
My Hero Academia: Benimaru Shinmon

Benimaru Shinmon in the world of superheroes and villains. What will he accomplish? Read and find out. Support me on: pa.treon.com/DodgyWriter Discord - https://discord.gg/szr9ySJbAW Not my picture, inform me if you want it taken down.

DodgyWriter · Komik
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39 Chs

Final Exams 2

It's the final week in June, one week till UA's finals exam. As soon as the final bell of the day went, Aizawa disappeared from the classroom holding his trusty sleeping bag, probably off to snooze in one of the schools spare rooms.

As the man in charge of the class left to pursue his favourite pastime, those of us left in the class were free to talk about the intel we gained on the finals. At lunch, Kendo from class 1-B told Midoriya and whoever was sitting at his table that the practical portion of the exam we be us fighting against robots, similar in style to the entrance exam. The reason she knows this is because she had the brains to ask one of her friends in the upper years about their own exams in first year, and apparently it's been the same first year practical exam for the last few years.

Happy at the news, Kaminari and Mina pumped their fists in elation. Being on the lower in of the intelligence spectrum, it was good news for them that the practical wouldn't be as difficult as the written.

Making a dumb face full of self-confidence that loosely resembled his short circuited state, Kaminari proclaimed to Mina "This'll be super easy if it's just robots!"

"Such awesome news!" The pink girl replied with he hands behind her head, equally as cheery as her companion.

Before the two could finish envisioning their passing, Shoji who was standing nearby made a fair commented about their behaviour and quirks. Using one of his tentacle-like arms, a mouth formed which then wondered "Why do you sound so happy? You both have a hard time controlling your quirks"

Not denying his classmates statement Kaminari responded "Yea, but I can let loose with robots!"

"And melting them will be a synch for me!" Mina added just after, somehow not managing to take onboard their classmates concern they continued to borderline dance in zest, Shoji just shook his head at the two and let them continue their antics.

While Shoji couldn't them to listen, Bakugo could. As their conversation wasn't exactly private, the spikey hair boy gave them something as close to honest advice I think you'd get from Bakugo.

"I shouldn't matter if it's robots or actual people, Why're you morons so excited" but before he could say anything else Kaminari cut him off.

Pointing his finger at Bakugo he snappily retorted "Hey! Who're you calling a moron-" this completely destroyed whatever semblance of patience Bakugo was exhibiting.

"Shut up!" he shouted making the the two instantly loose their courage and redirecting Kaminari's pointed finger away from himself. With his normal wraith filled face back he chastised them "You need to learn how to control your quirks! You got it!" earning small nods from the both of them.

With his short rant over, his attention was shifted to Midoriya. Calling the boy out on copying his moves the other day, before turning to me and saying "We'll be getting individual scores in the upcoming finals, new rankings. So we'll all know exactly where we're standing. I'll show you how much better I've gotten" before storming out of the class room.

"Who pissed is his kettle?" I voiced next to Kirishima, gaining a small chuckled from the manly man.

Putting on a more serious face Kirishima replies "It's been a while since I've seen him that worked up, and I thought he mellowed out since the sports festival"

After Bakugo's departure, the rest of the class began to leave as well. As my classmates walked towards the exit, I slipped in a different direction. Since we were walking in a group and no one was directly speaking to me, my disappearance went unnoticed. Climbing a few flights of stairs I arrived at the a floor filled with the schools spare room, one of which is probably hosting Mr. Aizawa napping session, but that's not the reason I'm here.

Passing several doors, I arrive at the room I've been attending for the last few weeks or so. The door slid open to reveal a buxom raven haired woman clearing a desk of it's clutter.

Unlike the usual outfit she parades around in, currently she was wearing a plain white shirt with several of the top buttons undone as they refused to accommodate her large assets, paired with a short black pencil skirt that hugged shapely hind. It gave her the look of a professional, yet dangerously sexy teacher.

"Here bang on time as always I see" Midnight stated as she pushed her glasses back up her nose.

Sitting down at a desk in the front row and pulling out my maths stuff, I reply "No point in wasting any time getting here, when I know I need the help."

Now finished clearing the desk, she turns to me and asks "So, how's the questions coming along, Did you manage to do the exercise on page 76?"

Flipping through my jotter with a fair bit of apprehension due to my past failures in the mathematics department, I stopped on the page with my attempts at the exercise and slid it over to Midnight for a review. Although I'm good at many things, maths is certainly not one of them, something about letters and numbers mixing together just doesn't sit right with my brain.

During middle school I barely managed to scrape by at the subject, and that was with a damn lot of hard work. The teacher I had was a total asshat, you know one of those old fuckers that are stuck in the past and can't seem to stop talking about how much easier school is nowadays, instead of actually helping. So it's miracle in itself I've made it this far.

"Well done Benimaru, you've managed to get most of these correct" Midnight hummed while passing me back the jotter, giving me an approving smile in the process.

Breathing a sigh of relief that I never even noticed I was holding in, I relaxed in my seat. At least the extra lessons are starting to pay off, at this rate I should be able to get a decent mark in maths.

Compared to what most people would believe Nemuri Kayama - the real name of the hero 'Midnight' - while not comparable to true geniuses, was remarkably intelligent. and explained things in an understandable manner. Good enough that she managed to get someone like me up to scratch within a few weeks.

"Hmm? I don't see why you're relaxing. I said you got most of them correct. Not all of them." She criticized with her previously eulogistic smile morphing into a sadistic grin. If she had her whip right now, I could bet that it'd be sending unimpressed cracks throughout the room

Did I forget to mention that she's unpredictably serious and has quite the temper, especially when you don't take on board her advice.

Straightening back up I pay close attention to what she was saying as well as keeping an eye on the board.

Taking a pen from her desk, she began drawing a large grid while explaining "Quadratic functions are surprisingly easy if..."

And so my endeavour to passing the maths portion of the exam continued.


Discord link: https://discord.gg/2FsSgUkyjy

Seriously give me some ideas for who he should fight in the finals. I've got an idea or two, but none of the UA teachers match up well against Benimaru, except All Might, but that's a totally different ball game.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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