
My hero academia: magneto(on hiatus)

I got killed, I met God, God gave me some wishes Now I am in my hero academia truly bad at summery, so just give it a chance, please also disclaimer. all of the characters are owned by the someone whoose name i don't remember right now expect my own characters

Edgelord666 · Komik
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17 Chs

Just telling about electromagnetic spectrum and it's applications


Electromagnetic spectrum Manipulation

Also Called

Electromagnetic Radiation Manipulation

Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation

Electromagnetic Wave Manipulation


Radiant Energy Manipulation


User can create, shape and manipulate electromagnetic spectrum, the range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, which in order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength, consists of radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays , cosmic rays and gamma rays. Manipulation of other forms of energy include; Gravitons, Terahertz radiation and Zero Point energy.


Beta Radiation Manipulation

Cosmic Radiation Manipulation

Gamma Radiation Manipulation

Infrared Radiation Manipulation

Ionic Manipulation

Ionic Radiation Manipulation

Light Manipulation

Microwave Manipulation

Optical Phenomena Manipulation

Plasma Manipulation

Plasma Radiation Manipulation

Radiation Manipulation

Radio Manipulation

Scalar Wave Manipulation

Solar Energy Manipulation

Stellar Energy Manipulation

Ultraviolet Manipulation

X-Radiation Manipulation

Zero-Point Energy Manipulation


Electromagnetokinetic Combat

Electromagnetic Wave Physiology

Electromagnetic Vision

Electromagnetism Empowerment

Electromagnetism Generation

Gamma Vision

Infrared Perception

Quasar Creation


Warp Wave Manipulation


Aurora Manipulation

Charged Particles Manipulation

Color Manipulation

Cosmic Manipulation

Electromagnetism Manipulation

Energy Manipulation

Gravity Manipulation

Gravitational Wave Manipulation

Kinetic Energy Manipulation

Natural Energy Manipulation

Plasma Manipulation

Radiation Manipulation

Range Manipulation

Solar Manipulation

Stellar Manipulation

Quark Manipulation

Weather Manipulation


May be unable to create electromagnetic energy, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

May be limited to amount of energy a person can hold in themselves

Massive massive info dump.

Electromagnetic spectrum


Manipulate beta radiation.

The ability to manipulate beta radiation. Sub-power of EM Spectrum Manipulation. Variation of Radiation Manipulation.

Also Called

Beta Particle/Ray Manipulation


User can create, shape and manipulate beta radiation, a high-energy, high-speed electron or positron emitted by the radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus during the process of beta decay, which is lethal to living beings in large doses due to its ionization of radiation.


Atomic Dissociation

Beta Radiation Attacks

Create/generate beta radiation.

Beta Radiation Immunity

Energized Body


Beta Radiation Constructs

Bodily Aspect Enhancement

Energy Matter Manipulation

Energy Transduction

Manipulate the properties of beta radiation.

Move/lift beta radiation.

Elemental Flight using beta radiation.

Matter Surfing using beta radiation.

Nuclear Explosion Inducement

Selective Damage: beta radiation can be used to destroy what one wants.


Useless against lead, iron, and concrete.

Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

May be unable to create radiation, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

May be constantly active.

May take time to learn control.

Must be careful when using this ability.

May be limited on how much or type of radiation they can control.

2. Cosmic energy manuplation


User can create, shape and manipulate cosmic energy that's drawn from stars, planets, galaxies, etc.


Adaptive Energy

Cosmic Attacks

Cosmic Constructs

Cosmic Energy Absorption

Cosmic Radiation Generation

Cosmological Force Manipulation

Manipulate the properties of cosmic energy.

Move/lift cosmic energy.

Flight/Interstellar Travel using cosmic energy.

3. Gama radiation manuplation


User can create, shape and manipulate gamma radiation, one of the weakest and strongest electromagnetic radiation types in existence, which is lethal to living beings in large doses due to its ionization of radiation. Gamma rays are the highest-energy form of light, and pack at least 10,000 times more energy than a visible light ray.

Shown to be a good example of weak force interaction, gamma rays can generate matter from energy, being powerful enough to actually create matter. This is because, as Einstein's formula E = mc2 explains, energy can get converted to matter, and vice versa. Extraordinarily high-energy gamma rays, such as ones from black holes, can yield pairs of electrons and their antimatter counterparts, known as positrons, often creating an amalgamation of both.

