
Chapter 67-Polo and Sweatpants.

Raina's POV.

**Warning Mature scene ahead***

He smiled at me, pinching my cheeks, I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed.

"You said you were tired, let's go inside, so you could rest." He said and we went inside together.

I squealed when he carried me, he stopped at the door and I gave him a questionable look.

"Are you going to shower?" He asked and I raised my brows and he laughed.

"Are you sure you want me to shower?" I asked and he laughed dropping me down.

"What do you mean?" He chuckled.

"I'm really tired, and stressed and drained," I sat down on the bed with him, "and I'm sure I'll fall asleep if I even go to the shower right now, I'm so tired." I yawned leaning on his shoulder.

"Can I give you a massage?" He asked.

"Why thank you, you can of course," I turned facing him, "you didn't need to ask that." I said.

"Well, I have magic hands." He said with a smile, he got up and went into the bathroom coming back with a massage oil.

"This is a daisy oil." I said.

"One of my favourite scent." I added.

"Oh nice, then I'm glad I have it." He said, he unzipped my gown and took off my bra, I covered my boobs shyly and he smiled.

He took off all my underwear totally and poured the oil gently on me.

I moaned when he turned me and started massaging me, I could feel myself get wet, and my muscle were relieved everytime he massaged it, he applied the oil to my butt and I bit my lips a little, he massaged my butt gently,he moved to my laps and then my legs, I could hear my moans get louder than it was before, he was also groaning, I felt myself get wet and I moaned when his fingers grazed my pussy lips.

He turned me around facing him and I blushed harder than I did before, he just smiled at me.

He poured the oil on my boobs and massaged them, I moaned and he kept massaging them, turning them in circular motions, he tweaked my nipples and I gasped.

He moved from my boobs down to my tummy then my waist, I was anticipating his massage down there, but he went down to my legs and massaged my feet, he came back up and applied the oil slowly around my pussy and massaged me there, I was moaning and vibrating at the same time, I could feel my orgasm come, he slid his finger inside me and I gasped fisting the bedsheets, he slid his finger in and rubbed my clit simultaneously in circular motions.

I felt walls tighten and gripping his finger, he added another finger making them too, and he slipped in and out quickly and rubbed my clit in circular motions but faster than he did, I felt like I was floating, and I found something up there, I could feel my vision cloud and I clutch the bedsheets harder till I saw stars explode and my eyes were hazy for a while.

He smiled and took the oil back to the bathroom, I was still breathing hard trying to catch my breathe after the orgasm.

He went to his wardrobe and brought out his shirt, he put his shirt on me and climbed to the bed with me.

I looked down at him and saw his erection, he smiled, "don't worry I'll be fine, and you're tired." He said.

I felt all the tension in my shoulders wear off after the massage, but I felt sleepy, so I came closer to him and we cuddled.

I sighed as I laid my head on his hand, while his other hand enveloped me, I closed my eyes smiling, I didn't know when I drifted to sleep slowly.

"Good night sleepyhead I love you." I heard his voice faintly and I smiled before I slept off, I know I was sleeping with a smile on my face.


I squinted, my eyes still half closed when I woke up, I could see the lights in the room. I stared the the open windows and the balcony door was already wide open.

I turned around and felt the bed, I opened my eyes properly, Bas was nowhere to be seen.

I smiled and blushed when I thought of how he took care of me last night, and we cuddled till he left, I didn't even notice when he left, but there was a big dent in the bed, he must have left very early.

I smiled as I thought of his words last night, the "I love you." Was replaying in my head for countless time now.

I sighed as I hugged the pillow close to me, it had his scent in it, his scent was really so good, it was comfort on his own, that's why I loved hugging him, hugging him gave me everything I wanted that moment, so I took every chance to do that.

I went down and took my shower immediately, I didn't see him yet and it was about 30 minutes already.

I didn't bring any clothing here, so it was hard to choose what to wear, I decided to call Lyn.

I dialed her number and it rang for about five times and she didn't pick up, I felt chilly.

I went through his wardrobe and picked a ash coloured sweatpants and his black Polo.

I wore the ash coloured palms I saw, it was a  an oversized like the Sweatpants and Polo, but it looked good, I let my hair fly, it was more curly after showering, I decided to check the balcony before going downstairs.

The view was more fascinating than last night, I could see everything clearly now, last night the only clear thing I saw was the dam.

The waters were flowing faster now, I looked down and saw no one around, the trees looked really inviting, I was going to explore the place soon, it looked a little farther now.

I decided to go down and look for Bas, I stopped at the kitchen down, I was a little hungry, I was glad for the milk I saw.

I saw a plate covered with a note,

"I made breakfast for you, I'm out, so eat this if you wake up." He wrote.

I smiled, he was thoughtful, I ate the scrambled eggs and toast he made and the tea, I was full immediately, I was still in awe of how much of a good cook he was.

I opened the door with a smile thinking about how I was going to smother him with kisses as a thank you you for what he did for me, I lost smile immediately I met Diana at the front door, she looked me up and down scoffing.

She came closer and I stood at the entrance blocking it, she released her claws raising her eyebrows daring me to not leave. I stood my ground.

"I'm sorry I really don't have time for this, I came here to get something and go back to the game." She said sharply.

"Did he give you permission in here?" I asked.

"Of course he did, I mean why am I here?" She smiled flinging her hair.

"You look like you lie for a living, so how would I know you're not doing that?" I asked calmly.

"And if he wanted something, I'm sure he could come get it, so why would he send you, not his sister or his favourite cousin?" I asked.

"Don't ask me questions I don't have answers to." She said, "now move so I could get what I want." She added.

I moved outside, and she shifted back I closed the door purposely, it was obvious it wouldn't open if it wasn't him opening it, and I guessed that she had an ulterior motive and he never sent her here in the first place.

She frowned immediately she saw the door close, "I'm sure he gave you his keys, you can go get it, since I'm not blocking you anymore." I said with a shrug.

She was visibly shaking with her fume, I know she could hurt me anytime soon, but I didn't understand why I was really fearless, and had nothing to loose when it came to her.

"Don't feel too fly for having him right now, you'll not end up with him, I promise you." She said leaving with a hiss.

"Knowing you for the past hours, I don't think you've ever succeeded in any stupid thing you've planned and there's no way you ever will." I said and she stopped for a while, turning back to me, she came closer, she grabbed me with force and I yelled, I could feel every where being very airy, and things becoming really fast, I felt like I was spinning, I felt myself drop to the floor and raising my head I saw everyone I met at the dining yesterday, and those I didn't staring at me.