
Chapter 86- Allegations.

Raina's POV.

The new director stared at me when I said that, I could feel other stares, but I wasn't having it at all.

She stared at me for a minute and sighed, "you really think you're all that don't you?" She asked.

"I'm not even thinking of anything, and what are you even talking about?" I asked a little confused.

"You're asking me what you know already," she scoffed her voice a little higher than it was earlier, "of course I won't be surprised you're pretending," she paused for a while, "you do that a lot, like you're doing now." She spat and I stilled, I didn't know she would go this far.

I knew she disliked me, even Lyn warned me about her saying she hates me so much, but I never thought it was this much, she even spat on the floor because of me.

I counted one to ten and faced her again, but with cool indifference, "what's your deal with me?" I asked softly, but with a biting edge to my voice, I made sure she could get the bitting edge, and no one else would, she stared at me clearly Irritated and probably trying to calm herself down after I used that tone, but I was going to annoy her too, I had something important this week, so I didn't want someone pissing me off, so I could concentrate in doing it.

"You're acting like you know nothing, but you know what's wrong." She said through her teeth and I scoffed rolling my eyes a little, I don't care if she was my superior, but I didn't like disrespect from anyone big or small, I didn't care about your age, all I cared about was you not being disrespectful, if anyone were disrespectful, I would annoy you too, or tell you off.

"What do you do so well apart from rub feets and hands with the Edmondo's?" She asked her voice louder I could feel the crowd in the room now, I'm sure people called out their friends to watch this drama.

I called myself down, there was something I knew about being calm in heated situations, it helped matters a lot, and it benefits the calm person, that the person with anger tantrums thrown, I even told Bas that several times, if she was trying to rile me up, it was working, but I wasn't going to show that, but I would definitely rile her up too.

I relaxed my shoulders tapping the table slowly, I felt Daniella's hands touch my shoulders encouragingly and I smiled at her, "I'm sorry but if this is what you have to say, then I have no time for this." I said calmly but with that bitting edge I used earlier and I made sure she notice that by the smirk I used.

"You hang out with them to get promotions, you're not a lesbian, so you're obviously not fucking Evelyn, and she's also not a Lesbian, even with the way she behaves around you, so are you fucking her cousin or her brother for promotions?" She shouted and I could hear snickers and Whispers.

"Is that what you did to become a director?" I asked with enough steel in my voice, even though I talked calmly, she blinked shifting back.

"I.., I…," she stuttered and I could hear snickers from the people around.

"You can't speak, because the way you're so sure, you think I slept with whoever you're suspecting me sleeping with to get promoted, so I want to know if that's how you got yours and that makes you so confident that I got mine that way." I said with a shrug and people nodded.

"You didn't just get a promotion, the company created a new department for you." She yelled.

"I'm sorry if you're mad that I got a new department to myself, but that's what I'm good at, that's what my designs and certificates say, my work speaks for me, I got popular suddenly because of my work, so how do you expect me to not focus on that." I said calmly.

"And even if I sleep with anyone, it shouldn't be something you should care or fret about." I said with a shrug.

"You insult me yet you give me a basic design the CEO gives you to design and order me around too, when you have no talent, wherever I am today, my work is proving it, I do it myself, I don't have to hide under anyone or anything." I added with a small smile.

"You've gotten really insolent." She said.

"I'm not insolent, I'm just stating facts, you're attacking me unecessarily, or are you pained that I don't answer to you and your stupid demands anymore?" I asked.

"You shouldn't attack people that way." I smiled when I heard Lyn's voice, she faced the director and the director left the place, I could feel people leave too to their respective offices and departments, some people lingered, but everything was okay.

"I'm sorry about that, immediately she found out about your new position, she ran here and started talking to you." Lyn said calmly.

"It's okay, she was just being paranoid." I forced a smile, though my mood changed, but I wasn't going to be in an angry mood completely, I needed to be calm to draw and paint what I wanted for my opening.

It had to be perfect with the way people knew about it now, the reason I kept it from people, I wanted it to be a surprise, and I also didn't want complaints from anyone, but the director has already blown everything out of proportion.

I already drew and painted half of what I needed to use, I needed to complete the paintings, for the opening tomorrow, I had limited time, it was already too soon for me.

I was given a chance to really do what I've always wanted to do and also what was my niche, it's what I studied in school, to be an aesthetic artist, an aesthetic department that focused on designs, mostly aesthetical ones and also other artistic elements, and that's why my director was angry, that I was now a director of a department.


I jumped a little from the stool at the coffee shop when I heard my phone ping, it must have been a message and I hadn't silenced it, I came to this shop to relax my mind after the events today, and the fact that it trended on social media platforms, some people posted it and I could see comments already, it was terrifying, I hope no one especially the director,  it happened because of her, should ruin my opening, it meant a lot to me.

I could see some positive comments and some nasty comments, some were in support of me and some bashed me.

I closed my phone hurriedly, I saw a message from Bas, but I didn't want to open it yet, I wanted my alone time, and I didn't want to disturb him again, he has already done a lot for me, so it would've been bad to make him do everything, I was going to solve this situation on my own, whatever the situation now was, though it wasn't large, but it could blow out of proportion anytime soon, the media always spread rubbish.

I turned to my phone when I heard another ping, and I sighed picking it up, I realised it was a mail, from the same account who sent me a mail before;


My name is Antonia, the fan president of Daises club, the lovers of Raina, we made a vote to choose the name and it came out this way, the votes were equal,but we picked Daisies because Lillies had already been choosed by another fanbase, we hope you love it.

The most important reason for this mail is we will come to your defence during this time of need, we are already doing that and we are also steering people to do that too, with us.

We suggest you supply me with any evidence that can prove your innocence, so we could defend you with clear evidence."

I smiled them I read the mail, I posted a voice record and designs I did, that the team manager couldn't do as evidence and sent them as a mail for her.

I closed my phone and relaxed with a smile, it already felt like it would be okay since I had fans who loved me now.

I heard another ping and I opened my phone immediately, the fan president sent another email;


Thanks for your cooperation, we will take it from here."

I smiled tucking my phone in my bag, I left the cafeteria, I needed to rush and prepare for the event, and I would leave my defense to my fans to do that for me, I had drawings and paintings to do, it was going to be a long night.

I opened Bas's text and smiled,he sent a keep fighting emoji to me.

I called him and he picked it immediately it rang, he must have had the phone in his hands all along, I smiled softly and drove back to my apartment to continue my work.