
Musical ascent to love

Li Qinyang always had a love for music. First, it was because of her mother's love but then she discovered her own love. The various melodies and harmonies the instruments created, she found it otherworldly. At first, she had considered fully pursuing her instruments, however, an unfortunate event caused her to take another root in life as she furthered one of her other many talents, studying that profession at a foreign country in university for many years hoping to get a degree. How useless that degree seemed to become when another misfortune befalls her as soon as she returns back to her homeland. Mistreatment, is what she suffers, and it leaves her stranded, homeless and without a job. Well, that is until she see's an advertisement poster at an internet cafe giving her a chance to pursue her passion for music once again, but it also gives her a chance to finish and accomplish the dreams her mother was unable to. But... not only that... she was able to find the little boy who consoled her in her time of need when she was younger. She had felt like her whole world was collapsing around her, yet he was able to pull her back from the depths of despair. **** Follow Li Qinyang on her journey of self discovery and her finding her way back to a childhood sweetheart she didn't know she had. There'll be scheming third parties who will try to break her and her love apart, they'll try to stop her from winning, and they'll try to stop her from soaring to the skies. But will she let them stop her? The answer is NO. ---- Author's note about a bit of a boring first chapter and a bit of a slow start ! Hey everyone, Little Sweets here! Now, chapter 1 may be a little bit boring and the start may be a little slow (but not too slow so don't worry), however, it is needed to give a little bit of a backstory on why the female lead embarks on her journey, so please bear with it. Enjoy!

Little_Sweets · perkotaan
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13 Chs

Familiarity- First Encounter or is it ?


Country K, City B's International Airport

"Where is the Second Miss?" wondered someone aloud.

It was the chauffeur of the Li family. He was the one who had been sent today to pick up the Second Miss, Li Qinyang, from the airport today. He was informed that she would be arriving in the late afternoon. The chauffeur was actually excited to see the Second Miss of the family. He had been the one to send her off at the airport years ago.

At that time, Li Qinyang had been filled with a lot of nerves of walking into the unknown, but this specific chauffeur was the one to console her in her time of need, not her father.

Unfortunately for her, years ago her father wasn't so supporting of the idea of her becoming so independent so early, and he thought that her dreams of getting her degree were foolish. It seemed as though he had other plans in mind for her...

Despite this, the Second Miss still wanted to prove her father wrong and hoped to make him proud. It had seemed after a few years had passed and her father saw that she was still in a foreign country on her own without any mishaps that he was gradually accepting of the idea.

"Silly girl," the chauffeur sighed to himself as he fondly thought of the young, nervous, but also stubborn little girl she was back then.

Gazing around again, the chauffeur thought he spotted someone familiar in the distance, "Is that not the Young Master of the great and powerful Zhang family," he mumbled to himself while continuing to glance at the formidable, prodigal man awestruck, "I wonder what he's doing here?"

Continuing to look on further, he noticed a mesmerisingly beautiful woman in the near distance from the Young Master Zhang who seemed to be approaching him. However, to those who payed closer attention, like the chauffeur, it was clear that the young woman seemed to not be paying too much attention to her surroundings. She was on her phone whilst walking quickly, a suitcase in one hand, a backpack on one shoulder, and what looked to be the shape of a violin case on the shoulder of her other arm.

"Oh no," the chauffeur whispered right before the collision of the two, sighing helplessly to himself.

It was inevitable.


Li Qinyang had arrived at Country K, City B's International Airport over an hour ago. However, she had to go through the other airport's processes upon arrival, which took a while, as many people seemed to be travelling.

Knowing that she was late to meet the chauffeur based on the scheduled time she had sent Li Ching the previous day, she rushed out not wanting to make him wait any longer. However, Li Qinyang thought about how busy she would be unpacking later so she took out her phone hoping to send a quick text to the twins, Shailey and Brian, back in Country R to let them know she had safely arrived.

Distracted, she didn't see where she was going and once it was too late, she bumped into what had to have been a hard wall, her head harshly colliding.

"My head!" she cried out.

"Who put a wall here?" she mumbled pitifully to herself as her head continued to rest on the 'wall' with her eyes closed. Embarrassement taking over her.

She knew she must've looked silly to anyone walking past, but all she could care about right now was her sore head as she slightly lifted it and rubbed her forehead hoping to soothe the ache.

Hearing someone clear their throat from above, she quickly gazed up, stunned at the master piece before her. His eyes, the darkest whirlpools of black. Obsidian. His jawline was granite perfection. Chisled. The bone structure of his nose was just as sharp. The man in front of her looked severely aristocratic.

