
My Father's Mistress (No one can take my place)

Have you lost your mind? why are you doing this?This is out of the equation Annabelle ,you know that I have always love and adore you but is this how you're paying me back? Everyone knows that you only care about yourself and your benefits ,you lured My Dad just for your so called revenge ,what then happen to forgiving and forgetting you selfish woman, Anna said to her. You are evil,so....so evil that you even went to the extent of using your daughter as a bit ,how do you expect me to behave. Talking about equation,you thought that am really mad that I have nuts sorry but this is your end dear lovely step-Mother . When she was about to shoot her a voice said "why don't I do the deed for you than dirting your hands with her stinking blood darling. ............ All the people in the room were puzzled ,how can you still be in the lion's den and still be so calm. What benefit will I get if I cooperate with you ?she asked . Don't Tell me that what you need is a bed warmer because I don't deal with shits. Your mind runs wild Annabelle dear but am not like that I can get girls pretty and much more beautiful than you so let me land first. He said in a husky voice. For unknown reason she felt different when he called her name which she haven't felt since she was born but then how can he say that he can have girls more pretty than her what then do he want(author: you're misinterpreting dear),but I won't let my guard down she said to her self. What about a contract love ,how does it sound ? you can get all the benefits but I only ask for one thing.... be by my side he completed in his mind.

Emmanuel_Ogbonna · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs



After Drew,Ray and Rose arrived Anna narrated to them all that happened and told them her plan of getting a place to stay.

So this is what happened,I did know that your father will change after getting married but I didn't think this far ,who would have thought that he would go this far Rose said.

Right, maybe he has been charmed by his mistress which made him so blind to chase his daughter out of the house Stella stated.

I don't care whether she charmed him or something else what I know is that when am ready to take my things back no one can stop me or he/she is cut off Anna answered.

But you have your friends here with you after all the definition of family is not only those people who are related to you by blood but the right definition is people who understand you and your feelings,those one's who will always be by your side in highs and lows,in poor and rich,and lastly in health and death just like the vows people take when getting married So you don't need your father to be your family Drew said.

I agree with you after all they're not worth it Ray added.

For the first time you both said something reasonable that I give my five stars rate to without any worries of whom I gave it out to Rose said.

It's not like we never say something meaningful it's just that you girl's never give us a chance to say it Ray murmured.

Okay stop you guys, thanks for showing me what real family are like , standing by my side all the time and always helping me achieve my goals Anna said to them.

It's alright but I can't help myself any longer from asking you the question, who helped you to change, like who on earth is able to make you change those weird outfits of yours Stella asked Anna.

You're too curious for your own good Stella but I will spill it out after all,I went out with Williams few days ago and some heavy make-up girl who I guess has something for him kind of talked to me in a way which I don't like which made me want to change after all it's time to show the world my beautiful face.

I don't believe that's the only thing that made you change because if it's her insult that made you change then you would have already change that but put it aside Stella I was surprised no no not surprised but shocked that you have rented an apartment,I know that we all has rented ours but yours is quite a mystery Drew said.

Our girl is quite a mystery indeed but she has no choice but to try running away from an arranged marriage set up by her parents and grandparents Anna said.

Everyone laughed about at what Anna said but Ray looked so sullen. Hey Ray what's up with that look of yours ,are you perhaps angry Rose said teasingly.

Stop teasing him ,he is just shocked about the whole thing but Stella don't you have anyone you like or are you perhaps rejecting some that asked you out , I can help you capture that person's heart.Anna said and turned to face Stella.

More like get the heart out for me and force me to eat it,I really pity the person who you will help me talk to because it's just like forcing him in the grave alive. Stella answered.

You're making it sound are if am cruel my darling but I don't mind if I am or I will become but just know it isn't for you guys Anna said.

Okay but what with the clenched fist and serious face for ,are you imagining what you are going to do to your step-mom and father Rose said .

Let's stop talking about those old ugly ducklings,so you guys should help me between an apartment and a mansion which one should I buy ,I want one which I would have a peaceful mind in Anna asked.

I suggest an apartment at least you can see people to talk to but if you stay in a mansion you will be all alone by yourself and maybe dream about ghosts Drew said.

You're always afraid of ghosts Drew a big well known lawyer like you, I will choose a mansion because you will have a peaceful time all by yourself and you have your servants there with you and you are an easygoing person so you won't be alone ,you can play some games with them Rose said.

I agree with Rose Stella added after all we will be visiting some of the time or even sleep over and trust me you won't be bored.

Okay I know that you girls will always be in one team but I have Ray he will agree with me no matter what,am I right ?Drew said to Ray.

I think you're wrong because you suggesting an apartment and saying that she will have people to talk to it's not like she will always invite them in all the name of wanting a company Ray answered.

Imagine if it's a couple that live next to hers she invite them in and they start misbehaving, Kissing infornt if her how are you going to feel if she tells you that Rose added .

He will only say "go to your room , give them some space or you chase them out after all it's your apartment no single will be able to take it's just like an insult to them Stella said while trying to copy Drew's voice.

Yes of course I will say that who in there right state of mind will be willing to watch couple's do those act when they're still single Drew said.

You're saying chase them out but you're the one that invited them in , that's the main reason she should get a mansion Rose answered.

Okay I will get a mansion but how am I gonna get one that will satisfy me ? Anna asked .

Drew and Ray can help get it for you after all they are men we women should only sit down and select the best Rose said.

Like you said I am a lawyer and not an agent Rose you can ask your cousin to get a nice mansion for her Drew answered.

Yeah he can get it done for you in as much it will be expensive,he is a lover of money but I trust him he always get the best place for people so yours won't be a different case Rose said.

You don't have to bother about the money you can always be rest assured, so when am I meeting your cousin ?Anna asked.

Let me call him and arrange a time for you to meet him Rose a answered.

Then it's settled, let's go and grab some lunch am famished Drew said.

It's already past lunch time but let's go grab a bite after all we all have been talking for a long time now let's go Rose said

Always the foodie one Ray murmured. q