When used properly, they can also effect healing and medicinal appliance.


Atomic Dissociation

Create/generate gamma radiation.

Energized Body


Bodily Aspect Enhancement

Gamma Radiation Constructs

Energy Matter Manipulation

Energy Transduction: while a weaker radiation, gamma radiation can create it's own matter and energy

Gamma Radiation Attacks

Gamma Vision

Gamma Radiation Immunity

Manipulate the properties of gamma radiation.

Move/lift gamma radiation.

Elemental Flight using gamma radiation.

Matter Surfing using gamma radiation.

Nuclear Explosion Inducement

Selective Damage: gamma radiation can be used to destroy what one wants.


Useless against lead, iron, and concrete.

Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

May be unable to create radiation, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

May be constantly active.

May take time to learn control.

Must be careful when using this ability.

May be limited on how much or type of radiation they can control.

4. Infrared manuplation


User can create, shape and manipulate infrared radiation, electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between visible light and terahertz radiation. Invisible to the naked eye as they have longer wavelengths than those of visible light, it carries radiant energy and often behaves both as a wave and a photon.

Infrared radiation makes up slightly more than half of the total energy emitted from the Sun reaching towards Earth, through a delicate balance between absorbed and emitted infrared radiation, it can have critical effects on Earth's climate change. An effect which is modulated through the emitted or absorbed amount between the molecules when they change their rotational-vibrational movements as they make planet side. Exciting vibrational modes in a molecule through a change in the dipole moment, making it a useful frequency range for study of these energy states for molecules of the proper symmetry.

IF radiation is often made use both in supplementary and military application. Such as target acquisition, surveillance, night vision, homing, and tracking. Non-military uses include thermal efficiency analysis, environmental monitoring, industrial facility inspections, detection of grow-ops, remote temperature sensing, short-range wireless communication, spectroscopy, and weather forecasting.


Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.

Long-term use may cause various Health Hazards.

May be unable to create IR Waves, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

May not be immune to their own ability

5. Ionic. Manuplation


User can create, shape and manipulate Ions, atoms in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving the atom a net positive or negative electrical charge. Ions can be created by both chemical and physical means. In chemical terms, if a neutral atom loses one or more electrons, it has a net positive charge and is known as a cation. If an atom gains electrons, it has a net negative charge and is known as an anion.

Ions in their gas-like state are highly reactive, and do not occur in large amounts on Earth, except in flames, lightning, electrical sparks, and other plasmas. These gas-like ions rapidly interact with ions of opposite charge to give neutral molecules or ionic salts. Ions are also produced in the liquid or solid state when salts interact with solvents (for example, water) to produce "solvated ions," which are more stable, for reasons involving a combination of energy and entropy changes as the ions move away from each other to interact with the liquid. These stabilized species are more commonly found in the environment at low temperatures. A common example is the ions present in seawater, which are derived from the dissolved salts.

May be unable to create ions, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.

May be limited to creating either anions or cations.

6. Ionic radiation manuplation

User can create, shape and manipulate ionic radioactive energy, highly concentrated low frequency cosmic energy of heavily ionized particles. They are generated when Radiation has energy to liberate electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby ionizing them. Being made up of energetic subatomic particles, ions or atoms moving at high speeds (usually greater than 1% of the speed of light), and electromagnetic waves on the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Radioactive isotopes such as Gamma, X-Ray or higher tier UV rays are considered Ionizing Ray forms whereas the lower tier ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum, including visible light (including nearly all types of laser light), infrared, microwaves, and radio waves are considered non-ionizing radiation's. The boundary between ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation that occurs in the ultraviolet is not sharply defined, as different molecules and atoms ionize at different energies.

Many Ionizing Rays are caused due to products of radioactive decay constantly ionizing because the energy of radioactive decay is typically far higher than that required to ionize. Such examples of it include the typical ionizing subatomic particle radioactivity; those particles being alpha particles, beta particles and neutrons. Other particle types range to muons, mesons, positrons, and other particles that constitute the secondary cosmic rays that are produced after primary cosmic rays interacting with Earth's atmosphere. Due to this unstable nature of Ionic Rays and they're celestial affiliation, any number of implausibilities can occur under its effects. Such as the negative effect on body & mind causing unnatural mutations and transformations in effected hosts.


