

Arush POV:

Why do I always have an ill fate. Moreover I have to get this job so I attended my interview with full preparation. After that they said they will contact me regarding the same. After one week I got a call from the company by telling me to be available there sharp 10:00am. As I am panctual, I was there by 9:30am. Later a man probably in his 50's came to me and greeted with a gentle smile. I responded with the same. He said me that I can join from tommorow as a trainee. Is he serious??? What the heck?? with my qualification I can easily get into the best company with a good position. But can't help it. Again credit goes to my so called fate. So I accepted the offer and bid my Farawell for the day.

Next morning I came there by 11am. That old man is head here nice. He is friendly. He said that I will work under a girl ok. He said me to meet her at Cafe area. I reached there and enquired about that girl to receptionist. She asked me her name and I was about to answer her question when I realized that I didn't pay any attention in hearing her name earlier. Wait what is her name??? Saritha, Simbran whatttttt... I just screwed it. Wait I can call subramanyam sir. After that I informed her the name Sakshi. She showed me her. I thought to observe her before talking to her. She wore baby pink colour salwar. Her hair reached till her waist. Innocent face, cute smile pretty. Oops what did I say pretty? Why? Ok she is. Now she observed me staring at her. She seem to be uncomfortable. So I want near her and looked directly into her eyes. They are black. She is hesitating to talk. So I initiated the conversation.

Are you Sakshi?