
My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)

Kazuki was once a mere vessel for his dying father's ambitions, but after confronting and defeating him, he's left lost and alone, searching for his true calling. Along the way, he meets a myriad of people who become dear to him, and he discovers his passion for heroism, ultimately finding his place in the world. Just to clarify, I want to make it clear that I do not own the rights to MHA or any of its characters except for my original characters. I am simply a fan who enjoys creating content based on the MHA universe. And I want to clarify that I am uncertain about the source of the picture I used in my content. I may have found it on YouTube as part of a type beat or on Google. If you are the owner of the picture and would like me to remove it, please let me know and I will take it down immediately.

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13 Chs

Chapter 2. The Beginning Of The End Part 1

On a remote island, hidden from the rest of the world, and control by a secret organization that sought to exploit the unique abilities possessed by individuals with quirks. The island was dominated by a massive black building, called the Ward, which housed the training facility for the organization's elite agents.

There stood a boy in a white shirt and black shorts, with raven black hair , and red eyes, was one of the many test subjects on the island. The grey device around his wrist was a restraint that prevented him from using his quirk. It also designed to train his body to withstand the intense physical strain that came with harnessing his quirk's power. Kazuki always wore the device, even during his training sessions with Yami.

"Come at me, Kazuki," Yami said with a confident smirk. Kazuki readied himself, his bare feet gripping the ground beneath him. He knew he had to be quick if he wanted to land a hit on his sensei. With lightning-fast reflexes, Kazuki dashed forward, unsheathing his sword with a swift motion. Yami sidestepped his attack with ease, but Kazuki was not deterred. He kept moving, slashing at this opponent with each step.

Yami's movements were calculated and precise, his posture unwavering as he evaded every attack. Kazuki was starting to tire, his breathing becoming more ragged with each passing moment. "Slash," Yami said as he swung his sword through the air, slicing through Kazuki's attack and sending him tumbling to the ground. Kazuki picked himself up, brushing off the dirt from his clothes. He knew he had a long way before he could match Yami's skill. They kept going for what seemed like hours.

Yami was an experienced warrior, mentor and sensei to Kazuki. He had been training Kazuki for months, preparing him to become a formidable fighter. Yami's greyish-purple hair and dark eyes contrasted with his black attire, giving him an imposing presence. The training session was intense, and both Yami and Kazuki showed no sighs of giving up. The boy's speed and agility were impressive, but he lacked the strength and experience to defeat his mentor. Yami's quirk, Slash, allowed him to cut through anything with a single stroke. The sound of the air being sliced by Yami's sword was a familiar one to Kazuki, who had heard it before, instantly knew he had lost.

Despite his exhaustion when crashing to the ground, Kazuki got up. He knew that his only choice was to get up. After their long training Yami and Kazuki made it back to the Ward, Yami headed towards the other way, whereas Kazuki headed towards the training facility where he resumed his training in the gravity chamber. As Kazuki worked to improve his endurance and strength, "What do you think?" asked Dave, looking at Yami expectantly. "What do you mean?" Yami replied, a confused look on his face. "The kid, dumbass. What do you think about the kid being strong enough to escape this place?" Dave snapped, annoyance evident in his tone. Yami sighed, "Not yet. Although he can quickly come up with counterattacks to all my attacks, his body isn't fully synced in yet, especially with that quirk of his. He isn't ready" Dave nodded in understanding but then his expression turned serious, "Shit, man. I've been here for 7 years, and every day is worse. More of the staff are being sacrificed, and worst of all, what if they come after me? Although my quirk can fend off most of these scumbags, ill succumb too." Yami put a reassuring hand on Dave's shoulder, "Don't worry, well get out of here."

Kazuki trained his body relentlessly in the gravity chamber until he could barely stand. After a much-needed 20-minute bath, he headed towards the laboratory, where he received his mandatory injections. As he was walking out, Dr. 0020 entered and saw the boy before him.

An indescribable amount of joy overcame the doctor – not the kind of affection one would have for a human being, but rather pride one would feel for creating a highly profitable product, like a prized possession. He stood infront of Kazuki, grabbing him by his shoulders, speaking in a menacingly sadistic tone, while letting out little giggles along the way.

"Boy I expect great things from you, Vessel 2." Dr. 0020 said, a twisted smile spreading across his face. Kazuki's innocent face showed confusion, not understanding what the doctor meant. Dr. 0020 expression turned dark, and he quickly made Kazuki understand. "Because if you don't deliver, the most horrendous torturing techniques will befall upon you, little boy," he whispered slowly into Kazuki's ear.

Kazuki shuddered in fear as the doctor stood up straight and walked away, leaving him to listen to the voice of Dr. 0020 echoing inside his head. It was a truly evil and haunting moment.