Li Qinyang, who was still entraptured with the exclusive, upclose view in front of her, wondered were such a fine specimen could've come from? She also wondered why she found him sort of... familiar?

Strange, she thought to herself as she tried to work out where she could have had met him before?

Hearing that same clearing of a throat, louder this time, Li Qinyang snapped out of her daze as she realised that she had been ogling the poor man.

"Sorry," she mumbled sincerely apologetic.

She then stepped back, or at least she tried to.

It was in that moment she realised what an awkward position they were in. She was tilting her head up and backwards to gaze up at him because the man was simply too tall, whilst he supported her weight by holding onto her shoulders.

Blushing embarressedly, she said, "Excuse me,"

As if just realising himself, the man blinked, abruptly letting go of her shoulders causing Li Qinyang to slightly stumble back leaving her a bit disgruntled. Once she stabilised herself, she quickly bowed her head while muttering an apology again before quickly leaving the area, remembering the chauffeur that must still be waiting for her.


"Young Master!" someone called out for the third time.

Why does she look so familiar the man mused to himself? Unbeknown to him, as she had left he had developed a ghost of a smile on his face.

Why did he find her and her embarresment so cute?

After being called for the third time, Zhang Lijun snapped out of his stupor, the small smile disappearing from his face.

"Let's go!" he ordered his assistant as he began to walk out of the airport.

The assistant had been shocked to see the smile on his Master's face seeing as Zhang Lijun didn't smile too often or maybe at all anymore.

He had stopped smiling a few years ago after a certain someone walked out on him after promising him forever to pursue their dreams. His Master had planned to wait for them, but they didnt seem to want that either. However, even then his smiles were rare.

Zhang Lijun had been out of the country recently, and he had just returned.

But what had he been out of the country for his assistant wondered?

Since the assistant wasn't able to follow him on this trip due to him having to handle things back here in Country K, he had no idea what happened on the master's trip. Before leaving the country all Zhang Lijun had said was that he had some personal matters to attend to. What did that even mean?

Confused, Assistant(name) followed Zhang Lijun out of the airport.


Once fully into the arrivals pick up area, Li Qinyang searched around. Her gaze wandered as she looked to see if the chauffeur was there perhaps with a name board or sign for her to recognise. However, she didn't see any sign but what she did she was a very familiar side profile that she recognise.

"Uncle Wang!" she called out to the person.

A man old enough to be her father was too searching around for someone it seemed.

The older man hearing a familiar voice bellowing out his name, quickly turned around in suprise revealing his full face. That man was the same chauffeur who had sent Li Qinyang off at the airport years ago.

Li Qinyang was especially delighted to see a familiar face, a good one at that, on her first day back in Country K. Thinking of familiar faces, that man she bumped into earlier looked familiar. Didn't he, she recalled to herself?

As Chauffeur Wang drew closer to her, she snapped out of her reverie, and she focused on one of the only father figures she'd ever known.

"Uncle Wang!" Li Qinyang called out again, too excited to see the older man.

"Child, you're finally back after all these years?" Chauffeur Wang fondly asked her, finally shaking off his surprise at seeing how much she had grown up. Her face had lost all of it's baby fat from years ago, leaving way to more defined features making her look more mature. Chauffeur Wang realised that this must've been the reason as to why he was unable to recognise her from a distance.

"Yes, that's right, I am. Are you happy to see me Uncle Wang?" she asked, smiling up at him like a child looking for praise and approval from a parent.

"No, i'm not happy to see you, it's my greatest misfortune having to see you again after getting used to all of the peace and quiet i've had these past few years that you've been gone." Chauffeur Wang teased Li Qinyang, laughing when he saw the unsatisfied look she shot his way.

"Come on," he encouraged smiling as he shook his head, "let's get your things into the car and drive back to the mansion. Everyone is excited to see you."

Chauffeur Wang remembered the little party that the staff and the Li family were preparing for her back at the mansion. He figured it had been last minute since everything seemed too rushed when he left the mansion to set off for the airport. Shouldn't they have been informed of the Second Miss's return a week ago? Why was the welcoming party being prepared so last minute? Chauffeur Wang pondered over these questions to himself whilst he loaded Li Qinyang's luggage into the back of the car.

"Really?" Li Qinyang asked slightly doubtful after remembering her father's own doubt when she first left Country K years ago.

"Of course." Chauffeur Wang insisted remembering the small, private party the mansion was having for her return.

"Okay," she agreed, yet she was still slightly reluctant.

If only she had known the real reasoning behind as to why the 'welcoming' party was being thrown and the mistreatment she'd have to endure in the next coming hours, maybe she might never had returned to Country K so soon.