
My Delivery System

Being reincarnated in Chainsaw Man isn't as easy as it seems, and even more so that he's apparently reincarnated as the older brother of the second protagonist of the story Asa Mitaka. But with the [ Delivery System] he will survive and protect what's important to him in this shitty world he's living in. A/N : A fair warning this is a crossover fanfic, while there isn't any additional crossover yet, there will be in the future. Current Crossover Series : Chainsaw Man Kenichi The Strongest Disciple

Charlottes · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

A Date?

Hiru knew something was off about Denji right now, as she was giving him an odd look, not to mention she was avoiding having eye contact with him.

And saying confusing things like.

"I-i stink w-will it be okay..?" She asked him meekly.

Hiru wasn't sure what she's implying, but he could see the reason for her words and replied. "It's fine, it's not like we're going inside an establishment."

"O-oh, I understand." Denji nodded with a smile showing her sharp teeth across her lips.

Seeing this innocent smile, he couldn't help but admit she's really cute while doing that and she should do it often.

Few minutes later, Hiru had no choice but to admit that there's something wrong with how Denji was acting, he realized that there must have been a miscommunication between them.

He thought about his words earlier and his eyes widened as he realized that his words could be implied as asking her to a date.

Hiru let out a frustrated sigh as he realized his mistake, and now understood the whole picture as to why Denji was acting like a maiden in love.

Knowing Denji's background, he knew that showing a small amount of kindness is equivalent to something precious to her.

Somehow he unknowingly made her like him, looking at Denji he can't believe how easy this girl was.

But remembering her life from her male counterpart in anime and manga, it only makes sense as he's probably the only one who showed her a speck of kindness when everyone ignored or outright despised her for what she is.

While he could explain to her that this isn't quite a date, but more like treating her to a meal that she never tried before, he wasn't going to do that, he will let her have this day, as his goal was to make her happy even if it's just today.

They finally arrived at an outdoor eatery and went to the counter to order something to eat.

Before that, he looked at Denji and asked. "What do you want?"

Denji panicked for a moment and quickly looked around and saw a picture of the available dishes that the eatery offers.

Since she's illiterate, she could only point at the dish she wanted. Hiru looked at the dish she chose and saw that it was Katsudon.

"Katsudon huh..? Anyway, anything you want as a drink and for your…partner?" Hiru stared at the dog-like devil. He can't believe this thing is a legend amongst the Devils, this cute little thing…

This really teaches you a lesson, not to judge the book by its cover.

Denji was surprised, probably didn't expect him to treat not only her but also her partner.

"T-then, I'd like another of the dish I wanted and about the drink…I-i want to try drinking pepsi." Denji replied.

Hiru nodded and went to order the specific food that they wanted. The funny thing is that even though history is quite different from his original earth here, pepsi and coca-cola still exist in this world.

In fact a lot of things are quite similar in this world, which shouldn't be a surprise since this world is pretty much a parallel version of the original earth.

He wondered if the big names from his previous life also existed here because he'd like to invest in some companies like Amazon, Google or Apple.

He'll look at those companies later.

Hiru also noticed that the person who was taking his order was unfazed but the smell that Denji was producing, maybe this person got used to it.

Either way, this is a good eatery as it doesn't discriminate against customers.

"Denji, you can wait there at the table. I'll be there after I get the food." He said.

Denji nodded and followed his words.

It didn't take long for the food he ordered to be cooked, it was 2 Katsudon for Denji and Pochinta, 1 bowl filled with Tempura and a bottle of pepsi.

He went to the table where Denji and Pochinta were sitting and put the bowl one by one into the table.

"Well, just tell me if you want more, don't be shy and just ask, now shall we eat?" Hiru smiled as he looked at Denji who blushed a bit with his smile.

'Yep…I think she likes me.' He confirmed.

After that, Denji didn't hesitate to devour her food like an animal that was starved for weeks.