Ionic rays are hard to maintain and incredibly volatile.

Proper control requires death & revival to stabilize.

May be unable to create Ionic Rays, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

Dispersal of Ionic Energy can be fatal.

Energy leakage may effect the users mental state.

Vulnerable to Anionic energies.

Unprotected exposure to Ionic Rays can cause rapid aging.

Vulnerable to Energy Absorption

7. Light manuplation

Visible Radiation Manipulation


The user can create, shape and manipulate visible light, commonly referred to as light, is electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, and is responsible for the sense of sight.

Primary properties of visible light are intensity, propagation direction, frequency or wavelength spectrum, and polarization, while its speed in a vacuum (299,792,458 meters per second/186,000 MPS) is one of the fundamental constants of nature. Visible light, as with all types of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), is experimentally found to always move at this speed in a vacuum.

In common with all types of EMR, visible light is emitted and absorbed in tiny "packets" called photons and exhibits properties of both waves and particles. This property is referred to as the wave–particle duality. The study of light, known as optics, is an important research area in modern physics.

Limitations .

Photokinetic Immunity

May be unable to create light, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

Distance, energy mass, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

Users light is affected by everything that all light is, unless they are powerful/skilled enough to overcome these limits:

Glass Manipulation and/or Reflection Manipulation bounces back by a reflective surface.

Gravity Manipulation bends light.

No matter how powerful the light is, it will pass through anything completely transparent.

Could be overwhelmed by Darkness Manipulation.

Since light is a constantly existing element, the user will have to keep any light constructs in check to keep them from going on forever.

Weak against Light Boundary/Light Absorption.

8. Microwave manuplation

User can create, shape and manipulate microwaves, a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between radio waves and infrared radiation. They are the principal carriers of television, telephone, and data transmissions between stations on Earth and between the Earth and satellites.

Radar beams are short pulses of microwaves used to locate ships and planes, track weather systems, and determine the speeds of moving objects. Microwaves are absorbed by water and fat in foodstuffs and produce heat from the inside (microwave oven). Materials such as glass and ceramics do not absorb microwaves, and metals reflect them.


Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.

Long-term use may cause various health-risks.

May be unable to create microwaves, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

May not be immune to their own ability

9. Optical phenomena manuplation

User can create, shape and manipulate optical phenomena, observable events resulting from the interaction of light and matter, including sun dogs, halos, rainbows, auroras, airglows, mirages, etc.


May be unable to create optical phenomena, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

Distance, energy mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.

May not be able to control optical phenomena in outer space.

May be limited in terms of what time of day the user can use this power.

May need to wait until a certain time of day to manipulate spectacular phenomena.

10. Plasma manuplation


User can create, shape and manipulate plasma, a state of matter consisting of fully ionized gas of low density containing an approximately equal number of positive ions and electrons. It is important to note that although they are unbound, these particles are not 'free'. When the charges move they generate electrical currents with magnetic fields, and as a result, they are affected by each other's fields.

On planet plasma is relatively rare, but it is present in electricity (lightning, St. Elmo's fire, ball-lightning), extremely hot flames and polar aurora, or artificially in low energy lights, electric arcs of all kinds, etc.. In space, plasma is the most common state for ordinary matter, most of which is in between and in suns and stars.


May be unable to create plasma, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

Control is essential.

May not be immune to their own ability

11. Plasma radiation control


User can create, shape and manipulate radioactive plasma on the low end of the EM Spectrum, being neither a solid, liquid or truly a gas even by transition phase standards. Plasma radiation is volatile and corrosive, capable of emitting low level EM Field to disrupt electrical fields, atomic bonds and physical/immaterial cohesion aside from disruptive Electromagnetic Pulse's or Neutrino White Washing waves.


Plasma poison is incredibly volatile.

Weak against Electromagnetism

12. Radiation manuplation


User can create, shape and manipulate radioactivity, the process by which a nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting particles of ionizing radiation. A material that spontaneously emits this kind of radiation, which includes the emission of energetic alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays, and neutron particles is considered radioactive.

