
My Girlfriend is a Succubus

GIRLFRIEND FOR RENT APP. is an application that helps you find a girlfriend by offering you a fair deal. The higher your CHARISMA, the more opportunities you will have to unlock a greater number of women and you may find the girl of your dreams. All in one clip.. Dylan read this on his phone and just out of curiosity opened the app... Noticing the boy's unfortunate state, the app itself started giving him small personal missions to try to help him and improve his charisma. ◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈ Warning: This is a surreal story and should be taken as such. Summary: The general idea of this novel is to gain experience based on missions to level up by obtaining charisma points. + charisma = + girlfriends This image does not belong to me, all credit goes to its creator and if you want it removed or replaced with a better image, you can post the image in a comment... Good luck so they don't delete it.

SHAMEFUL · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Prohibited Topics

✨ please, Take your time to read. ✨

From the moment entered the kitchen and sits at the table in front of a small tower of waffles with jam, Sofia and Jade began to criticize his appearance with strong words, openly mocking the physique, hairstyle and clothes that Dylan...

Obviously the two girls were upset, but Dylan started eating breakfast as if the whole thing had nothing to do with his presence, further enraging the two girls...

—"why does Dylan have more Waffles?"— asks Jade annoyed, so her mother answers: —"because he needs to be strong and have more energy to not fall asleep."— the last part of her sentence Ruth mutters almost inaudible, glancing sideways at Dylan...

In her fury, Jade couldn't handle the situation anymore and comments viciously:. — "because he should eat more if Dylan is adopted." — pointing at Dylan.

This is a topic that is absolutely forbidden to talk about and that very little is touched on in the family due to an agreement between the Father, the Mother and Ruth herself...

An economic deal.

Noticing the awkward silence, Sofia had no choice but to support her sister and say as she points to Dylan. — "true, not even your father loves you for that...." — before continuing with her complaint, Ruth dropped a blow on the table. *POW* scaring the two girls who let out a small scream

—"KYAA"— Jade yells.

— "Mom why do you scare us" — says Sofia putting a hand on her chest and looking at Ruth looking for an answer...

—"Don't let this get to you"— Ruth comments with a smile and puts another Waffle on Dylan's plate and adds.. —"we will be your family, until you decide otherwise.."—

When she finishes putting on the Wffle, Ruth wipes her hands and looking at her daughters and continues saying:. —"The person who doesn't want to be part of this family, there's the door. They can leave whenever they want, everyone is of legal age and they can make their own decisions." — as she finishes her speech Ruth points to the exit door next to the sink in the kitchen...

Both girls look at each other and look down, they were both embarrassed, not because of what they said. It's because they don't have enough courage to leave home, the clear example of her older sister who was told that she would have a dream life with a perfect marriage...

But reality is harsh and life is cruel: now her sister and brother-in-law have to work to continue paying the rent for the small apartment or they will end up being thrown out on the street...

For his part, Dylan quickly finished with the Waffles placed on his plate, thanked for the food and got up to take the plate to the sink saying: —"Mom, you can leave the dishes in the sink when I get back from school, I'll wash them for you" — hearing this Ruth nods and smiles...

Dylan walks into the living room and after several steps towards the door he remembers something and turns around and runs towards Ruth.

Dylan approaches her and kisses her on the cheek in front of the two girls and says:. —"see you in the afternoon." — after the kiss Dylan resumes his walk towards the exit of the house without looking back...

Each member of the family looked at this in different ways and while the girls huffed in disgust, Ruth for her part was somewhat distracted with her purchase for tonight...


Dylan left home looking at his cell phone and doing several accounts because he has an extra $50 G. adding a total of $550 gold coins, after doing some math Dylan knew exactly how he got $500 gold coins, but not those 50 .

He puts this issue out of his head and upon reaching the avenue, on a normal day Dylan would have to take the bus to school, but seeing a taxi Dylan stops it and approaches it saying. — "take me to the bank" —

The taxi driver obviously has no idea which bank to go to and asks —"which bank?"— Dylan noticed the question and answered while turning his phone back on.: —"let's go to the shopping mall"— to which the taxi driver nod and start the car...

In the shopping plaza there are more than seven banks and Dylan, after paying the fee, gets out of the taxi...

