
My Demon Pet System

After spending his entire life on gambling and alcohol, a man died alone in his cold apartment when life decided to give him a second chance. "Where am I?! What... what is this body?!" Reincarnated into a new and young body, he will remember nothing of his past, except for the name printed on the whiskey bottle he was drinking a moment before his heart stopped beating. "Yoichi," that will be his new name. One after another, words written in blood suddenly appeared on the wall before his eyes: "Welcome to your Demon Pet System, your second life redemption's attempt. Tame a Demon in the next 48 hours or die forever." In a world where humans and demons coexist and fight for supremacy, follow the story of Yoichi, a young man who will become the most powerful Demon Tamer of the World of Lumya. Brand New Cover by the brillant Tixer! https://www.fiverr.com/tixer_art Join the Discord Server for extra content: https://discord.gg/pfrfAfWKGG My Book of Yokai: https://discord.gg/8NdnFnXGAp Instagram: @immanioripse_author Twitter: @immanioripse Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Immanioripse-Author-101625858453333

Immanioripse · Fantasi Timur
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302 Chs


Barely a day had passed since Yoichi's forced departure from Goldhaven. Shioko's face during their last meeting kept coming back to his mind. The kiss they had exchanged meant a lot to him, and the mere thought that something might happen to her made him very anxious. 

The Valley of the Northern Waters, when compared to the capital county, looked like a boundless place. In addition to the Southborne Mountains that accompanied the two adventurers' journey along the area west of the valley, it wasn't easy to orient oneself. 

In that place occupied by the most luxuriant and uncontaminated nature, there was no point of reference and, without a map, even an expert traveler would have risked losing his sense of direction. 

According to Ryutaro's old map, that valley ended with an indefinite ocean-like body of water. However, the sea was still far from Yoichi and Takuma's position, and they could not even hear its sound.