

Sakshi POV:

Are you Sakshi? ...came a question from him. I nodded my head in approval. He just smiled and introduced himself as Arush. Wait did he say Arush. This means he is the new employee. Ohh I got it now. Next I took him to office and assigned him some work.

After 20 min...he returned with completed work. He is fast. Let me check. He did it without any mistake. I was about to assign him next work when he left my cabin. I thought he went away due to some urgent work. But he didn't return until next hour.

After 1 hour..

Sakshi : Arush where were you?

Arush : It's none of your business

Sakshi : What? U left my cabin without informing me. U were not even in your desk and returned after an hour. Here I am being considerate and you are showing ur attitude

Arush : I completed my work in advance and just went out for something personal. U don't have to interfere. So give me the next work and leave. I get irritated by seeing your face. Get out of my sight. ( I yelled at her)

Sakshi : Fine here is your work.....and left

In sakshi's cabin phone conversation :-

Sakshi: He yelled at me. But why I left? I am supposed to be angry at him. But why am I not? I think he is going through something. But it doesn't matter. He is in office. That means he should be professional. I will let this go. Because this is first time. He said he got irritated by seeing my face. Is he serious? I am pretty. How can anyone get irritated? Why don't you answer anything pari( friend and roommate of sakshi)?

Pari: Come on dear. Why are you taking this to your mind. And you should have asked him all these instead of firing me with your questions. And I don't get a good feeling about him. So just leave it.

Sakshi: Ok. I have to go for a meeting. Byeeeeeeee

Pari : Bye dear.