
My Celestial Life In The OtherWorld

I can't believe I'd die in the very time the game ends, atleast I have it all maxed out I can die without regrets or not, to think that I'd get isekaid to a fantasy world and in my game character at that! I'm going to have an easy life as a Celestial God in the otherworld!

Justine_Animator · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

Training Registration

<Angel's Domain / Espada>

[To think that I would have the chance to see them in real life.]

"Now that you're all here! Read this information panel!' - Angel

{Information panels pops up in front of all the apostles}

"We're in a different world!?" - All the apostles

"Carefully learn about this world for now before I give you your tasks!" - Angel

[After learning through the information panel.]

"I see, so this world uses something they call mana rather than chi." - Manasa

[To think she found another research material, as expected from my best scientist!]

"Now that it seems you've learned it all, I'll be giving your tasks now." - Angel

"First, Hephaestus! My trusted artisan and architect!" - Angel

"Yes! I am ready my lord!" - Hephaestus

"You are responsible for the development of the village I'm currently ruling in." - Angel

"What village?" - Hephaestus

"The village right under us." - Angel

"Oh, you can count on me my lord!" - Hephaestus

"Next, about the training of warriors." - Angel

"You can leave that responsibility to us my lord!" - Asura Brothers

[They're all strong but I guess I can leave it to those two. The Asura brothers are martial arts masters, even though they aren't as strong as my apostles, they can do the job.]

"Then the Asura brothers will be the one to create strong warriors of the village!" - Angel

"And to the rest! Do whatever you want, I need sleep" - Angel

"Sleep well our lord!"- All the apostles

<Hephaestus POV>

[If I'm going to improve the village's houses, I'll need great architects, and according to the information panel, dwarves known to have that profession.]

"They live in the high mountains where rare rocks and minerals can be found." - Hephaestus

"System, where is the nearest mountain?" - Hephaestus

{System: the nearest mountain to you would be the RockDragon's Mountain.}

"Then that would be my destination." - Hephaestus

[Hephaestus has set off to the RockDragon's mountain to find the best dwarves for the improvement of the village.]


<Angel's Domain>

"Hey Bruce! Come here!" - Ryuji Asura

"What is it Ryuji?" - Bruce Asura

"Can you sense it from that child?" - Ryuji Asura

"Yeah I can sense it, he has the potential to awaken the golden physique." - Bruce Asura

"I'm going down there, I can't let this chance to pass." - Ryuji Asura

*Ryuji jumps from the sky

"Ryuji! Wait!" - Bruce Asura

*Bruce jumps from the sky

[The two brothers jumped from the sky falling to the Augustus village in excitement to train the village child in order to awaken its potential.]

<Afternoon at Augustus Village>

[The two brothers landed at the middle of the village, as they landed it caused a strong gust of wind.]

"Ahh, where did this strong wind come from!?" - Villager

"Greetings villagers, my name is Ryuji Asura, one of the apostles of the god Angel-sama." - Ryuji Asura

"And I am Bruce Asura, one of the apostles of Angel-sama." - Bruce Asura

"Dear apostles of god, may I ask for what is the reason of your appearance in this lowly village?" - Village Chief

"We have come to train the young ones into warriors. Angel-sama is worried for the safety of the village and had said that it is not encouraged to not fully rely on him, that is why he has sent us." - Bruce Asura

"He may have said he will protect you all but he will not save any of you from death, that is the purpose for our appearance!" - Ryuji Asura

"We will train children fifteen up to 20 years old! The training will last for two years!" - Ryuji Asura

"Those who have become strong and accomplish the training can become the new teachers for the next generations!" - Bruce Asura

"Dear apostles, when will this training start?" - Village Chief

"The training will start by next week, we will be training at the middle of the demonic forest!" - Ryuji Asura

"The demonic forest!?" - Villager

"That is tyranny!" - Villager

"How can you make our children enter that place of death!" -

[I know that place may be full of danger and it has multiple ways to kill anyone of any race but its also the only place where one can adapt to danger, a place where you can hone your senses and skills to its peak. - Bruce Asura]

"Everybody can rest assured, we will protect your children until they are strong enough to slay demonic beasts on their own!" - Ryuji Asura

"We have spread elite soldiers all over the forest to keep your children in check!" - Bruce Asura

"Please trust us, we are doing this for your sakes as well." - Ryuji Asura

[They have made a decision]

"O great apostles of Angel our god! Please train our children well!" - The parents

"Please train us well apostle-sama, we want to get stronger to defend our village!" - The children

"That's the spirit!" - Bruce Asura

*Ryuji moves closer to the village chief

"Village chief, please write down the names of the kids that will be training." - Ryuji Asura

"Yes! Everybody from 15 years to 20 years old! Line up here and write your names and your fingerprint in this paper!" - Village Chief

[As they enter their names and fingerprints into the paper, the knights of the kingdom has come but...]

"Hm?" - Bruce and Ryuji

*the knights enter the village

"So this is the village where the new god resides.." - Alexander Everett(Knight Captain)

"The Luminos church wouldn't like this news.." - Beatrice(Knight Captain)

"Shut up commoner bitch" - Carlos Arden(Knight Captain)

[As they reached the center of the village where everybody is currently]

"Everybody! Do not be alarmed! We have only come here to give our tributes to your god per our commander's order!" - Alexander Everett

[Ryuji went up to Alexander Everett]

"I am Ryuji Asura, an apostle of Angel-sama, may I ask for your names who has come to give tribute to our god." - Ryuji Asura

"I am Alexander Everett of the Everett county, and the knight captain of the 5th order!" - Alexander Everett(Knight Captain)

"My name is Carlos Arden of the Arden Barony and knight captain of the 8th order *sigh" - Carlos Arden

"And I am Beatrice, a commoner and knight captain of the 6th order!" - Beatrice

"Then, may Angel-sama accept your tributes." - Ryuji Asura

[I'm currently watching in my sleep but lets see what happens.]