
My Best Friend Become My Girlfriend

Ivan was a normal child in a normal house. He didn't have a father but was happy. One day, his best friend Lucia came to his house to watch movies, and somehow they ended up becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. Their relationship continued, and they also became Awakened when the world's aura revived. --- No NTR There is Yuri

RyukiAkuma · Urban
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27 Chs

My Girlfriend Found Many Sex Toys

Lucia felt confident, a lot more than she could remember in the past. Sexy, ready to take on the world herself and try new things. Already she was discovering the benefit of experimenting. She would have to shop for something like this for herself.

Her mind floated back to what she'd been trying to forget about for the past day: the dildo.

No, that was too weird, she thought. Kerry had used it before, it had been literally inside her.

"How is that any different from wearing her underwear?" Lucia's naughty side retorted.

It really wasn't any different, she supposed. But still, it felt weird. She's known Mrs. Smith since she was a kid. She couldn't imagine her using a dildo, having it rammed up inside her pussy.

Maybe just a peek at the drawer. That couldn't be any harm, could it?

No, certainly not. After all, she was just exploring, Lucia justified herself.

She moved back to the forbidden drawer. Her hands wavered slightly at the handle, but she took a deep breath and slowly pulled it open.

Lucia's immediate realization was that the veiny purple dildo was far from the only thing in the drawer. Far from it.

The drawer was literally brimming with toys, dildos, and other implementations. Not all of which Lucia knew about. She was getting way more of an intimate look into the Smiths' sex lives than she wanted to.

The purple dildo was one of a couple. A small, much more curved and simple flesh-colored one and then an absolutely massive smooth glass one. Lucia had no idea how anyone could fit that in their vagina, or any orifice. Even thinking about it hurt her.

The electrical cord that had been the initial source of her curiosity in the first place was connected to a wand, which Lucia knew was a vibrating wand.

There also looked to be a fourth dildo, a plain black one, mounted in some kind of harness. No idea what that was for, or how it was different from the other ones.

Lucia's eyes continued to explore, like a kid in a candy shop. A sex toy-themed candy shop. Which she guessed would just be a normal sex shop?

There were a few more interesting looking vibrators, some with a couple heads, or a ton of ridges or other interesting characteristics. A few smaller shiny metal things that were short and stout, that looked kind of like the shape of a pear, or an ace; starting at a tapered end before widening and rounding out at the bottom. All of them had flared bases connected to the bottom too, a couple of them bejeweled. No idea what those were for. Then Handcuffs. A ball gag. A vibrating ring-looking thing? A flogger, a fucking whip?!

Lucia's head was getting a little woozy. This was a lot to take in. Talk about a drawer of excitement.

Her hands sort of wandered over everything absentmindedly, getting a feel for some of the things she had no idea about. She didn't want to think about the fact that many of these items had been inside of Mrs. Smith, but it was hard not to.

She settled on the wand. She didn't want to use it. Not on herself. But she wanted to at least see how it worked, or how strong it was.

Lucia sat down on the edge of the bed, while her fingers found the operating switch as she pulled it out of the drawer. The sudden buzzing as it turned on surprised her. She didn't really know why: that was literally it's only job. But still, it was more of a sign that it was real, and not just a figment of some twisted part of her imagination.

Lucia fidgeted with the switch, and turned the wand up to its highest setting. It was humming, positively shaking in her hands.

She wondered what it felt like against her skin. Her hands lowered it slowly, and gingerly placed it against the outside of her thigh.

The wand was powerful, no doubt, causing small little ripples in Lucia's skin wherever it touched. It felt... strange. Almost like a massage gun. She certainly understood how someone would enjoy the feeling of it against their clit, using it to masturbate. She felt like it would be a little too powerful for her. But she didn't know for sure.