" Tsuyu said with a smile, "Didn't even lift a finger" I said confidently, "Is that your hint to the readers about what you can do?" she asked, "You can stop that, we got a supermarket to get to" I replied. As we walked to the place, All-Might was staring on high, from a building, thinking "(What a very odd couple...of Heroes that is! I can't wait for the day to come, where I can see what he's got. It may be sooner than I think, judging from his prowess)" and laughs to himself, looking forward to actually meeting me.

Chapter 6 is out now, readers! Read that shit too! ^u-