
My Demon Celestial System

Now it's the year 3577,the world is so peaceful we have different locations producing powerful weapons and high tier Armor even the earthlings are practicing different abilities I know it might come as a shock to you but everyone on earth has ABILITIES Now on earth you have to be very powerful to survive or even get recognised by anyone. My name is Demion Quin and this is my part to Absolute power and Domination

Xander_Quin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Last day in High school 1

The humans knowing that the Dracklers can strike at anytime have developed a system to fight them, they intend to train children right from the age of 16. It is said that every child as from 16yrs will go to the military school where that can improve their abilities and skills. After the brave family-X helped the humans they also taught them how to pass their abilities from generation to generation by putting all of their energy in an orb, everyone did as they were taught and even some scientist due to enhanced IQ learned how to develop abilities (elemental abilities:fire, earth,water ...) and secure it in an orb, the orbs where traded to people without abilities and one person can have only one ability, this ability process continued and that's how earth kept progressing

It's the year 3577 and am getting ready for my final year in high school. My name is Demion Quin, normal people will introduce them self as a regular or normal or average person but the truth is am not regular and their is definitely nothing normal about me ... am abnormal. I mean am the worse there is, I suck in everything and anything. Everyone in my school has an ability but am the only one that doesn't and for this this I get bullied both by my juniors and seniors (*sigh* such a shame), everyday in school is a living hell but today is different, This is the final day in school and honestly, have been avoiding everybody because I have no intention of getting bullied or humiliated an so far everything is going just fine, am out of the school and going to get my bike as school now is over, others are waiting behind to celebrate and play with their friends but since I don't have one and only enemies I have to run and besides who wants to be a friend of a loser like me.

"Thank God those bullies couldn't see me" Demion said as he was rushing towards his bike but his mood suddenly changed the moment he saw four boys waiting patiently around his bike.

"oh shit, what am I going to do now" Demion was contemplating on whats to do but then an idea hit him


*Beep ! Beep ! Beep !*

A car alarm went off as a black auto- VRxL van was seen with a broken glass

"What the hell" one of the boys shouted as he noticed the broken glass from the van and ran towards it as the other boys ran also

"Who the f**k did this!". one of the boys screamed

But just as the commotion was still on going a thin figure ran pass them

"You son of a B**ch"


Hey guys this is Xander speaking the next chapter is coming in soon just

This is my WhatsApp number add up if u have any ideas to share with me or you notice any mistake in my spellings ... Am still a young writer after


Thanks guy remain blessed ✌️.... oo and plz don't forget to follow and like I will really appreciate that

Thanks guys (Gamsahabnida)