He enters the first bank he comes across, since it is in the morning and on a business day there are no people lined up at the windows.

Dylan walked directly and line up at the payment and invoice window, being in front of the worker, Dylan took out the three invoices and put them in front of the girl saying.: —"I'm here to pay"— the girl immediately grabs the documents and was asking for the details of the account to which the charges will be attached...

When Dylan left the bank, he had in his hands not only the interest payments for late payments. he takes the receipts of the debt, his interest and the next six months, spending more than $30,000 Dls. only in payments..

Although he sounded like a lot of money, Dylan can win him back with three quickie and after receiving the 4 stamina points , now if he was able to do it perfectly...

This issue led Dylan to another more important problem which is how to raise his stats...

This is a problem because there are two ways to raise his stats naturally and by leveling up with the app...

The natural way: he has a limit of 10 in all stats and Dylan can achieve this by gaining weight, exercising, running, reading, sports, etc. etc

Leveling up implies having the same appearance, but his stats increase which causes him to have the same steamed noodle appearance unless he buys different products that change his physique aesthetically...

Now Dylan's solution is to do these routines of reading, running, exercising, playing sports, buying the products and gradually changing his physique...

In a controlled way and when he has the body he wants to start looking for experience points to level up...

How to level up? easy with experience points and how he earns those points.? winning fights.

Dylan literally has to knock out his opponent or just kill him.

In short, Dylan can go out and kill people and he will receive experience points no matter who he is or whatever...

50 XP per knockout

100 XP per kill.

This is for ordinary people and the experience increases when the person knows how to fight or has some mastery in combat.


Arriving at school 10 minutes late, Dylan stayed by the front door, waiting for the lady in charge of offenses and punishments to give people who arrived late the activity they would have to do as punishment...

When Professor Lourdes arrived, she looked at all the young people who arrived late, from head to toe, and reviewed the history of absences for each student...

Dylan stands out among his classmates for looking at the floor unlike the students next to him, these boys look at the teacher with a challenging and indifferent attitude...

A total of 6 boys were taken to the punishment office and upon entering the office this caught the attention of the teacher Lourdes who points and asks: —"Name? "—

—"Dylan Grey"— answering with that deep masculine voice. which made the teacher raise an eyebrow, who immediately types her name into the computer, leaving all the information. Although he was not a boy with good grades, Dylan remained normal...

Mrs. Lourdes looks at Dylan and asks directly.: —"why were you late? "—

— "I went to the bank to pay the tuition." — Dylan answers the lady and the lady doubts her word and stretches out her hand:. — "show me you paid" —

Dylan immediately reaches into his bag and pulls out his tuition payment receipt and hands it over...

The teacher checks the date and time, nods a couple of times and returns it saying: — "Go to class and try not to be late next time.." — Upon being excluded from punishment, Dylan left the office.

When Dylan was leaving the office, the boys complain about the preferential treatment, but neither the teacher nor Dylan take this into account...

Dylan entered the second period classes and at break time he went to the cafeteria where he had a great feast due to his hunger...

From the distance of the dining room, a group of boys observed how Dylan spends the money, this says that the boy had more money in his pockets and if they add up their appearance it makes Dylan a fish in the chopping block...

Dylan spent the next few class periods normally and at the end of classes he stayed longer to do some notes from the first class. This made him leave school later...

After leaving school he watches a group of boys tease a girl and from a distance. Dylan didn't acknowledge the girl because the guys started surrounding her to grope the girl in the confusion...

After approaching a couple of meters Dylan heard the girl scream loudly:. — "Leave me alone.." — This made Dylan stop to look who the girl was and why her voice sounded so familiar...

Looking at the girl, Dylan realized that it is Jade, his sister and he approached the group saying:: — "Guys, leave her alone." — the boys stop to look at Dylan and laugh out loud..

One of the guys points to Dylan saying: —""When we're done, you carry on, fucking trash. "—

Jade looks at Dylan and says annoyed: — "you, don't mess with it" — This makes the boys laugh and they immediately start screaming and howling wanting to lift Jade's skirt, so the girl removes her hands and slaps the boy...


