
My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)

Kazuki was once a mere vessel for his dying father's ambitions, but after confronting and defeating him, he's left lost and alone, searching for his true calling. Along the way, he meets a myriad of people who become dear to him, and he discovers his passion for heroism, ultimately finding his place in the world. Just to clarify, I want to make it clear that I do not own the rights to MHA or any of its characters except for my original characters. I am simply a fan who enjoys creating content based on the MHA universe. And I want to clarify that I am uncertain about the source of the picture I used in my content. I may have found it on YouTube as part of a type beat or on Google. If you are the owner of the picture and would like me to remove it, please let me know and I will take it down immediately.

JahCuttinBoard · Komik
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13 Chs

Chapter 7. Ragnarok

As he closed in on Father, Kazuki launched another punch, aiming for his opponent's face. However, Father was ready and expertly blocked the attack with his 'Dark Limbs'. In a blur of movement, the limbs vanished and reappeared all around him, forcing Kazuki to increase the speed and ferocity of his strikes. Each punch carried with it a powerful shockwave, causing the ground beneath Father to crumble and the nearby trees to be blasted away. The air was filled with the sound of thunderous impacts as the two combatants clashed, their movements too fast for the human eye to follow.

Despite the overwhelming force of his opponent's attacks, Father remained calm and collected. He knew that his mastery of the 'Dark Limbs' gave him a distinct advantage in close combat, and he used this knowledge to deflect each blow with ease. As the fight continued, it became clear that neither fighter was willing to back down. Their determination was matched only by their skill, and it was impossible to predict who would emerge victorious from this fierce battle.

Father's aggression was palpable as he unleashed a barrage of punches, his 'Dark Limbs' forming fists and striking out at Kazuki with relentless force. But despite his best efforts, the strength of his blows paled in comparison to the raw power of Kazuki's punches. Each time their fists met in a clash of titanic force, Father's black fists were instantly shattered, the sheer difference in strength between the two combatants made all too clear. Despite this setback, Father refused to back down. He knew that his mastery of the 'Dark Limbs' gave him an advantage in close combat, and he was determined to use this to his advantage. With renewed intensity, he continued to push forward, striking out with increasing speed and ferocity.

Kazuki, for his part, remained focused and composed. He knew that he had the upper hand in this fight and was determined to see it through to the end. With each blow, he drew upon his immense power, striking with a precision and force that left Father reeling. As the battle raged on, it became clear that only one of them would emerge victorious. The tension in the air was palpable as the two combatants continued to clash, their fists colliding with explosive force as they fought for supremacy.

Father, recognizing that his physical attacks were no match for Kazuki's overwhelming strength, decided to retreat his 'Black Limbs' into his back. Instead, he began to utilize his other quirks, including his devastating 'Laser Gaze'. With his eyes fixed intently on Kazuki, Father unleashed a powerful laser beam, forcing Kazuki to retreat and evade his attacks. Moving at lightning speed, Kazuki darted around Father, using his incredible agility to avoid the barrage of laser beams that were fired towards him. Despite the incredible pressure that Father was putting on him, Kazuki remained calm and composed. He knew that he had to stay focused if he wanted to emerge victorious from this intense battle. With each passing moment, his determination grew stronger, and he continued to dodge an evade Father's attacks with grace and skill.

To keep some distance between them, Father activated his 'Earth Riser' quirk, creating multiple earth spikes. Seeing that nothing was connecting, he pour more energy into his attacks, causing the spikes to grow to the size of trees. Maneuvering around the gigantic spikes, Kazuki threw another punch, this time connecting with Father's chest. The impact sent father flying backwards, crashing through many trees before finally landing on his feet. "I didn't calculate any resistance towards me, but it's all futile," Father said. He knew that his time was limited before his body would start to deteriorate, so he activated another quirk. "Well, this may be unexpected, but it doesn't matter. Let me show you the prototype of your quirk," he said.

As he spoke, his body increased in size, and a dark blue energy wrapped around him. "This quirk is called Authority," he declared. Dashing towards each other, Kazuki and Father sent multiple punches flying back and forth. They dodged and parried each attack with lightning-fast reflexes, creating shockwaves with every punch. As the intense battle continued, Father started to taunt Kazuki. "Well, where's that spirit you gained in the beginning, huh?" However, Kazuki didn't show any changes on his face. He didn't see Father as an opponent, but rather as a mountain to climb. To climb this mountain, he needed to continuously move forward and keep attacking. His passive 'Endurance' quirk allowed him to keep his stamina up, and he showed no signs of stopping as he relentlessly pressed on.