All chemical elements may be rendered radioactive by adding or by subtracting (except for hydrogen and helium) neutrons from the nucleus of the stable ones. The availability of this wide variety of radioactive isotopes has stimulated their use in a wide variety of fields, including chemistry, biology, medicine, industry, artifact dating, agriculture, and space exploration.

The health risk associated with exposure to a particular radionuclide will depend on the radiation emitted and its chemical behavior. Beta, gamma, to neutron radiation can penetrate through the skin and may pose an external radiation hazard, but alpha radiation can enter the body by inhalation and ingestion since it bounces off the skin and then detonates afterward, though they are technically more dangerous. According to the Q factors, beta radiation power output, is a level of 1, making it the weakest. Neutron radiation on the other hand, is a dice toss on whether they are slow or fast, but despite that, they travel extremely long distances. What matters the most is that they are twice as harder to stop unlike gamma rays being stopped by lead for example. The Q factor output for those is 5 for the slower ones, and 10 for the faster ones. Gamma radiation is a Q factor of 1, while the one that exceeds those numbers is the alpha particles. Despite being sluggish and unable to penetrate the skin and clothing, they have a power output of 20, which makes them more hazardous. Ironically, gamma rays for example, are of the electromagnetic category, even though its actually of the nuclear category, but it is the strongest in terms of electromagnetism. Standard hazard suits are virtually to totally useless against ionizing radiation, with the obvious exception being alpha particles.

Radiation is always found anywhere, but only in different specific types in terms of what sources they originate. Background radiation may be ionizing radiation, but the dosage rate is too low to be hazardous. There may be instances of it being harmful, but the incidents in association with background radiation are very few and far between. There are also instances of certain foods being radioactive, like bananas. However, the sievert amount is only 0.1%, meaning it's ridiculously low, and it isn't enough to harm people.

Intake will lead to dose delivery to the respiratory and alimentary tracts, and absorption into the blood followed by entry into other organs and tissues.

If a subject is exposed to ionizing radiation, he/she will contract acute radiation sickness/syndrome, also known as radiation toxicity, poisoning, and sickness. Depending on the amount of exposure, or in other words, a gray (Gy), ARS also comes in various severity incarnations, such as chronic, hematopoietic, gastrointestinal, neurovascular, and cutaneous radiation sickness. Throughout each of those ARS severities, there are different outcomes to how it affects the body, going from simply survivable and treatable, to just flat out horrific, deadly, and so brutal to the point that there is nothing that can be done to get rid of it. In any of those outcomes, it takes over a matter of hours/minutes until they go into the prodromal stage. The person that has fallen victim to radiation is susceptible to nausea, vomiting any time the radiation forcibly activates the cells within the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, headaches, to even fevers, and tends to go on and off mysteriously. As ionizing radiation damages and messes up the deoxyribonucleic acid, harmful mutations will start to take place, whether dying, or simply becoming cancerous.

At the same time this damage occurs, the cells can no longer reproduce once the DNA is harmed and destroyed, and this also causes them to die. As time progresses, the symptoms will all of a sudden fade away, whilst both appearing healthy and feeling better, but they aren't. This is commonly referred to as the latency stage, or just called the latency period. With the cells still dying and breaking down, the bone marrow's stem cells that materialize white blood cells, are destroyed to the point of no longer reproducing white blood cells for the immune system, causing the person to become much more vulnerable to infections. In the aftermath of this stage, the person's body can no longer compensate for the number of damaged cells, and this is when he/she enters the manifest illness stage.

Depending on the ARS variations, this lasts for hours to even over the course of months. During that process, the arteries and veins will begin to collapse and break apart, and this causes overwhelming pain to the subject to the point of screaming and crying out in agony. At that point, the morphine is rendered useless as the veins and arteries are broken to the stage of not carrying it around to cease it.

The person's hair will also eventually begin to fall out, leading to alopecia. Depending on the exposures being dealt, with the skin is more prone to being easily torn off painfully, especially if gauzes are carefully taken off. At that point, the skin will be covered mostly or mainly, of blisters and burns. If the subject has absorbed radiation in severe yet overwhelming amounts, the entire body will begin to enter the state of necrosis, with the lips gone, the body becoming cadaverous whilst still alive, and this is what makes that sort of way of physical death experience slow and painful.

