
My Girlfriend is a Succubus

GIRLFRIEND FOR RENT APP. is an application that helps you find a girlfriend by offering you a fair deal. The higher your CHARISMA, the more opportunities you will have to unlock a greater number of women and you may find the girl of your dreams. All in one clip.. Dylan read this on his phone and just out of curiosity opened the app... Noticing the boy's unfortunate state, the app itself started giving him small personal missions to try to help him and improve his charisma. ◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈—◈ Warning: This is a surreal story and should be taken as such. Summary: The general idea of this novel is to gain experience based on missions to level up by obtaining charisma points. + charisma = + girlfriends This image does not belong to me, all credit goes to its creator and if you want it removed or replaced with a better image, you can post the image in a comment... Good luck so they don't delete it.

SHAMEFUL · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Is it a dream or reality?

✨ please, Take your time to read. ✨

With a smile on his lips, Dylan lifted the boy named Kevin off the ground. Kevin tries to break free of his grip with both hands, but Dylan punches him straight in the face...


Not satisfied with this Dylan drops another *POW* punch with this punch he breaks Kevin's nose and with the next punch. *POW* Dylan pulls two of Kevin's front teeth, who at that moment stopped fighting and remains barely conscious...

Seeing that another boy approaches,Dylan throws Kevin's body as if it were a rag doll, over the boy who seconds before was kicking him, the boy named: Paul...

Andrés runs up and being ten feet away from Dylan, he jumps up to kick Dylan in the face.

Seeing the boy trying to do this, Dylan spits to the side in contempt and only moves a little to avoid the kick, making Andres look ridiculous, like he's a jumping monkey...

Dylan waited for Andres to fall to the ground meters further back, Andrés fell to the ground, flexing both legs, cushioning his fall until he was in a squatting position. this is taken advantage of by Dylan and he releases a half round kick..

This kick hits the side of the body just four inches below his arm. Dylan's kick is so strong, that he ends up breaking a couple of ribs and completely knocking out the boy named Andres...

This scares Paul who gets Kevin off of him and ends up throwing him aside, and then runs away, in the run he runs into Steve who is coming...

►"Run, the guy is crazy."◄ Yells Paulas he passes Steve, Steve stops for a few seconds.but Paul continues to run away.

►"Stop being a coward"◄ Yells Gus and encourages the two boys to fight Dylan together...

Gus throws himself against Dylan to hug him and prevent him from hitting him...

► "Let's all go together." ◄ Steve says before running towards Dylan helping Gus to stop Dylan, this encourages Paul and he returns to help his friends to stop Dylan while Steve starts to hit him...

Unleashing one of the most incredible fights where three boys with an athletic physique tried to stop and hit a noodle, while the noodle gave them the beating of their lives...

The scandal was so big that immediately the students and teachers who were in the workshops began to go out and film the whole incident...

It all ended when one of the boys hit Dylan on the head with a board, leaving him completely unconscious..

By this time Sofia and some of her friends arrived armed with pipes and sticks, because Jade called them saying that they were beating her brother..


After the Meeting of the monthly sales report of the company Farmer Comp.. a company dedicated to the purchase and sale of grains of high quality.

Ruth stayed at the end of the Meeting, holding up the folders, waiting for the perfect moment to ask the Director of Sales, Mr. Gregori Roswell, for a raise.

After waiting for several minutes Mr. Roswell entered the conference room looked at Ruth and congratulated her saying: ► "great job I look forward to her next report Mrs. Ruth.." ◄

►"thank Sr. Director"◄ answers Ruth with a smile and waits in silence..

Seeing Ruth's attitude, Mr. Roswell sighs and comments ► "the company cannot afford excessive spending on employee salaries right now, you know what I mean, right Ruth."◄ After hearing the boss's words. Ruth nods and she sighs in disappointment, since all the effort made throughout the month had literally gone to waste...the goal that Ruth had been fighting so hard for all month had not come to fruition..

Just by looking at Ruth's sad face Mr. Roswell tries to cheer her up and approaches her patting her shoulder. ►"Don't put so much pressure on yourself, you need to relax, go out and have fun for a couple of weekends and maybe next month you'll have better luck."◄

At the end of his words Mr. Roswell rubs Ruth's shoulder several times and between his teeth comments ► "talk to the Director of events." ◄ Saying this, Mr. Roswell smiles a couple of times and walks to the exit...

