
Chapter 66- The Balcony.

Raina's POV.

The dinner was very dramatic, more than I expected, his grandfather's strong opposition was surprising to me, he seemed like a chill person, but I realized how controlling he is this evening.

I could still feel Bas's anger as he held my hands and we walked out of the dinning hall together, I didn't expect everything I heard or received there from his family friends and some of his family, but I wasn't shocked.

I took disappointments very well, so this was okay for, it was just a little surprising.

I held Bas hands tighter and he threw a sharp glance at me smiling softly, I liked how he stood for me, no matter what.

I had a feeling whatever drama we left there was not over yet.

"Are you okay?" Bas asked searching my face, I smiled at him, but he kept staring at me, "are you okay, or you're just smiling and acting like you're okay?" He asked again, I tried hiding my smile, because he was so cute while being caring and all.

"I'm fine, I'm not pretending to be fine, I won't hide it from you alright." I touched his face and he inhaled my hands and I giggled.

He told me he was obsessed with my scent and he made that so obvious always.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked as we came out of the house fully, I sighed, I didn't want to leave yet, and it was too late, I really wanted to rest.

"Is it okay if I stay here tonight, I'm really tired, I need to relax." I said softly.

"Will you be okay here?, are you sure?" He asked.

"I'll be fine, you're here with me and that's more than okay." I said.

"Okay, let's go then, I'll inform my parents that I'm staying, it's weekend tomorrow, we don't have work till Monday." He said.

"So can we stay here and go on Sunday?" I asked.

"Really, you're not upset?, You really want to stay here after all that?" He asked, I know he was referring to what happened at dinner, but I just felt like staying here for a while, I also wanted to explore the house.

"I'll be fine, and I want to do lots of sightseeing here too." I beamed and he stared at me for a long time and Chuckled.

"You're really an adventure person?" He asked with a smile.

"You like that, don't you?" I asked.

"I do, I really do." He smiled and we walked hand in hand strolling down to his house.

I stopped when I met someone that looked familiar,it was the vamp who kept staring at me during the dinner, looking at his face closely I noticed that he was a bit pale,like Vampires were normally, he looked Bas up and down and rolled his eyes, Bas smirked but I could feel that it was a smirk to put him off, the vamp was really unsettling, his stares made my skin crawl.

"I see you're staying the night Sebastien." He said dragging his feet on the ground, he was almost the same height as Bas, but he was a little shorter.

"Yes I am, do you have anything for me.", Bas said with the same smirk he had on his face.

"No I don't, I just wanted to know if you're staying that's all." He shrugged.

"Since when did you have interest in me Rafael?" Bas asked.

"Since I saw..." He paused and tilted his head to my side, I felt he was talking to me, but he wasn't directing it at me, but I still felt creeped off by him.

"Anyways good night." He waved to Bas and I, he whistled and left us, he paused for a while and turned to us again, "it was nice meeting you Raina." He smirked and I felt Irritated, the bad feeling I had was unsettling, I could feel it to my stomach, I felt Bas looking at me, I didn't want to tell him so he wouldn't worry, but Rafael unsettled me.

"Let's go." Bas said and I followed him while faking a smile, I was really being a little paranoid about how Rafael made me feel, bit I know what I saw at the dinner earlier.

He kept staring at me, he would look at me like I was something he wanted to possess, I thought Bas could read his thoughts, but it looked like Bas focused on the thoughts of whoever said something to me or to him.

He was not part of those chewing me out a the dinner,but he kept on staring and when I stared back at him, he didn't waver or try to change his gaze, he just kept staring.

I felt goosebumps all over my arms while thinking about Rafael.

"We're here." Bas said and I was startled immediately.

"Oh wow, I can't wait to see your interior design, it's always amazing." I said faking a smile.

I gasped when he opened the door, I didn't need to form a fake smile because of how I was feeling, the smile I had on my face now was really genuine.

He was really a sucker for designs, especially interior ones and I wasn't complaining about it, I loved it.

His house was actually bigger inside than I thought, it looked small outside, but going inside made me marvel at how it was bigger when it looked like it was going to be just a room or maybe few rooms.

It had a little corridor with a staircase, downstairs had a very large parlour, there was a dinning room at the far end, a lobby and also the sitting room itself.

The ceelings were painted in creamy colours and there were chandeliers hanging in every center of the room, the walls were painted coffee brown, while the chairs and other furniture were brown but deeper in colour, everything blended with each other, even the curtains were mixed with the colour cream, coffee brown and deep brown, making everything blend totally.

The tiles was creamy in colour and there was a design in the middle with coffee brown colour.

"Wow, this is beautiful." I said turning around the house making a circle with my body, he laughed when he saw what I was doing.

"Let's go upstairs." He said taking me hands, he tugged me and I went along.

I paused and gasped in awe, upstairs was also an eye candy, the walls were painted with the same colour painted downstairs.

He had about six rooms upstairs, he tugged me along to his own room, it looked like the master's bedroom in the house.

He opened and I entered, I didn't gasp in awe again, I was getting used to seeing his amazing designs, it didn't shock me anymore, it was very pleasant to see someone who had the same likeness to things I loved, I was mainly obsessed with aesthetical designs, and I saw it in everything he had or owned.

I sighed as I looked at the room, it was really large, the bed was larger than the one at Maple Town.

I blushed when I remembered maple town, I tried to get Maple Town out of my memory, so I could concentrate, because thinking about it made me distracted, and sometimes I was in a world of my own while thinking about it.

The place I had the first orgasm of my life and it was the best feeling ever, I blushed harder as I thought of all the crazy things we did, what he made me do, I didn't even know how giving and receiving pleasure worked, but he thought me a lot of it that day, though he told me it was little of what giving pleasure was and I blinked and he laughed telling me how cute I was, he told me he would teach me every bad thing he knew and I glared at him.

I turned to the window and noticed a balcony, I walked to it and I took back my words about not gasping in awe again.

It had the best view ever, I could see a vast amount of houses at other places from here, I could see the river that was glistening with light and water flowing, it looked like a dam, I stilled when I saw figures run quickly at the far end side of the entrance to the house.

I breathed a sigh of relief, it was just the vampires, they must have gone running.

I turned around immediately when I felt an arm envelope me, I turned and met Bas's stare, I relaxed a little, he hugged me tighter and we faced the view the balcony gave us.

"I see you've found it." He said, I could feel him smile while saying that.

"You always manage to surprise me everytime," I turned to him, "I didn't know I'll find such a beautiful view here." I said.