Unlike other diseases however, ARS in all of its incarnations, is not contagious, unless the person is still covered in irradiated debris and/or dust, like ashes from a destroyed nuclear reactor after meltdown.

Radiation of all types can eradicate viruses, making radiokinesis effective against virus-related powers.


Users of Radiation Resistance are resistant, while those of Radiation Immunity are impervious.

Since radiation is a form of energy, users of Anti-Energy Manipulation can destroy all forms of radioactivity.

Weak against lead, concrete, iron, (Gamma) paper, (Alpha) aluminium, (Beta) carbon, boron, and water (Neutrons).

No ionizing radiation affects pure silica, a type of glass material.

Users light is affected by everything that all radiation is, unless they are powerful/skilled enough to overcome these limits.

Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

While it isn't invented as a cure for radiation sickness in all its types, Iodine is a natural element derived from seafood that protects the thyroid glands from absorbing so much radiation, making it another counter-measure against it.

May be unable to create radiation, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

Must be careful when using the ability.

While standard hazmat suits are virtually to totally worthless against ionizing radiation, alpha particle radiation can't penetrate both skin and clothing.

May be constantly active at varying levels.

Might take time to learn control.

May be limited on how much or type of radiation they can control.

13. Radio wave manuplation


The user can manipulate radio waves and frequencies as well as things that use radio waves, such as AM and FM waves, TV radio waves/frequencies as well as waves/frequencies from cell phones, AM or FM radio, radar, and so on.


Affect radio-waves/frequencies.

Hacking Intuition via radio waves.

Information Transferal

Move/lift radio waves.

Flight with radio waves.

Matter Surfing by riding a mass of radio waves.

Phone Signal Transmission through radio waves.

Radar Sense

Radiation Attacks with radio waves.

Radiation Constructs of radio waves.

Radio Frequency Detection

Radio Generation

Radio Vision

Signal Empowerment – gain strength from radio waves.

Use radio waves to jam signals by disrupting broadcasts.


The power may be limited in terms of range for the user, so the user may only be able to affect local waves

Electromagnetic noise and electromagnetic pulses may affect the user's power in a negative way

14. Scalar wave manuplation


User can create, shape and manipulate scalar waves, a compact impermissible forces dubbed as a MCE (more complete electromagnetic) equation produced when two out of phase em waves, carrying instantaneous high-output force via their anti-parallel oscillation forces originating from opposite charge sources, of the same frequency collide. Their subtracted amplitudes canceling out and/or destroying on another.

Instead of annihilation however, these forces instead begin their transition of energy back into a scalar wave, reverting to a vacuum state of infinite potentiality again. Due to their lacking net directionality, scalar waves are conjugates of each other, which, when left unperturbed, can pass through ordinary matter with relative ease without negatively effecting everything around it. Clinically wise these waves can affect more than just militia practices, as they can also be utilized for medicinal, neurological and meteoric appellation.

Such as augmenting health and curing disease; even reversing the effects of aging. While psychologically they double as an effective mind controlling utensil, utilizing radio waves and Wi-Fi to broadcast mind warping signals directly into the brains of those who operate most forms of entertainment property. It has been theorized they can even alternate climate and weather patterns via direct geomagnetic interactions


Airborne Attacks

Create/generate scalar waves.

Scalar Wave Constructs

Infinite Energy

Foreign Forces Removal


Health Optimization

Telomere Regeneration

Electromagnetism Manipulation

EM Spectrum Manipulation

Quantum Energy Manipulation

Radio Manipulation

Mental Manipulation

Remote Mind Control

Geomagnetism Manipulation

Force-Field Manipulation

Invisible Energy Manipulation

World Connection

Move/lift scalar waves.

Elemental Flight using scalar waves.

Flight Field Projection

Matter Surfing using scalar waves.

Relativity Manipulation

Scalar Wave Attacks

Scalar Wave Generation

Scalar Wave Immunity

Selective Damage: scalar rays can harmlessly pass through and effect whatever the user wants.


Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

May be unable to create scalar waves, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

May be constantly active.

May take time to learn control.

Must be careful when using this ability.

May be limited on how much or type of radiation they can control.

15. Solar energy manuplation

User can create, shape and manipulate solar energy.