Before leaving Mr. Roswel he comments. ► "think about it, it will only be a couple of weekends" ◄

Anger began to build in Ruth's chest and her face turned red at this. It was not a secret that the directors of the company organized parties where they invited women from the different departments to have fun at their events, events that end in orgies and the directors take advantage of the women with the most needs...

But let's talk about Ruth who right now, she didn't have many options, she needs money fast or she's going to lose the house and the car. In short, she needs to go to one of those parties and get his long-awaited raise..

Before she made a decision rhe cell phone began to ring repeatedly making Ruth let out a sigh, she was sure the bank is calling...

Taking her phone out of her pocket, Ruth frowns, because it's a call from Sofia...his daughter.


I hear a couple of voices around me and I immediately recognize them, seconds after waking up I start to feel severe pain throughout my body, these pains make me react and moan...

► "He's waking up, we have a reaction" ◄ I hear a voice I don't recognize and try to open my eyes. a light illuminates my pupils and the voice gave me several indications. ►"follow the light Mr. Grey"◄ the voice tells me and I try to make my eyes follow the light in front of my eyes.

►"Who are you? "◄I ask, but it sounds more like a barely audible babbling, I hear and see just a smile and then he tells me: ►"we are the good guys "◄

Honestly I didn't understand the joke, but the guy didn't stop smiling seconds later he comments: ►"let me finish reviewing it and by the way, I'm Doctor Ferguson."◄ That's how I realized I was in a sanatorium and the man in front to my nose is a Doctor..

The doctor checked my eyes, ears, neck, chest, arms, blood pressure and face, always speaking generally and before finishing his exam I asked scared: ►"my sister....how is my sister."◄

I think someone heard me , because at that moment when I asked my question, I heard several sobs in the distance and immediately tried to get up and call her with all my might, saying: ►"Jade, Jade, it's you, Jade"◄ but my strength left me, falling back onto the bed and coughing up some blood accumulated in my mouth..

The Doctor put a hand on my shoulder and pushes me back to bed and tells me: ► "calm down, calm down, everything is fine, It's over.." ◄

Then the doctor pats me on the shoulder a couple of times. ►"She's safe, you did the right thing, your sister is fine, you saved her."◄

At the moment I hear those words, I immediately let out a sigh, relaxing my body completely and with the stupidest smile of victory on my face, I begin to murmur ► "I made it, I made it" ◄

Seconds later and, despite the crying I hear around me, I go back to sleep.

I finally achieved something great, I defended my sister..


When Dr. Ferguson finished checking on Dylan, he approached the pair of sisters who were waiting several meters away.

Looking at the approaching doctor, Sofia whispers to her sister: ► "Jade you need to stop crying Dylan will be fine." ◄ The girl nods, she wipes her nose and then wipes the tears from her face, releasing a couple of sobs Jade tries to keep quiet..

Sofia proudly looks at her sister who tries to control herself, he Dr. Ferguson waits a couple of seconds and comments:

►"physically, the patient has blunt blows to various parts of his body that will take several days to heal, but they are not dangerous. "◄ After hearing the doctor's words, both sisters sighed, but the doctor had not finished and added: ►"that's the good news. "◄

The doctor's several-second silence raised the sisters' tension to heaven. The doctor takes a breath and comments: ►"The bad news is that Dylan has a clot in his head and will undergo surgery to remove it, for this reason I ask you to call your parents or someone who takes responsibility for it. the surgery."◄ both girls hug each other tightly and only Sofia nods because Jade was crying on her chest..

Both girls thanked the doctor who immediately says goodbye and when they are left alone in the sanatorium room. Sofia comments: ► "I need to call mom" ◄ Jade nods to her sister and she replies: ► "I'll stay with Dylan" ◄

Ruth arrived at the sanatorium 30 minutes later, along with various family members and acquaintances of Ruth and the girls. Even Valeria and her husband came to the sanatorium to visit Dylan and offer her support before the operation...

