
Ep. 4


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First day of school nga naman

(Taking shower🚿)(eating Num, Num)

(Brushing teeth) sabay napatingin sa mga kasama ko👀...Bat Hindi pa sila gising wala bang pasok???? Pero Monday ngayon??

"Continue Brushing"

nong uras naba?

7:16am shytt baka late nako ⚡flash⚡

Okay let's go🚶

"Door closed"

Jaehyun: yawn~~~

What?, what time is it??? 👀⏰

Guy's wake up were late!!!? What?? We're are the people here??

(Bryan and Hanseok )


Hanseok Lee: Aigoo~ that serve to the people who isn't sleeping early

Bryan park: I think this is wrong we should've wake him up he might be upset right now "smile"

Hanseok: let's go

Girl's shouted!!🗣️ hanseoka~~~ bryan~~~~

"Continue walking"🚶

"Eric entered the room"

San ba ako oopo?? Doon nalang sa may bintana kasi wala pang naka upo sa both chair para Hindi awkward

(Ms.hee entered the room)

Ms.hee: hi guy's!!! Good morning

Students: good morning miss, ma'am

Ms.hee: so I am your adviser your teacher and home


my name is

"Writing in black board"

✏️Ms. Cho-hee you can guy's call Ms.hee

I am a pure korean and my name means beautiful joy👌😄 every korean name has a meaning ok so my subject is TLE more like Baking and pastry so let's start with The introduction first

Okay go on first line please stand introduce yourself?!

Hasel: hi guys my name is hasel prom I came from nivada hope to be close with you all


Curt: hey guys I'm curt hope we'll be friends

Johnny: hey guys from america hope we'll be friends here

Tony: hi ummm I am tony wang from china I don't like sea food that's all



Me: hi guys I am eric kal I am from Philippines and I like orange

Ok next

"Blah blah blah blah"

Ok so tomorrow will be really going to start class please do read the books for thy class and go to the library

Students: yes ms.hee

Ms.hee: ok goodbye for now class

Students: goodbye miss.hee

Me: bat de ganito sa pinas kainis

Lumapit si Johnny at tony Kay eric

Tony: hey? What's your name again?

Me: eric

Johnny where you from again?

Me: bingi ba sila kaya nga may introduce yourself para ano

Johnny: sorry??

Me: Philippines yeah

Tony: I'm tony wang

And iam johnny let's be friends

Me: hahahha yeah sure

Tony: let's go to store together since we're friends now

Johnny: yeah

Me: yeah sure

"Bell ringing)🛎️

Tony: let's go guys


Johnny: look how korean looking at us

They're like woah foreign hahahha this is cool

Tony: btw can you guys speak Korean

Me: I do

Johnny:Me too

Tony: me umm not really

Tony: let's walk fast or else they will run out one of my favorite snack and yogurt

(더 빠르게) faster faster

Johnny: no stop let's just go to canteen I am hungry really??

"Tumingin si tony sakin"

Eric should we?

Me: sure I am hungry too

Tony: ok let's go


Tony: ok we're here let's go for line


Me: I wonder what food it is I haven't eat any canteen food yet but it's look delicious

Chief: hi guys burger?

Three of us: yes please

Chief: you guys not from here?

Johnny: yes i am from america


Nakita ko rin mga roommate ko nasasa canteen

Girl's: hanseokaa!!!! Bryan!!!!

(Jaehyun eating and saw the two of them)

Jaehyun: hey guy's??? Why didn't you wake me up???

Hanseok: your sleeping so good??

(Hanseok and bryan line up in canteen)

Me:ohh Philippines but are they some sort of hot boys or famous here??

Chief: you didn't know the three of them are famous because of sports and goodlooking too look how girls scream their names

Johnny: I am handsome too korean girls are looking at me

Tony: handsome your foot

Me: but you can speak English chief?

Chief: yes the school hired me special because I can speak English, English is important here so someone can communicate people from another country

Tony:ohh good then Let's go

Johnny: professional

Me: thanks chief no problem guy's see you

To be continued.....