
Chapter 3 - Nothing Pleased Him...?


Some time before the Principal's death...

"Uray!!!!!" I jolted from my terrifying nightmare, my heart playing thunderous beats of fear. My eyes widened and head a little wobbly from my sleep.

I almost fell from the bunk bed which I was sharing with Boli.

*Clapping "Time to wake up. EVERYONE GET UP FROM YOUR BEDS!!!!, there's a lot of for you today" I hear our very arrogant and scornful headmaster yell.

It was 3:30am for God's sake. We aren't slaves! I felt a whirl of anger brush through my body.

This headmaster had his favorites whom he pampered because they came from very wealthy families and he usually gets tips from their parents.

His stature was like most 50 year olds but he was 44. He looked so old and ugly with his pot belly, plump lips, with huge flat nose and a very rough face. This man's love for money knew no bounds and took students money with intangible reasons. Most of these students who were poor and used their personal monies to pay for the demands of the

headmaster and he had pity on no one.

He punished students severely for the silliest things and didn't care about the effects.

On this day it was a free day and this man decided to make us clean the whole school premises, yes, you heard right. He even asked some students of which I was part of to deep clean his house.

After the whole clean up exercise we retired in the evening. We were all so tired and some were complaining of body aches due to the machinery's they had to carry while cleaning.

Although I didn't like the headmaster, I had a healthy relationship and a good boundary with him.

He later invited me to his house in the evening and complained bitterly about a dirty spot he found and how incompetent we were. The worst happened when he raised his hands and gave me a heavy slap on my

cheeks. Me?? Despite trying to be on this man's good side, he didn't see me at all because i wasn't rich and had no value to him. I was dumbfounded my the slap and froze at my spot, anger lining every inch of my skin and heart.