Looking at this two of the boys start to make fun and the slapped boy says while he rubs his cheek. —"Steve you hold his arms. I'm going to show the bitch who's boss." —

The boy named Steve smiles before throwing himself on Jade and a scuffle begins. the leader looks at the other three boys and orders them.. —"get rid of the noodle."— pointing to Dylan...

— "Gus where are we taking the bitch" — Steve asks his leader named Gus, while Gus watches as the three boys run after Dylan.

Gus the leader smiles at Steve and says: — "There's an alley two blocks away, Cover the bitch's mouth so she doesn't make too much noise. "— Upon hearing this, Jade begins to fight with Steve.

Seeing Jade's fight against her friend Gus, she licks her lips and laughs saying — "it fights, it fights. A bitch doesn't taste good if it doesn't fight .." —

After a short chase, the three boys catch up with Dylan and kick him to the ground with a kick in the back. This causes Dylan to fall forward and when trying to get up from the ground, another of the boys kicks him in the stomach, making Dylan double over, grabbing his stomach from the blow and pain...

The three boys surround Dylan again and watch as he moans about the pain and laugh out loud....

— "Kevin checks his pockets and bag." — the boy named Kevin steps forward and takes Dylan's bag from him, throwing it at another of the boys. who gets away and returns to his two other classmates who continue to struggle with Jade.

When trying to check the pockets of his pants. Dylan resists, this infuriates Kevin who begins to hit Dylan with direct blows to the face and after receiving a couple of blows Dylan tries to cover himself with his hands, while two meters away one of the boys begins to laugh and mock aloud...

Things are not looking good for either of the two brothers...

— "what do you have Andrés" — Gus asks the boy who approaches and carries the bag, he does not answer and after taking out and throwing some books and notebooks on the floor, he takes out the receipts...

Gus snatches the receipts, wrinkles his face in annoyance and says —"bad luck guys, the fool already spent the money."— Andrés's laugh makes everyone turn around..

Andrés puts his hand in the bag and comments — "Look boss, this is really stupid, having all that money and using this crap. "— showing the old cell phone...

Andrés throws the cell phone to his leader Gus and this boy catches it. he gave a little look, at that moment the phone receives a message lit up the screen.. upon reading the message Gus yells in fury. — "part of being stupid, he likes men." — Immediately afterwards, Gus throws the cell phone to the floor with force, bursting the device into pieces...

Seconds later...

A terrifying scream scares everyone including Jade who tries to push away the boy who grabs her. When they looked at where the scream came from, they realized who was screaming and why...

Looking at the image, everyone was somewhat nervous and scared...

With one hand Dylan holds the boy's neck, named: Kevin and as Dylan gets up from the ground he was lifting Kevin ...

The surprising thing about the matter is that Dylan received several kicks from the boy who was next to him.

the kicks sounded several meters away but Dylan doesn't react as if those kicks were a small breeze...

Frightened by the event, the leader Gus begins to yell at his friends — "Andrés, Steve help Paul and Kevin "— after the leader's order, two boys ran to help their friends, seconds later Gus himself along with Steve unite to fight against Dylan ..


Billions of miles away, a female knight in gold armor runs into a throne room screaming in fright: —"My lady, my lady, we have a problem."—

The Lady on the throne scrunches up her face and rolls her eyes before asking ►"now, what's up Helis? "—

The female knight kneels in front of the throne and comments without looking at her lady: — "The launcher has been lost and all contact with our master has been broken." —

The lady on the throne is not scared and answers lazily: — "Why all the fuss Helis just sends another launcher with a new device and that's it... "—

the female knight named Helis replies with a trembling voice: —"the master has just entered wild mode."—

The lady on the throne frowns and seriously asks — "where is her guardian." —

— "He doesn't answer "— Helis answers more scared...

—"Call the asura, it's time for them to meet their master."— says the Lady on the throne and stands up revealing an extremely beautiful figure. before she took a step, a voice resounds in the throne room saying: — "Let my grandson grow up by himself." —

The lady immediately questions saying. — "Father, what does this mean?" — The voice that she echoed in the throne room does not respond and this makes the lady angry, but she returns to her throne and gave an order. — "I want that piece of trash in front of me or you will take her place Helis." — says the Lady looking at the female knight...

The female knight bows and immediately replies: —"so will be done my lady"—

✨ Remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.✨