Heat Manipulation

Light Manipulation

Solar Attacks

Solar Constructs

Solar Energy Absorption

Solar Energy Generation

Solar Solidification

Ultraviolet Manipulation


Heliokinetic Combat

Solar Healing

16. Stellar energy manuplation


User can create, shape and manipulate stellar energy generated by nuclear reactions in the star's interior, which in turn is balanced by the outflow of energy coming from the surface or a star.

17. Ultraviolet manuplation


The user can create, shape and manipulate ultraviolet rays and radiation which is present in sunlight, blacklights, and tanning lights. UV rays will sometimes have chemical reactions with objects making them appear to glow such as with bodily fluids and bleach. Large amounts of UV radiation can lead to burning of the skin, cancerous growth, eye damage and in extreme situations radiation poisoning.


Manipulate the properties of ultraviolet rays.

Move/lift ultraviolet rays.

Elemental Flight using ultraviolet rays.

Matter Surfing using ultra violet rays.

Heat Generation

Induce burns to the skin and eyes of others.

Blindness Inducement via cataracts.

Cancer Inducement

Pain Inducement

Radiation Constructs of ultraviolet rays.

Ultraviolet Cloning

Solar Attacks using ultraviolet rays and light.

Ultraviolet Generation

Ultraviolet Vision

Use UV light to see things unseen by the human eye, like traces of blood, bodily fluids, etc.

Ultraviolet Radiation Immunity


Radiokinetic Combat using ultraviolet rays.

Ultraviolet Aura

Ultraviolet Empowerment

Ultraviolet Mimicry


Light Manipulation

Radiation Manipulation

Solar Manipulation


May be unable to create ultraviolet, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.

Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.

May take time to learn control.

Must be careful when using the ability

18. X Ray manuplation


User can create, shape and manipulate X-radiation (x-rays for short), a type of ionizing radiation whose photons carry enough energy to ionize atoms and disrupt molecular bonds, therefore making it harmful to living tissue. The ionizing capability of X-rays can also be utilized in cancer treatment to kill malignant cells using radiation therapy.


Atomic Dissociation


Disease Inducement

DNA Disintegration

Internal Bodily Cleansing

Internal Rupturing

Molecular Dispersion

Orbital Strike

Transparency Inducement

Vision Manipulation

X-Ray Vision

X-Ray Generation


Cancer Inducement

Clarity Manipulation

Electromagnetism Manipulation

EM Spectrum Manipulation

Energy Manipulation

Foreign Forces Removal


Light Manipulation

Poison Manipulation – harmful to living organisms.

Prevalent Discharge

Radiation Manipulation


Overuse may eventually lead to user developing cancer.

Lead gives protection from/blocks x-radiation.

Distance, mass, precision, max power, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.

19. Zero point manuplation


User can create, shape and manipulate Zero-Point Energy, the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have; i.e. the vibrational energy retained by molecules even at a temperature of absolute zero.


Attraction & Repulsion Manipulation

Anti-Energy Manipulation


Motion Manipulation

Inertial Frame Manipulation

Null Zone Emission

Power Source Creating

Infinite Energy

Tractor Beam Emission

Paralysis Inducement

Zero-Point Energy Generation

Some other honorary mention

Electromagnetic vision

The user can perceive the world around themselves based solely on the patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. Some users may able to see the natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings, as well.

The entire electromagnetic spectrum or most of it is visible to the user and can "tune" their vision to interpret the various ranges of the energy. They can see radio waves (which includes AM, FM, and TV frequencies), radar, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, power waves, x-rays, gamma rays, and even cosmic rays. They also have limited night-vision and thermo-vision.

The user can also see the energy flowing through power lines and technological objects (can tell if they are active or not). They can tell if a radio transmitter is 'on' and if it is sending signals.


Aura Reading


Gamma Vision

Infrared Vision

Microwave Vision

Night Vision

Radiation Detection

Radio Vision

Ultraviolet Vision

X-Ray Vision

Able to avoid detection by Radar Sense

Able to aviod detection by Satellite Monitoring Methods

Weather Manipulation


User can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, i.e. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas.

There are four main factors of Weather manipulation:

Air Manipulation – for wind and related effects.

Electricity Manipulation – lightning in all variations.

Thermal Manipulation – make it cold or hot.

Water Manipulation – rain, snow, fog, etc



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