
my flower that blossoms in June

24 year old Akira M. Martinez grew up in the rugged streets of Detroit and hated every single second of it. Akira never had a place to call home and refuses to make one in the place that robbed her of her family that she once held close. So years after she lost everything she simply goes to a shady club and drinks her sorrows away only to have a one night stand gone wrong. Now having to face the situation of her becoming a parent and is questioning everything as to the hows and why she is where she is in life. Now trying to find someone to help her on her journey well hoping to succeed in doing so. 26 Year old Darian J. Stone-Michaels has always loved his job of being the CEO of the business his father had passed down onto him after he had graduated college. But for the first time in years his business hit rock bottom losing a partner from his business and so he goes out for a drink only to have a one night stand that has some recollection of only to find out that he now not only is a father but now he's got to get married not for his company's sake but for this kid he going to have soon. But as Darian lets Akira stay in his place he comes to learn more about her but doesn't want to fall for her as his work is his first love and always will be it's only a matter of time till we. an ask if he will ever love her or love on general?

TeddybearFelix · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

My life that is now in the hands of a rapist

December 31, 2021

Brooklyn, New York

(Northside hospital)

"it's your fault this even happened." Nora screamed at Zander. "well it's her fault to she was willing to make a deal with the devil spawn." Zander said earning a smack to the head. "if you didn't leave maybe we wouldn't be in here waiting on her to wake up. Akira heard her friends bicker over what had happened. "Zander I get that you are upset but she needed us to support her not to get mad at her for making the deal with him." Nora said truthfully.

"I know I just wished and prayed that God would have let it be the three of us and the baby. Besides last time we talked about this she said she was better off with no baby daddy of her kid." Zander said recalling a conversation from a couple of months in to her moving to New York. "I know that but we need to put her first if she wants the father in the baby's life who are we to stop her?" Nora placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You know that I am right." she said taking a seat in a chair opposite of Zander. After a couple of hours of seeing things were calm. Akira then opened her eyes only to be met with light causing her groan loudly. "oh thank God you're alive!" Zander said holding her hand tight. "A-are you o-okay?" Akira said in a light whisper looking at Zander. "I'm the least of worries are you okay?" Zander paged the doctor in the room.

Akira nodded feeling okay until she tried to sit up. "ugh! my head." Akira placed a hand to her head. "the doctor should be here soon." Nora said as the doctor came in. "hello Ms. Martinez, how are you feeling?" the doctor said coming close to her. "Could be better.but alive." she said as the doctor flashed a flashlight in her eyes. "Well Ms. Martinez after I finish testing your blood samples and checking over you one last time you'll be free to go home with your fiance who's waiting outside." the doctor said leaving the room.

"Fiance?" Akira was confused, she wasn't engaged at least not that she remembered. "Kira you're.." Nora got cut off by the man everyone hated currently. "how are you doing?" Darian asks coming into plain sight. "fine." Akira said deadpan. "what do you want?" she asked annoyed with him being here. "you have to settle the contract we discussed." he says handing her the contract.

"Being that I almost lost you to a freak accident I would like to keep you and the baby out of harm's way." he said getting a pen out of his pocket. "just sign right here." he pointed and she looked at her friends. "should I?" she looked to Zander.

"you said it yourself the kid needs a father and though the thought of being one is a lot the nugget needs the father. besides not many men are willing to be in their kid's life so take it while you can." he said smiling at her. Nora and Zander both put a hand on her shoulder giving her a nod of approval.

Akira then signed the contract praying to God she would get through this pregnancy and her new marriage just as fine.