
Chapter 65- Anger.

Sebastien's POV.

I was really pissed by the attacks on Raina, I couldn't even keep a fake smile any more, they were getting on my nerves.

Even though I kept holding her hands, telling her it's alright, I didn't feel that good because whatever they were doing right now to demean her wasn't really fair.

When grandfather said he had plans , future plans for me, I never knew this included this, it was pathetic to say the least, he wanted to plan everything in my life for me, and the annoying thing was that I let him do it, because I was bored, I didn't have anything to do, so all I did was go with the flow, and do whatever he wanted, that was until I met her and every goal of mine surfaced, I never had goals, but I suddenly did while meeting her, I wanted her in my life forever, and I wasn't going to let anyone take that from me, I don't care if it's a family member or not.

I quickly imagined not having Raina in my life and it felt so empty, dividing the physical attraction I had for her, being Raina was wholesome, she gave me everything, she understood me without trying as I did her, she blended with me emotionally, she motivated me without even knowing, she's everything amazing and more, she clicked with me in every manner.

When grandfather also told me to bring her to the house, I thought he was going to accept her readily like my parents did, but he didn't, he had plans about me on his own, I was tired of being his obedient listener, it was finally stale.

"I'm sorry Grandpa, but I can't do what you said." I said calmly trying to stop myself from going into one of those moods.

"There's nothing you can do to change this, I already made plans and it can't be changed." Grandpa said and kept eating.

"If you don't want to listen to me that's fine, I shouldn't even stress myself in trying to explain or reason with you, I just want to make one thing really clear, I won't marry her, or any other person you've planned an imaginary marriage for in your head, I won't do it, I will get married on my own terms and will marry whoever I want," I paused slightly, I felt his rage, but I didn't care, he was trying to demean the one I loved and cared about so much, so I didn't care anymore, " and also I've been doing things you've wanted all my life, obeying you, that ends today." I added.

"You don't get to disobey me in front of this human." Grandpa pointed to Raina with disgust evident in his face.

"Raina, Raina, she has a name, don't insult her." I barked.

"You have never once disobeyed me, then you're doing that suddenly, just because you met her, I don't know what Nonsense she filled in your head, but you will do as I say and listen to it." Grandpa retorted and I rolled my eyes, I felt Raina's hands grip mine calmly, I turned to her and she shook her head.

"I've always obeyed you because I was bored and I didn't have any purpose in life, but I do now and I'm not just going to throw it away." I said bitting my tongue, trying to stay calm.

"So what exactly is this purpose?, Is it her?" Grandpa asked sarcastically.

"Yes, she's everything and more." I shot back.

"You're just behaving like a damn fool." Grandpa said.

"Okay, anything else?" I asked and he growled at me, in seconds I felt him reach me grabbing my neck, I just stared at him refusing to move, I felt his talons grip my neck sinking into it tightly, I could hear faint sound of voices but I paid no head to it, I kept staring at him, I heard my mom and dad plead for him to leave me alone, but he kept holding on to my neck and I didn't stop staring at him, it was now a little baffling than before.

"Sebastien, that's enough, please you'll hurt yourself." I heard Raina's voice say faintly, and I smiled turning my attention from my grandpa to her, I felt my grandpa's rage simmer slowly, it was building up and he was going to explode, I ignored him and his hands on my neck, I turned to Raina who smiled, in seconds grandpa went for Raina, he was fast, but I was also faster, I blocked his attack, but Raina fell down, making her tumble on the chair, I couldn't hold it in again, I growled and lights scattered and everyone turned to me.

I rushed to Grandpa's side in a second gripping his neck and raising him up, he struggled and I smirked at him, he kept clutching his neck and I refused to let go, the image of Raina falling made me really upset, her image kept replaying in my mind and I kept applying pressure on his neck.

"Bas, stop that, that's enough." My father warned.

"He shouldn't have made her hurt, she's hurt, and he's responsible for that," I said and released Grandpa.

I could feel my rage build up more, choking him and dropping him wasn't enough to calm it, it didn't help my mood.

I could feel the air tighten, my eyes was changing it's colour, everyone stared and shifted, watching me warringly.

I wasn't myself when my raging mood came, I could do anything to anyone, that's why I didn't want to get upset about anything, being upset makes me go into a frenzy.

My mind was clouding slowly and I kept hearing a voice in my head urging me to kill everyone who offends me and even everyone that doesn't, I held my head trying to keep it down, but it got worse, I saw red and everyone's head flashed red, it was like a signal and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Son, just breathe, calm down, I know you're upset, just be calm." I heard my father's voice .

I glanced at everyone, and their heads still indicated red, my fangs were already out, my talons were out, ready for an attack.

I heard voices faintly and I couldn't recognise them anymore.

"Bas, Bas please listen to me, are you listening?" I heard a voice I recognised easily, it was Raina, I was surprised I could hear her during my rage, but it didn't shock me, I remembered her being the one to drag me out of it once.

Hearing her voice made the rage in my head and soul cooled down immediately, it was her pouring ice in a heated place to make it cool, that's what she did to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she nodded, I could feel my eyes turn to normal and my rage calmly disseminating.

"I'm fine," she paused when I raised my brows for her, "I'm not even hurt." She added with a smile.

I examined her slowly while  my rage died down completely, I smiled when I saw no  wounds or scratches on her.

"I'm glad you're okay, I was terrified,and also mad at myself that I couldn't protect your properly." I said gesturing but she just held my hands and smile.

"How did you do that?" My dad asked Raina and Raina stared at him, her brows etched in confusion.

"How did you calm his rage down, no one can do that." My mum asked her.

"I don't really know to be honest, I just talked to him." Raina said with a slight shrug.

"It happened when we traveled, she calmed him down there and also here." Lyn said.

"Yeah that's true, we were so scared that day as usual, when his rage started." Gabriel said.

I could feel most of the vampire who didn't say a word but just stare at us when this happen look at Raina, she was nervous, she bit her lips slowly and came closer to me, I clutched her hands.

"She's the only one who can." I said with pride, it was amazing that it was only her, the mother really created a mate who'll complete me in every manner.

"I stared at the guests, Diana's parents were glaring at me, and I could feel Victor's gaze,and my other uncle's who keep looking for ways to ruin me.

"Looks like the dinner is over, we have to leave, too bad it wasn't over yet." I said.

"You're leaving early, won't out stay over in the mansion?" My father asked.

"I may or may not, it depends." I said with a smile.

"Let go baby." I told Raina who blushed and held out her hands as I took it leaving the dining hall, we walked hand in hand, till we reached there.

The dinner was more dramatic than I expected, I knew Grandpa or Diana's family were not done yet, I didn't just know what they had in store for us, to drive me and Raina apart.