
Chapter 99- Last second decision.

Raina's POV.

I sighed as I stared at my phone, it was time for the meeting, we already had the HODs meeting, now the HODs will meet with the CEO and important shareholders.

I knew this meeting happened regularly, but it was the first time for me, I just became an HOD, so I was nervous, I was nervous for my first meeting, and I heard it's always competitive among the HODs, I was thinking of ideas to give, we were told to do something that'll make the company benefit, and right now, nothing entered my brain, I couldn't think of something to give there, I bit my lips as the elevator dinged and opened, I was finally at the conference hall.

I saw other HODs inside already, I smiled nervously, as I picked a seat at the end, so if the meeting ended, I could just go out at once, the conference hall was very spacious, this was my first time here, it has multiple seat but it was all like a round setting, with someone sitting at the far end, every seat had a microphone to it, it looked like meeting halls that assemblymen gather and also presidents.

I held my breathe when I saw the HOD of Broadcast, he smirked when he saw me, I was very unsettled right now after seeing him, he sat at my front, I tensed for some seconds then collected myself back again, I wasn't going to let him unnerve me, though I was feeling very scared right now, the attack he made to me was still fresh in my memory, and I hadn't told anyone yet.

I could see other HODs walk in and some shareholders, I had never met any shareholder walk in before, I saw Gabriel walk in and I smiled, he was the Deputy CEO after all, and from what I knew he was also a shareholder, I saw Matteo walk in, even Lyn walked in, I was slightly excited that they were friendly faces, though still meant pure business.

The hall, got a little fuller than it did earlier, people kept walking in, I could recognise the HODs, I couldn't recognise the shareholders, as I just met some of them today, I sighed, I wanted this meeting to finish, so I could find something to unwind myself with, it was a very hectic day, and the start of the week, it made me tired already.

I smiled softly when he finally walked in, it looked like he was the last to come in, I bit my lips when I saw a hickey on his neck, I knew that I did that, though I covered mine, cause he left lots of Hickeys with his nibbles using his fangs, he said he had to control himself from not bitting me, and drinking me,that this happens when vampires were having sex with each other or other species, drinking the blood made them more active than ever, I bit my lips when I felt my cheeks heated, I could remember our night over again, I wondered if he remembered too, it was such a memorable night for me, I'm not sure I could forget even if my memory got wiped or I lost it.

"I'm sorry I'm late." He said in his honey deep voice which stired me down there, as I recalled how he sounded when he was in bed, he stared at everyone before nodding, I saw one attendant rush in, and he got a slip from them, they walked out, it was obvious the meeting had begun.

"We are going to start immediately without wasting anyone's time." Bas said with a small smile.

"Our agenda here is very simple, this meeting would be like it has always been, Every department will tell us how they were going to make profit, but in a quality generative manner, something that will invite more clients to purchase with only us, we have competitors, we need something to throw them off the market, we are number one in the ranking," he paused taking a sip of apricot labeled bottle juice I just realized, he dragged the straw he used and droped it, "we need the rank where people won't even dare compete with EBC, that absolute ranking, and also something that will be of interest to the public, that's our goal and pursuit, I'm sure you all knew about this before coming here, I really have no time to dilly dally." He said sternly.

"So can I get what every department will bring for us, you can write it down in the papers you've seen there, we'll give our final answer when we've viewed it, that won't take more than ten minutes, and also, writing down the ideas shouldn't take more than two minutes." He said adjusting his tie, I didn't mean to stare right now, but he looked so damn hot.

"The shareholders are going to review the ideas and we'll finalize what we'll choose, so we can end the meeting." He added.

I tapped my legs on the floor as I thought of a last minute idea to write down that wouldn't look weird or stupid, something that could work when it was reviewed, I know I was massaged about what the meeting would be about, but I was so busy hiring and doing other stuffs that made me forget what I wanted or not even write it down before coming here, I hit my head a little, it was already a minute over, and I didn't have anything to give if they asked me to submit, it would be embarrassing to have nothing to give.

I sighed as I thought of something to write down, I didn't want to be embarrassed by whatever I planned or writing.

I heaved a little sigh, as I realised I had thirty seconds left, I wrote down what entered my head immediately, I hope it was accepted, though it looked like everyone had something to write down.

The papers were collected from us and like Bas said, the finished going through it in ten minutes, they were asking every HOD how they will go about it, especially the shareholders, all they cared about was something that would make their share rise and also what will benefit in the financial aspect, they were the ones throwing the questions to the HODs. I was so nervous, because I wasn't even sure of what I wrote, and I didn't even know much to say if they asked me something I definitely didn't prepare for, I knew I was going to be embarrassed, and I didn't want that.

I knew my turn was coming soon, and that made me a nervous wreck, it looked like I will be spoken to soon, I rehearsed in my heart and smiled a little, I needed to rid the tension, I had to fake a smile even when I couldn't even smile well, I really need to unwind after this meeting, I needed to have fun and also dance it out, I held my hands together, telling myself that it was going to be over soon, I hoped so, hoped they didn't hate it.

"Miss Raina, I really don't get this, or is it because you just became a new HOD, if you can't do your work then I don't get what the appointment is for." A shareholder said venomously and I tensed, it felt like everyone was attacking me.

"I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean sir," I paused a little staring at his board and the name written, "I don't get you Mr Roland." I said.

"What do you mean by fresh concepts?" Another shareholder asked.

"Will the fresh concept give us the profit we're talking about?" Mr Roland asked.

"Yes ,I've not finalized what I would do, but fresh concepts would give my department and even other departments profit and also public clients and general patronisers." I said confidently, I was surprised that slipped out of my mouth and I said it without shaking.

"So this will give your department profit?" A shareholder asked and I nodded.

"I don't know about other departments, but this will give mine the profit it needs." I said.

I held my hands together tightly after saying that, they all nodded when I finished and I heaved a sigh of relief, I was sure my hands would break with the pressure I used in holding it together.

"She doesn't even know what she's saying." The HOD of Broadcast said loudly and everyone turned.

"What did you say?" Matteo asked and the HOD of Broadcast shook his head.

"I heard you say something, I thought you had something to add." Matteo said softly staring at him.

"We've finalized everything, I hope we all achieve our goals at the end of the month." Bas said.

"The meeting is over." He said and everyone dispersed, I stood up slowly collecting myself, it looked like the HOD of Broadcast really wanted to get on my nerves and it was working, I left the hall with a grimace, I was happy, I had finished this meeting finally.