
Chapter 103- Embarrassment.

Raina's POV.

I woke up with a headache and a pain in the neck, I must have slept clumsily, or maybe I didn't use my pillow.

I opened my eyes slowly taking in the gigantic room, and curtains, I blinked when I realized how different the colours of the curtains were, and they were much bigger than mine.

The room was really gigantic, it looked like a master's bedroom pro max, if there was actually anything like a master's bedroom pro max, it was very large, and the floors were designed with black and ash marble tiles,with spiral dotted designs, it looked like shapes of animals and also a garden of roses, the cupboard for books was at the extreme, the reading table was close to it , the reading lamp looked like something released by brands, it looked familiar, but I couldn't really place it.

I saw the wardrobe and it looked really large, and the air conditioner was a lot, the room has about six air conditioner, it looked like a freezing battel was happening here, I now understood how cold it was when I woke up, the colours were cream in colour, the bed was so big, I felt like I would get missing on the bed, it was very large, the bedspread was very warm and fluffy, the pillow too, touching it made me change my mind about sleeping with a wrong pillow, the pillow were soft , I noticed about ten pillows, five large ones, and five small sized ones.

I looked down at my clothes and realized I was wearing a shirt, specifically Bas's shirt, I realized clearly that it was his house, I've never entered or explored his apartment thoroughly, I only entered his parlour, and I didn't even stay long, because we went to my own apartment, when I lived in this area newly.

I came down from the bed after lot of effort, it felt like I was swimming to the edge of the bed, I knew Bas was tall, and I was also tall, but I don't understand how he could get a bed so big.

I could hear voices now, it was a little clearer too, it looked like Lyn, Gabriel and Matteo were here too, and Bas was here, I picked up my phone and frowned,it looked like my employees were working, it felt good that I was an HOD now, though I still had to take a leave, I took an absent leave immediately, I smiled when the they all replied the message I sent on the WhatsApp group, I went Downstairs.

I could hear Gabriel howl with laughter, looking down he was actually shaking out of laughing so much, I wondered what was up and why they were laughing to much, my head still hurt, and felt light, it looked like I couldn't remember something, but I couldn't pick it up yet, knowing myself, I know it would probably won't take much time, I was going to remember soon.

They all stilled when they saw me, Bas held my gaze, Matteo kept his head the other way, Gabriel looked up, and Lyn looked like she was clamping her mouth from laughing, I paused raising my brows and they laughed, only Bas kept staring at me, and he took lots of time, he kept my gaze then threw his head away scoffing, "you're awake." He said softly but his voice had a dangerously tone to it, it looked like he was upset about something or sulking, and Lyn, Matteo and Gabriel were teasing him for it.

"Y'all teasing him, stop teasing him."I said softly, "and Good morning." I Added with a smile.

"Good morning drunkie." Matteo said with a smile and I stared at him in confusion trying to remember where I got drunk when he was around, I couldn't think of it, so I shook my head.

"Im not a drunkie." I said hitting him playfully.

"Yes you are, you really gave us a hard time yesterday, especially Bas." Matteo said, Lyn and Gabriel laughed.

"I'm surprised you're finding this funny when all this started because of you." Bas said to Lyn sternly.

"How is that my fault." Lyn shrugged, "I took her to a party to unwind, that's all, it was to help." Lyn added.

"A party?" I asked, "anyways did we plan to hang out today?" I asked again.

"No we didn't, we're here because of you." Gabriel said.

"What?, Why?, What happened?" I asked, I couldn't remember anything, I really wanted to know what I did.

"And that party are you talking about?" I asked after few seconds.

"You mean you don't remember?" Matteo asked with a smile.

"Bas was right, she wouldn't remember for a while." Gabriel said.

"Right, he must be used to her slight memory loss at times." Lyn clasped her hands.

"She'll soon regain it." Bas said, I watched his face slowly, I must have been annoying yesterday.

Lyn turned to Gabriel winking at him, Matteo came closer, they started doing a jiggle dance which was very funny, Bas started laughing too.

"I need to join in this laughing." I said, and they all turned to me and laughed again.

"Trust me you'll definitely not laugh when you remember." Lyn said with a mischievous smile.

"Alright I'll understand once I remember," I said throwing my hands up, "I'm not sure I did anything." I said and they laughed, Bas laughed.

"Haha, you're all so funny." I said a little Irritated.

"If I did what you did, you'll clearly laugh at me." Lyn replied.

"So what did I really…" I couldn't finish my statement when the memories flooded my brain, I sat down slowly clasping my town hands together.

"It's memory time." Bas said with a smirk.

I remember I planned a party with Lyn, we went clubbing after work, when I planned to unwind for I was tired for a while, so I wanted to go loose myself a little.

I remember entering the club,and dancing with Lyn, and Lyn telling me she wanted to get something. I remember drinking a red looking drink and I became weird afterwards, I felt very high, I even behaved seductively, I remember dancing with a guy till Bas came and he was very upset, but I was surprised about how I didn't care and kept dancing with him, I remember seeing Matteo and Gabriel, I remember being told the name of the drink.

I remember dragging Bas to a room with me, I closed my hands to my face when I remembered pole dancing.

I remember Bas getting Mad at Lyn and leaving the party with me, I remember them joining the Limousine Bas ordered, I remember vomiting on Bas's body, and he took care of me, changing our clothes in the changing room in the car, I thought what I was remembered was all so far, till I looked down at my shirt and realized it wasn't the one I was wearing right now, it meant that I must have messed up again.

I remember getting and giving Bas a lap dance, I wasn't even shy, when I saw Lyn, Gabriel and Matteo there yesterday, I kept lap dancing for him, he got me off his lap gently, I remember telling him that I'm sure he couldn't wait to have an orgasm anyways, I remember lap dancing again, I even twerked, dry- humping him, I know I could feel his erection, and I know he didn't want to touch me, that's why he kept va watching me behave that way.

I remember telling him to bring out his cock, so I could play with it, to his satisfaction, and he told me he couldn't do it, that I wasn't alright, I remember him sitting me down and telling me he would touch me when I was in my right senses, and he told me about the effect of the drink I had.

I remember reaching his house and the first thing that happened was me vomiting immediately be opened his door, I remember him cleaning it and trying to change my clothes but that's when I started the wiggle dance, and I now understand why they danced that, it was used to mock me, because I was doing the wiggle dance in a funny way.

I remember him dragging me along so I could go upstairs, I remember him bathing me, I still disturbed him there, I really gave him a hard time, and he kept cleaning my vomit.

I remember him dressing me with his shirt, I still disturbed him,but I finally slept and I think that was all.

I looked up at them, and they stared back at me, clamping their mouths from letting out a laugh, and I felt like willing the ground to open up and swallow me from this Embarrassment, but It wasn't possible.

So I summoned a little courage to talk, looked them all in the eye, "this is so embarrassing." I screamed running upstairs, I could hear their laughter, but I was running.