
Ep. 5


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Tony: let's sit here it's empty

Me: ok

Johnny: ohh😮? We've got same food what is this orange one? It's like a pasta??

Tony: it's called tteokbokki pasta your foot?

Johnny: Let's just eat I am hungry😞

Me: let's eat🍴

(While staring my dorm mate)👱‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙇‍♂️

The guys POV:

Jaehyun: what!!? Why did you left me all alone in the dorm??😾 I thought I would be late in class..

Hanseok lee: ohh just you sound a baby when your sleeping

(Hanseok friends laughing)😆😸

Jaehyun: what are you laughing at?

(evil stare)💢

Friend 1: ohh nothing nothing

(Continue eating)🍴

Bryan park: Next time just set your alarm to early one so you can woke up early then if you don't well I don't know🤷‍♂️

Jaehyun: Is that eric???👀

Bryan park: yes, I guess he's with friends

(Bryan wave at me)

Me: choke!!!!😸😸🤢

Tony: Are you okay???

Johnny: what!!? Here! here!

(Drink)gulp~ gulp~ ahhh🍹

Me: Thanks

Jaehyun: What the? Why choke suddenly?? Even him left me your all harsh

Bryan: he's so cute🐻

(Hanseok stare eric)👀

Hanseok: he's doing fine

Bryan: foreigner are friendly

(Me and my friends POV)

Tony: why is that man starring at you?

(Bryan keep starring eric with smile)😄🐻

Me: I'm done let's go

Johnny: but I am not done yet

Tony : Let's go!!

(Drag johnny)

Johnny: The orange pasta is so delicious

Tony: tteokbokki!!

Johnny: ohh that one

Me: Our school is just so big my old school is not this big😮

( Ting Ding Dong)🛎️

Me: what's that sound??

Tony: let's run we're going to be late😱

Johnny: let's run!!

Me: Run!!!!👉


"So tumakbo ako ng naka ngiti dahil Ang saya🏃‍♂️😄"

Tony: hoooo~

Johnny: inhale..... exhale~~~

Me: why did we run fast? I am still full

(Enter the room and sit)💺

"Mr.Nam enter the room"

Mr.Nam: hi everyone do you know who I am? Of course not??


I am "(writing)" Nam min joon I believe I am Quick, Clever, Sharp and handsome

That's my name mean

I will be your science teacher just call me Mr.Nam if you need anything just call my name Mr.nam!!!?? Mr.nam!!!? And I will be there ok ?

Students: ok 😑😕🤔

Mr.nam: okay see you!!! see you tomorrow. Please enjoy your free time

Johnny: he's weird I am sure he is

Me: physco

Tony: many students said he's pervert


(A girl suddenly said hi to us)👩👋

Daisy: hi Eric

Me: ohh hi

Daisy: I am daisy by the way

Me: hi daisy

Tony: hi am tony

Johnny: johnny here

Daisy: I wanted to be friends with you guys?? Can i😊

Tony: sure

Me: Of course.

To be continued.......