They could not locate his father by any means, the woman with whom he currently lives told the family that the man had received a call on his cell phone and ran out of the house as if he were running away from something or someone and that from that moment on I haven't seen him again..

The biological mother could not be contacted either, leaving Ruth with the decision if Dylan is operated on or not...

To complicate the situation of the Family, the company where Ruth worked was temporarily closed due to various complaints of workplace harassment, fraud and money laundering with lawsuits against all managers...

This whole case exploded due to a federal investigation that originated after several complaints of influence peddling because the police did not want to arrest 5 young people who assaulted and beat a young man and his sister.

everything was exposed after several videos on the internet.


the pain woke me up again, but honestly this doesn't matter to me, thinking that for the first time I did something good and correct. obviously this fills my chest with pride and my happiness was so much that it began to bother me because of the swelling on my face..

I smiled calmly while trying to accommodate my back to avoid sores from posture..

►"what makes you so happy?"◄

I heard the voice several meters away and that voice immediately captivated me, because of its sound and the type of accent, it is one of those sweet and pleasant voices to listen. That type of voice that does not matter if it insults you, flatters you or asks. all you want is to keep listening...

►"what does it say? "◄ I ask something distracted, the voice repeats itself and asks the same question, so I stammer again and take advantage of my sickness to listen to the voice, when the voice lets out an annoyed snort, I try to look up to see who is the person who is asking me and offer an apology...

►"WoW"◄ was the only thing I could say the moment my eyes found the woman who owned such a seductive voice..

The lady smiles a little when she notices the legitimate astonishment on Dylan's face and asks: ►"what's up kid? Have you never seen a woman. ?"◄ if I were not fully aware that the woman is here as a visitor. I would venture to say that the woman was confused about the place or the patient...

Going back to the lady's question, I looked from top to bottom with a slow sweep and when I finished I immediately closed my eyes and just shook my head a couple of times saying ►"I have never seen or found a woman as beautiful as you. "◄

Dylan's sincere response makes the lady laugh for several seconds, causing Dylan to sigh several times upon hearing such a pleasant laugh... being one of the most difficult things to describe if you've never heard it...

When the lady finished laughing, she asked Dylan in a curious way: ► "If you really say that I'm beautiful, why do you have your eyes closed?" ◄

►"I want to remember this image, as my last memory."◄ Dylan answers, sounding sad and melancholic, adding: ►"I once heard that death was a very beautiful woman and if you are death, I want to have a beautiful memory before I depart."◄

The woman makes a face before answering ► "In fact, that bitch, yes she is very beautiful. But believe me, she does not have the courage to take you unless she is willing to pay a very high price.." ◄

At the end of her comment, the lady gets up from her chair and approaches the bed. with her index finger she pricks Dylan's nose: ► "You know, that I can take you, you just have to ask..." ◄ But Dylan doesn't respond to the woman and just shakes his head and inhales deeply: ► "you smell wonderful." ◄

The woman rolls her eyes when Dylan changes the subject again and she grumbles under her breath, but seconds later the woman climbs onto the bed and settles next to Dylan:

minutes later

Dylan puts his hand on the Lady's bottom and the lady takes her hand away, but Dylan puts his hand back and this time as he puts his hand, he kneads and rubs the lady's bottom, while he sighs and mutters: ► "round and perfect."◄

The lady lets out several snorts of annoyance but she doesn't take her hand off her butt, she just tries to get comfortable..


A couple of hours later Ruth entered the bedroom and seeing the tender image in front of her eyes she gave several snorts of jealousy...

Ruth knew who this woman sleeping next to Dylan was, but she couldn't complain.. Because each person has their own problems and it's not up to them to judge Dylan's mother and if Dylan doesn't have any problems with this. why would she ?

but he would not let himself be won so easily by this woman and he immediately occupied the other side of the bed...

It wasn't enough for Ruth to be on the side of the bed and she raised her bet, taking advantage of the fact that they were both asleep, slowly moving her hand towards Dylan's body...

every patient only wears a thin medical gown in sanatoriums and Ruth's provocations immediately take effect a few seconds after starting ... raising a portion of the medical gown ...the dragon woke up as if it were being called ..

✨ Remember to add to the library with that I know that you like the story and I will give it more priority.✨