
My Best Friend Become My Girlfriend

Ivan was a normal child in a normal house. He didn't have a father but was happy. One day, his best friend Lucia came to his house to watch movies, and somehow they ended up becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. Their relationship continued, and they also became Awakened when the world's aura revived. --- No NTR There is Yuri

RyukiAkuma · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

My Girlfriend Used Vibration Wand

"Why shouldn't I try it out then? Just to know for sure," she asked herself. As Lucia made the decision, she was perplexed to find that the wand had already found its way to her inner thigh. Her hands had a mind of their own apparently.

Taking a deep breath and stealing her nerves, she rolled the wand on her skin, over the thin lacy crotch of her lingerie. It inched closer to her clit, which she now realized was throbbing and feeling very swollen.

The first touch shocked Lucia's whole body.

"Oh god!" she gasped. The head of the wand was pressing right down on her sensitive nub. Even with the little bit of fabric in between it was still overwhelmingly powerful. It felt good but her clit was too sensitive, to the point of the vibrations being too much.

Lucia had to wrench the wand away. She was panting, her chest heaving up and down. Her core and thigh muscles were flexed tightly. It felt good. But far too strong.

Maybe it was just her inexperience or she had a particularly sensitive clit, but Lucia knew she certainly couldn't handle any more of it, at least at that high setting.

What about starting slower? Never a bad option, she figured.

Lucia bit her lower lip, the wand still trembling, and she flipped the switch down all the way to the lowest setting. The large object powered down almost immediately, now shaking with just a slight feel, almost imperceptible as she was holding it, and a very low humming.

It was actually pretty nice and peaceful white noise.

Lucia took a deep breath, readying herself. She didn't really know how to prepare herself for something like this, if you even could, but she got herself mentally in the zone regardless.

Her hands guided the wand back between her legs. The head touched her clit again. She jumped at the touch, but almost immediately settled in.

Now this felt much better, much more manageable. The vibrations didn't overwhelm her clit, they worked at a good pressure.

The warm rush Lucia had felt trying on Mrs. Smith's lingerie came back to her. It felt good. Really good. Her clit was being gently massaged, just enough to provide steady consistent stimulation to her button without being too much.

Lucia had never really felt this before. The one time she'd fooled around she'd rubbed her clit a bit. But just sort of haphazardly with her fingers; she didn't know what she was doing.

But this, this felt different.

Lucia closed her eyes and bit down on her lip again. A small mewl forced its way from her throat. The wand was doing its job perfectly. Her thighs squeezed tighter around it, and she pressed the head down harder on her clit. She didn't want to up the pressure level for now, in case it was too much. This nice, easy pace was doing wonders.

Lucia became more conscious of her whole body. Her thigh muscles started to quiver. Her nipples are hardening. A warm glow startedh to take over her face and chest.

Was this what an orgasm felt like? She sort of figured she'd know it when it happened. And this didn't quite feel like it. But maybe the build-up at least. She certainly could stay like this for a while.

"Fuuuck," she whispered to herself. She could feel her vagina getting wet. That hadn't happened very often before. But she could feel her own natural juices starting to dampen her labia, clinging to the fabric of Mrs. Smith's lingerie.

Mrs. Smith's. Kerry.

All of this was hers.

That thought snapped Lucia out of her idyllic state. She pulled the wand away and flipped it off.

"God, what am I thinking," she wondered. "I should not be doing this."

She put the wand back and closed the drawer as fast as she could.

"None of this is mine, this is a total invasion of privacy. No matter how good it feels, it's wrong," she chastised herself.

Lucia shed the lingerie, leaving it on the ground, and slipped back into her panties and t-shirt. She didn't want to sleep naked again. It felt... dirty, somehow.

She just wanted to go to sleep. Lucia got under the covers, shut the lamp off, and closed her eyes.

"Just try to sleep," she commanded herself. "That was crazy. You shouldn't have done that. Just forget about it, don't even think about it."

Or about how good it felt.