
my flower that blossoms in June

24 year old Akira M. Martinez grew up in the rugged streets of Detroit and hated every single second of it. Akira never had a place to call home and refuses to make one in the place that robbed her of her family that she once held close. So years after she lost everything she simply goes to a shady club and drinks her sorrows away only to have a one night stand gone wrong. Now having to face the situation of her becoming a parent and is questioning everything as to the hows and why she is where she is in life. Now trying to find someone to help her on her journey well hoping to succeed in doing so. 26 Year old Darian J. Stone-Michaels has always loved his job of being the CEO of the business his father had passed down onto him after he had graduated college. But for the first time in years his business hit rock bottom losing a partner from his business and so he goes out for a drink only to have a one night stand that has some recollection of only to find out that he now not only is a father but now he's got to get married not for his company's sake but for this kid he going to have soon. But as Darian lets Akira stay in his place he comes to learn more about her but doesn't want to fall for her as his work is his first love and always will be it's only a matter of time till we. an ask if he will ever love her or love on general?

TeddybearFelix · perkotaan
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30 Chs

My life that lead to a new start

Manchester, New York

January 6, 2022

(David's bridal)

"You should try this one on." Zander threw a dress that looked too expensive and tight for Akira at her. "I don't think." Akira started only to be cut off by Nora. "Nonsense she needs to think about her baby bump when the day comes. She should wear this." Nora said as she gave Akira a loose fitting sweetheart neckline dress that looked like a dress for homecoming or prom.

"Guys I really." Akira started again only to get cut off by Zander. "She needs to look fabulous it's her wedding day not her first prom." "GUYS!?!" Akira screamed getting her friends bickering to a halt. "Look I get that we're all amazed I'm getting married but understand that I'm the one wearing the dress not you guys, so please I get that y'all want me to wear a certain thing but understand that I don't want to stress out about a dress." she said sighing as her friends looked at her in sympathy. "Sorry babes but I just want you to look stunning in an over the top way and besides you heard Devin. he's paying for it." Zander said looking through more dresses.

"Well you forgot that she's literally pregnant. she's with child. Dumbo." Nora said earning an eye roll from Zander. "Darian his name is Darian. stop messing up his name on purpose." Akira glared at him. "I only call people by their name when I like them or they have my respect. Obviously he doesn't have any to give so who am I give when he's the reason we're in this situation?" He pointed out.

"I know but can you at least for one day just try to be nice to him. I'm going to be married to him in 2 days." Akira gave Zander a pouty face. "Fine but the moment he does something I'm throwing hands." He said getting a hug from Akira. "Thanks Zee." he rolled his eyes.

"I don't even know if this store even has what I'm looking for." She said looking at a very nice not simple and not too expensive looking dress. "I want to try that one on." She said grabbing it off the racks. after putting it on she knew it was her dress. "Guys come here." her friends came in and gasped. "it's perfect." Nora and Zander said in synch. After going through the cashier to pay for the dress, they went back to Darian's condo with the help of Henry, Darian's driver.

"thanks again Henry." they thanked him as he pulled away. "I want some pickles with Mac and cheese." Akira said walking along into the kitchen. "Every time you crave something it gets weirder and nastier." Zander said making Akira cry. "You think I'm nasty and weird liking the things I do? I already went through so much. And you insult me too." Zander was quick to try to get her mind off what he said. "I meant that in a good way. Besides weird is the new normal." He said as she started sniffling.

"You mean that?" he nodded hugging her to comfort her. "you're so sweet to me Zee I don't deserve you." she cried into his shirt. "Is everything okay down he-? What did you do to her?" Darian stomped towards the two hugging ready to pull Akira out of his grasp. "Nothing it was just the hormones." Akira said wiping her tears away.

"Right then I need to talk to you in my office Akira." Darian grabs her hand and walks with her upstairs to his office. "alright so now that you're going to be living here I have somethings to go over with you." Darian began. "First is no other lovers are allowed in this house. Secondly with every check up on the baby I will be attending. also when I'm going to events you will be attending them as well." Akira nodded.

"Lastly you are not to tell anyone about our arrangement so help me Neptune I will sue you out of existence." He threatened. "Are you done?" Akira asked boredom spread across her face. Darian nodded. "Alright then I have something to add to." Darian sat back in his chair letting her proceed. "I don't want to see anymore of your flings in the house. My friends will be allowed in the house. and you will get along with my friends so help me I will end this." Akira said as Darian got up from his chair and walked towards her until his body was touching hers against the wall.

"Now Mae you have my child in your body you can't quit anything in this. You should have known that if you read the contract." he smirks in triumph. "but it says also in section 3b of the second page that if at anytime either is rather much to the opposing parent that they can end the agreement." Darian's smile had left his face and Akira smiled in happiness.

"so she does read." Darian says. "fine then let the games begin." "with me in your life you are going to need it." Akira said walking out of the room. "we'll see about that."