
My Goblin Life

A boy who has been reincarnated into another world as a goblin has to figure out a new way to live and think. He has to survive all the hardships and learn of this new world as much as he can.

Mason_Miller_5029 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Prologue Chapter 0


"Coming Mom" it's not like it will be anything good anyway.

As I expected when I got downstairs it was just a damn turkey sandwich. How does she expect me to do a days work with just so little to eat? I guess I can just go buy something at the convenience store. I have accumulated quite a bit of money from the boat that I work on with my dad. I trust my dad with all my heart, but my mom just uses money on unnecessary stuff. She bought a giant clock that cost God knows how much but it is the size of a tv. So, after all the spending my dad can barely make ends meet.

"We leave in 1 hour" my dad says as I head out the door.

"I will meet you at the skiff dad" shutting the door on my way out.

Today Me and my dad are going King Salmon fishing in the bay. Every year this is the best part. The start of January where we can relax before halibut fishing starts in February. I went and got a bunch of snacks from the convenience store since we will be out for a while. When I get to the boat, he is already waiting and ready to go.

"You ready to go" he says as I'm already untying the boat.

"of course, this is the best part of the year."

We set sail and went way farther out then we ever had before. I didn't think much of it because we usually change spots depending on how the fish move. When the boat stopped, we got our hooks and bait and then waited. We are at a spot where you cannot see land no matter which direction you look, just plain old sea with the sun shining and bouncing off the sea giving me a headache. A few hours passed and nothing was catching, which is weird because we always get at least something in the first hour.

"I noticed you have been colder to your mother is something wrong?" My dad asked as we were waiting for fish.

"No, it's just I don't see why she spends your hard-earned money on irrelevant stuff." I said while looking off the side of the boat to see anything.

"Well, you see kid that when you get married you don't really care what the other person does as long as she is someone you deeply love, and you can see them smile on a daily basis." He says as he comes to me beside the edge of the boat with his hand on my back.

"Ya, I guess that is what you want to see when you love someone." I said.

"Yes, I will do anything for the love of my life. You have been so cold that you guys barely talk nowadays. She says you don't even want to talk to her, and it would be better without you. I just think you should behave more." He said

"I could care less what she says and why are you taking her side so fast!? You should at least see my-"

I felt a push from my back and notice I am falling. The sky is in front of my eyes and the sea on my back. I splash and try to get back up to the boat.

"You should have respected your mother more; you also knew I would do anything for my love. She said if I can't convince you then it would be better off if you weren't here in the first place." He said with tears in his eyes.

"PLEASE STOP DAD, PLEASE HELP ME I BEG YOU STOP....STOOP.... STOOOOP." The boat rushed out and the waves it generated were floating me up and down.

The sea kept getting more violent as I tried to stay above the water. Around 15 minutes passed when I see a shark fin come out the top of the water. I then realize why he brought me to such a place way out of nowhere. I swim away as fast as I could before I feel a sharp pain in my leg.


I get pulled underwater instantly and I Instinctively turn and punch the shark in the nose. It didn't do much to it. I throw out so many punches, but they all just felt like they were doing nothing. The shark rips off my leg making blood swamp the area. The pain makes me open my mouth.


I close my mouth as fast as I could, but I cannot stop from water going through my body. I swim to the top as fast as I can and before I can reach it, I see the shark come from my right like a bullet. I ignore it trying to reach the top. The shark opens its mouth and bites my shoulder. I can't move anymore, and I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I feel my energy dying and just let it happen.

-Why did my dad betray me, if I knew I was going to end like this I could have just left the house and survived. What is this bullshit you did to me God, WHY ME!?

I am going to make a - when its a thought

Mason_Miller_5029creators' thoughts