
My Dracula System

This is the story of Arthur Mikhael A naive kid who ended up acquiring a vampire Emperor legacy, one of the ancient secrets that was left behind by the vampire Emperor himself for his kind and it was not meant for any human, but Arthur somehow ended up acquiring that legacy and become a threatening existence for human and those who runs the world from shadows. Because of the vampire emperor's legacy he was hunted by his own kind and lost everything in a blink of eyes, his parents were killed in cold blood in front of his eyes... This is the story of the Arthur who became the worst enemy of humanity and those who cross his path.

Heavenly_Demon007 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


Arthur knows that he had do something in order to leave this place alive. he looked towards those statues and started walking there with a closed fist. After passing those seven statues he approached the last one which was sitting on the throne.

he started to approach that statue with a heavy heart, when he was about a few meters away from that statue, he heard a familiar voice in his ear.

[vampire emperor legacy online, the ritual will begin soon,Living life form detected, ritual initiating]

"what the hell, who is it, show yourself,i am sorry please let me go"Arthur shouted at top of his lungs after hearing those words.

But alas it was too late to cry, All of the sudden all the statues started shaking violently, their eyes started dazzling with red light and they started to come into life including the big one who was sitting on the throne,one by one those seven statues started gathering around Arthur and one by one started kneeling in front of him as they surrounded him in cercle,seeing this his heart sank.

"Am I Going To Die here? are they going to sacrifice me for something" different kinds of thoughts started appearing in his mind!

"Sorry mother- father, I was naive, please forgive me for everything, this happened to me because I didn't hear your warning, something is wrong with this place," he mumbled and closed his eyes,as he thought he is going to get killed or sacrificed.

After a few moments of silence he again opened his eyes to know why he didn't sacrifice yet,but next moment when he opens his eyes.

All the statues raised their weapon's toward this little guy and they all started to looking towards the sky as that hall is not containing the sealing, the next moment whole fiora city envelop in night, seven different lights with different colors struck on the ruins from the sky.


When people saw those seven's lights struck on the ruins, their faces became stiff and pale same time, they never saw that kind of event in their whole life. the whole city turned into chaos. Those lights were visible around hundreds of kilometers.

"What Is Happening"

"What are those light"

"isnt those light coming from those cursed ruins"

people started gossiping about this event as the whole city went In turmoil, Everyone was Looking Towards The Ruin and those seven lights which were piercing through the sky.

Leona and his husband leywin, Lissy along her mother ana and her father Luke arrive at that place the moment they come to know arthur went inside the ruins,they never thought they would witness something like that.

"Honey, save our Arthur, please save My Arthur. He is trapped inside those ruins, who might know what is happening to him, please dear do something"Leona was crying while saying those words, and Ana was consoling her.

hearing Leona's word leywin felt despair in his heart, he felt helpless as he never saw his wife like this.

but they couldn't do anything about the current situation , because the whole ruins were covered in some kind of barrier, and no one was able to penetrate that barrier,both leywin and luke tried very hard to enter that place, but nothing happened.

Lisy Was also Crying because she was the person who was very close to Arthur, people started gathering around the ruins and some officials from the city were also present there and watching over these events.

the commotion becomes bigger and bigger as passing times,no one knows what was happening inside the ruins.

Arthur was terrified seeing these statues,he was clueless as he didn't know what kind of things were happening with him, afterall he was just a little kid who ended up here because of his curious and bubbly nature.

Arthur looked behind as he heard something, the statue who was sitting on the throne started moving towards Arthur, In a blink of an eye the statue appeared In Front of Arthur's sight, the next moment he Struck his Hand in Arthur's Heart while a malicious smile could be seen on his face. It Happened Within A Second That Arthur wasn't able to React.

Arthur cried in pain. It was an unbearable sight to watch, the blood started rushing out from his heart, and within a few minutes his body turned Pale. He lost almost 60% of the blood from his body, he was Looking Like a pale ghost, his eyes turned lifeless.

The statue who struck his hand inside Arthur's heart had a creepy smile on his face and a moment later he disappeared from his sight,and Arthur fell on the ground.

The whole floor was become bloodied as arthur was laying on the ground lifeless, but sometimes later something unexpected started happening, the blood started forming a circle on the ground, And those seven remaining statues started chanting Something, Like They Were Chanting Some Kind Of Mantras,it was creepy sight to watch, Few Minutes later the blood started become some kind of energy and Arthur's body started feeding on that energy, seeing this all statue started disappearing from that place one after another, Like They never existed in this Place.

Those seven lights also started disappearing one by one over the ruins. everything Became completely normal and arthur's body started shaking violently he started Regain his consciousness again, he is alive somehow.

When he came back to his senses, Arthur was on his knees on that floor.The magic circle also started disappearing from His sight, but when he tried to get up again on his feet, A voice resounded In his head.