Father noticed that Kazuki was relenting and not slowing down. He started to increase his strength using his 'Authority' quirk, but he felt the backlash more than anything else. He began coughing up blood and straining his muscles to keep up with Kazuki's attacks. As they landed their last punches, it was evident who was going to emerge victorious. As they retreated backwards, Father and Kazuki locked eyes. Kazuki showed no emotion, but Father's face displayed a range of emotions. With determination etched on his face, Father poured the last of his strength into his left arm.

Meanwhile, Kazuki tapped into his 'Overdrive' quirk's 'Power 2' aspect and channeled 10% of his raw power into his left arm, causing red vein-like lines to stretch all over it. The tension in the air was palpable as they both prepared to deliver the final blow. With fierce determination in their eyes, Father and Kazuki charged each other and threw their final punch. The impact was so powerful that it created a devastating shockwave, blasting them both far away. Kazuki crashed into a nearby mountain while Father was sent flying into multiple trees before landing hard on the ground.

Feeling weak and disoriented, Father slowly looked to his left and realized he couldn't feel his arm. Shockingly, he discovered that it had been obliterated, leaving him with an open wound and only his tricep and upper arm remaining. Coughing up blood, Father wondered to himself, 'Why? Why did my plan fail? Why couldn't I defeat him? What did that blob do to his quirk? I need my revenge.' Killer intent emanated from Father as he slowly got up, using his 'Pyro Burst' quirk to burn his open wound and turn it into a stump. Meanwhile, Kazuki was in better condition thanks to his passive quirks – 'Super Regeneration' and 'Endurance' – which helped him regenerate his destroyed right arm.

Kazuki slowly got up and jumped from the mountain, he and Father locked eyes. Kazuki knew that Father had no more strength to fight him. Suddenly, he spoke up, his vice emotionless as always, "What's the reason behind making me and this quirk?" Father replied, "Why does that matter now? We both know I have little time left." Kazuki persisted, "If you were being used, wouldn't you want to know the reason?" Father sighed before answering , "I used to be part of a villain group, full of people that could destroy the world. One of the people was called All For One. We used to be best friends, fighting many battles against heroes. When he destroyed the group, he also stole my quirk and left me with a disease that slowly deteriorates my body. No healing or gene-altering quirk worked on me, so I was left with one option: To create a new body. I acquired the quirk 'Leeway' which allowed me to transfer my consciousness into another body, or just control the body."

Kazuki gazed at Father and spoke with conviction, "Your tyranny is over, father. I am leaving here and never looking back." With a swift movement, he vanished and reappeared in front of Father, his fist ready to strike. Kazuki delivered a punch that pierced through Father's chest. Pulling back his hand, he watched as Father fell back, gurgling on his own blood. He saw the life slowly fade from the man's eyes. Kazuki knelt down and closed Father's eyes, offering him some semblance of peace in death. Getting up, Kazuki walked towards Yami's lifeless body and knelt down beside him. He spoke with a tinge of desperation in his voice, "Yami, sensei, please wake up."

Tears silently streamed down Kazuki's face as he struggled to accept Yami's death. Suddenly, Yami began to cough weakly and opened his eyes. Kazuki was shocked and relieved at the same time. Yami weakly moved his hand towards Kazuki's face and spoke "Son, it's alright." Overjoyed, Kazuki went in for a hug, but it was too rough, causing Yami to scream in pain. Kazuki quickly released him and apologized. Yami reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, placing it in Kazuki's hand. He then held onto it and spoke again, "I'm not going to make it, but there will be a man waiting at the eastern end of the island with a boat. He will take you to Japan, find my granddaughter and hand her this note she'll understand everything." His voice was hoarse and weak. Looking at Yami, Kazuki knew that there was no point in defying his orders, and listened to the rest of his instructions.

As Yami lay dying, memories of his past flooded his mind. He thought of the years he spent as an emotionless killer, of the emptiness that consumed him. But he also thought of Kazuki, the young boy who had become like a son to him. Yami smiled, knowing that Kazuki would create a legacy, that he would escape this hellhole of an island and live a better life. And with that thought, Yami closed his eyes for the final time.

After Yami passed away, Kazuki followed his directions and headed towards the eastern side of the island. There, he met a man named Tokuda Takesi, who was a friend of Yami's. Takesi was around seventy-years-old and had the quirk 'Aqua Cast' which let him manipulate water, making him a skilled fisherman. As Kazuki looked back on Yami's words, he recalled, "Kazuki, leave this place and become your own person. Live with your own purpose, not as someone else's puppet or tool, but as you. We took that away from you, and for that, I'm sorry. Please promise this old man that you'll live for yourself and those dear to you." Those were Yami's last words, and they made Kazuki think deeply. Interrupting Kazuki's thoughts, Takesi patted him on the shoulder and said happily, "We're here."