
The Utopia

Still, the two girls had their backs up against the wall. It was just from the alleyway where the man was coming down their way. The girls were hesitating about what to do. But whatever was going to happen, Martha wanted to stay by Slyvia's side. Even if she didn't agree with the decision she was about to make. 

Unlike her, Slyvia hadn't gone through the beasting process. Yes, she was strong, but not empire strong or to mess with the shadow. On top of this, she hadn't really fought in a long time. She had been too busy doing her duties back at the kingdom.

Slyvia quickly turned and faced the robbed man that was walking his way. 

"I'm so sorry we were eavesdropping on you good sir, but we heard about what you said and we were just thinking that perhaps we could come with you?"