
My Dracula System

This is the story of Arthur Mikhael A naive kid who ended up acquiring a vampire Emperor legacy, one of the ancient secrets that was left behind by the vampire Emperor himself for his kind and it was not meant for any human, but Arthur somehow ended up acquiring that legacy and become a threatening existence for human and those who runs the world from shadows. Because of the vampire emperor's legacy he was hunted by his own kind and lost everything in a blink of eyes, his parents were killed in cold blood in front of his eyes... This is the story of the Arthur who became the worst enemy of humanity and those who cross his path.

Heavenly_Demon007 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Mysterious statues

In the meantime Arthur is exploring these deserted ruins from inside, He kept looking at those destroyed structures and trying to find the answers to his question as vampires existed or not, he was pretty sure that vampires are just rumours.

"My father told me that nobody knows the origin of these ruins, They are the remnants of the old kingdom which existed in the Old Era yet no one knows anything about it." Arthur thought to himself.

"Alright, let's find those damn vampires! Hmm, going deeper towards that deserted castle will give some sort of clue."He thought as he started going even deeper inside those ruins.

Meanwhile, Lisy was looking very nervous and scared while she looking at Arthur.

"Damn it what should I do now he never listened to me, that dummy brother of mine always looking for trouble" she whispered to herself as cold sweat appear on her face.

In the meantime Arthur is exploring these deserted ruins from inside, He kept looking at those destroyed structures and trying to find the answers to his question as vampires existed or not, he was pretty sure that vampires are just rumours.

"My father told me that nobody knows the origin of these ruins, They are the remnants of the old kingdom which existed in the Old Era yet no one knows anything about it." Arthur thought to himself.

"Alright, let's find those damn vampires! Hmm, going deeper towards that deserted castle will give some sort of clue."He thought as he started going even deeper inside those ruins.

and Arthur's father because both of them worked together.

The two families had been very close ever since Leona's husband and Ana's husband worked together as knights for the Fiora city lord. so ana was familiar with the workplace of her husband and Arthur's father.

Lisy quickly runs towards Leona's house while Ana went to the city lord's mansion to contact her husband and Arthur's father.

Meanwhile in the ruins,

''So this is the deepest part of the vampire's ruins "Arthur mumbled as he found himself deepest part of the ruins.

"These ruins are like some kind of Maze, I don't know, Where this path will going to Lead Me, Should I Go Back?" Arthur thought to himself but a moment later he shook his head in disbelief and started venturing inside the ruins.

A few minutes later he found himself in the deeper part of the ruins and saw something very different and unusual, which piqued his interest.

"what the hell,i thought i saw his eyes moving,i am dreaming"arthur thought to himself seeing an giant statue which is looking very mysterious and creepy.

"it is looking ancient,is vampire really existed but this statue is somewhat diffrent and resemble human, expect those two missing eyes"Arthur mumbled,Seeing that ancient statue in front of his eyes, he gulped mouthful saliva and started approaching that mysterious statue, his heart was beating louder and faster as he approached the statue,it was ten time longer in height. Arthur starter inspecting that big thing but something unexpected happened the moment he touched the statue.

The statues eyes started flickering with mysterious red light and he started moving, seeing this arthur freaked out and fell on the ground with his bum.

the ground started shaking violently and the surrounding aura became chilly. Seeing this Arthur's facial expression became stiff, and he wanted to turn back and run away from this place but alas a voice resounded in his ear.

[Unknown Life Form Detected, ruins are activating in 5...4...3...2...1 ]

"What the hell?" he shouted while closing his ears with both of his hands.

[Ruins activation start]

The next moment a vortex appeared on the ground where Arthur was sitting over his bum, he was taken aback by the sudden turns of events as he look around him,the next moment he sucked by the vortex and disappear from that place, a few minutes later everything became normal in that place like nothing happened there.

Sometimes later,

A little child could be seen laying on the ground in The mysterious hall,a few minutes later he started to regain his consciousness, and slowly opened his dark blue eyes and he looked around his surrounding to find out what is going on there.

"Where Am I? What Is This Place,what was that Voice!!!" he remembered everything which was happened to him a few moments ago, his face becomes pale after remembering the past events, Arthur just Wanted To runaway from this place, he wanted to meet his mom, he cried for Help inwardly, because words are not coming from his mouths.

After a few minutes later he calms himself and clenches his little fist. He knows that coming here was his decision and he has to take responsibility for his actions.

He carefully looked around here and there inside his surrounding , He Found himself In some kind of Large Hall, and he saw seven statues were sitting on the seven-seat inside that hall, and those seven statues were looking at the one giant statue which was sitting on the large throne.

That Statue Was looking very mighty and Sitting like he were some kind of ancient king or overlord, he was looking very mysterious and his gaze was intimidating like he was going to come back into life again.

Arthur gulped and he look others Seven Statues which are Holding very different kinds of weapons in their hands while sitting on those seats.

Sword, spear, bow, daggers, and shield could be seen on their grasp, after seeing these statue's Arthur felt despair in his heart, he remembers what his mother Leona told him, "nothing good comes to involve in those ruins, don't ever go there" he started remembering his mother's words and took a deep breath" I am sorry mother I will be a good kid if I were to leave this place alive"he mumbled and took a deep breath.