
My Father's Mistress (No one can take my place)

Have you lost your mind? why are you doing this?This is out of the equation Annabelle ,you know that I have always love and adore you but is this how you're paying me back? Everyone knows that you only care about yourself and your benefits ,you lured My Dad just for your so called revenge ,what then happen to forgiving and forgetting you selfish woman, Anna said to her. You are evil,so....so evil that you even went to the extent of using your daughter as a bit ,how do you expect me to behave. Talking about equation,you thought that am really mad that I have nuts sorry but this is your end dear lovely step-Mother . When she was about to shoot her a voice said "why don't I do the deed for you than dirting your hands with her stinking blood darling. ............ All the people in the room were puzzled ,how can you still be in the lion's den and still be so calm. What benefit will I get if I cooperate with you ?she asked . Don't Tell me that what you need is a bed warmer because I don't deal with shits. Your mind runs wild Annabelle dear but am not like that I can get girls pretty and much more beautiful than you so let me land first. He said in a husky voice. For unknown reason she felt different when he called her name which she haven't felt since she was born but then how can he say that he can have girls more pretty than her what then do he want(author: you're misinterpreting dear),but I won't let my guard down she said to her self. What about a contract love ,how does it sound ? you can get all the benefits but I only ask for one thing.... be by my side he completed in his mind.

Emmanuel_Ogbonna · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


In the restaurant.......

When they got to the restaurant the walked in .Let's book a room so that you don't embarrass us with your eating habits that is like that of a country bumpkin Drew said.

I made some reservation so no need to book another but, show me your friend and I will tell you who you are, you defined me as a person who lacks good eating habits but then you're my friend so you also lack good eating habits.

Rose answered.

Hearing a commotion they all kept quite and followed the noise .Look manager am telling you that we want that room after all the person booked it haven't arrived yet so why don't we use it later you guys can clean it and invite whoever you so want in Olivia said.

Few minutes ago........

Olivia let's go out and grab something to eat an damn hungry Ivy one ofOlivia's friends said

Why don't we go to the newly opened restaurant,they have good reputation when it comes to cooking so let's go there Olivia suggested.

Okay the all said at the same time .When they arrived at the restaurant they all went to the counter where you can get room's reserved for you . Wearing expensive clothes and jewelries the duo drewed too many attention to themselves.

We want a room Ivy said.Sorry mam but all the room are already booked and occupied you can stay here and eat what you want the attendant replied.

I can double the amount that he/she payed for Olivia said. Sorry mam but we can't do said because the room is booked already.Then can we see your manager,I think he is a better person to convince than you trash bin Olivia said.

Mam he is in a meeting right now so it won't be convinent for you to meet him the attendant at the counter said.

I don't think you know who I am ,I said call your so called manager Olivia shouted. Seeing that talking to her will be fruitless the attendant decided to call the manager.

Knock knock.

Come in the voice sounded from Inside , walking in the waiter bowed his head and greeted everyone in the office. What do you want Martins?

Sir a lady is making a fuss downstairs and she's demanding your presence in as much I told her that it won't be convinent.

And why is she making a fuss downstairs the manager asked. Sir she didn't make any reservations but she's demanding that we assign her the already booked room when the owner is yet to arrive so she told me to come get you .

What are the rules Martins?the manager asked. Sir the rules says that if anyone booked a room and haven't arrived we have to wait for at least twenty-four and if the person who made the reservation didn't meet up the it's automatically given to another the attendant answered.

Then go downstairs and make it clear for her. Sir the Lady and her friend's are persistence that they want the room.

Okay go back I will be there shortly the manager said.After apologizing for the interuption the manager left the office to go downstairs.


Look young lady you're creating a mess here so please gently have a seat at one of the tables here or you work out of this restaurant said the manager.

You don't know what I can do to you ,do you? Olivia asked.

Why don't you report him to father baby sister Anna said when they had gotten closer to them .

Olivia turned in surprise," I didn't know that you would be here but by the way are you the goat or mouse that reserved a room here? surprise and anger evident in her voice.

Sorry but am not the one that made the reservation. Seeing the newly arrived customers the manager decided to clear the air noticing that the two were sisters.

Sorry miss but if you want a room then I have to tell you to wait because the rooms are already taken.

No need for that my friend made some reservation here she said and stepped away only for them to see the angry Rose who had her hands on her waist.

So you're the little miss that called me goat and mouse ?Rose said while looking her up and down.

Isn't she the famous make-up Artist Rose Wilson Ivy said aloud for other people to hear.

"At least you recognized me, that's a relief"

Miss Wilson you're here let me excort you to your room please the attendant said. Not so fast boy let me deal with this mess here Rose replied.

Hey let's not creat a scene here Drew said to Rose . Let her deal with her alittle I don't mind seeing her crying face Anna said.

I had you boasting about who you're and what you can do, am I right miss? what's that your name again?Rose asked.

Her question amused everyone around , it's not that she doesn't know her it's that she wanted to make her more miserable.

I see you don't know who my father is, right ? let me clear it for you my father is the CEO of-

Let me give you an advice that will help you Rose cut her off. You see you only boast about your father but not about yourself, look I have good reputation as a well known make-up Artist and just like me my friend's have that reputation too so don't ever boast about your father Infront of me again Rose said and begin to walk away but after walking some few steps she turned and said You're nothing Infront of me so have a name to yourself and then you can talk to me more clearly.

The words she dropped was like a bomb to Olivia that she clenched her fists so much that her knuckles turned white. Looking around she saw that people were staring at her she walked out of the restaurant followed by her two friends.

Seeing that the fuss maker is gone the manager tapped the lost attendant to attend the newly arrived customers. The attendant followed shortly.


Immediately they walked out of the restaurant Olivia walked towards the car , entered the drivers seat and without waiting or calling her friends she drove out of the parking lot.

She was furious, in as much as she studied business she never thought of working because she just wanted the CEOs position she don't have to start from square one of being a mere employee it's is quite shameful after all her father has three companies but never agreed to give her one.

She have to ask him again for it after all he won't be happy to hear that his daughter was bullied by her step-sisters friend. I will ask mom to help convince dad she said as a smile made it's way to her face.

Back at the parking lot Ivy and Evelyn Olivia's friends decided to take a cab they know that she will never return so it's a waste to call her back,they both know what kind of friend they have she can do something implusive whenever she's angry.