Amused, he couldn't help but find it adorable and said. "Easy, you might choke, no one is going to take it from you alright?"

Seeing that her face was now a mess thanks to the food, he decided to use the paper napkins to clean her face.

Denji was so surprised by this action that her face froze and after realizing his action, her face resembled a ripe tomato.

"I-i.." She stuttered, as she didn't know what to do at the moment.

Rolling his eyes at this reaction and thought. 'Too easy, with this kind of attitude she would easily get advantage of…'

Ignoring her reaction, he decided to eat the Tempura he ordered, while eating suddenly his flip phone rang and immediately checked it and saw that it was his sister calling.

Hiru accepted the call. "Hey?"

-Hiru! Where are you?! Why aren't you home yet?!

"I'm an eater and I'm currently eating."

-Why?! You can eat here rather than eating outside! You know that it's dangerous at night, especially when you're alone!

Hiru could tell from her tone that she's worried and knowing that his sister cared for him made him smile.

"I'm not alone, you know."

Despite his solid answer, his little sister wasn't having it.

-I don't care! Go back home right now!

"Not with that tone, I'm not." Hiru jokes.

His sister stayed silent for a moment before answering.

-Please…I don't want to lose you too.

He could hear her sniffing, and just like that his joking mood disappeared and then let out a sad sigh.

His sister was truly traumatized by the loss of their parents that she became so overprotective with the last of her remaining relatives.

He can't stay here anymore as he didn't want his dear little sister to worry anymore.

"Alright, I'll go home now."

-Okay…I-i love you Nii-san.

"I love you too Imouto-chan." Hiru smiled, it might be cheesy for other people but for us, who only had each other it was our way to show each other affection.

There's nothing sexual about it and it's purely familial, they were that close with each other.

After the call ended he looked at Denji and said, "It seems that we have to end it here, my sister called and I will go home now."

"Oh.." The disappointment in her voice, not to mention her face was quite clear, she really is an open book with matters like this.

"Don't worry, I already paid for the meal and everything. Next time we meet hopefully we could talk more, right before I forget what's your name?" He just realized that he hasn't really asked for her name officially.

Denji's eyes widened and quickly replied. "N-next time? That's great…r-right my name is Denji but…my mother likes to call me Dina, so please call me that."

Dina, while it may not be the best name, it was good enough at least it's better than his name which was so obvious.

"It's not to meet you Dina, my name is Hiru Mitaka, but you can call me by my first name Hiru." He wasn't a big fan of tradition in name, he couldn't care less if someone called him by his first name the first time they interacted, perk of someone who isn't originally japanese.

And naturally as a Japanese person, Denji, or Dina as she wanted to be called, misunderstood his casual word if calling him by his first name just like that.

He left after saying his goodbye, leaving Dina with her partner the Chainsaw Devil Pochinta.

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the apartment that he and his sister were renting.

As soon as he went inside the room, he saw a teenage girl who had long black hair, pale complexion, traditional japanese beauty and a slim body.

Asa Mitaka.

His little sister who was giving him an angry, yet concerned look. "What do you say to yourself?!"

"I'm home?" Hiru smiled a bit awkwardly.

With those words coming out from his mouth, her glare became more intense.

"Alright, alright geez, I'm sorry." Hiru let out a sigh.

Asa dropped the angry glare and immediately went to hug him tightly.

"Don't you dare do that again!"

"Sure, if I'm late next time I'll call you immediately, is that okay?"

She nodded and said. "Dinner's ready."

"But I already ate.."

"So you don't want to eat your little sister cooking?"

"Alright, fine you win." He couldn't help it, his sister was one of his only weaknesses, also that pout is adorable, no wonder a lot of people become a sis-con if they have such a sweet siblings.

A/N: I do understand why people became a siscon and brocon, as I have a brother myself.

Support me on P@.treon, even if it's just for a month I'd be really grateful.


There's currently 6 advanced chapters

there and would increase in the future.