
Chapter 2 - He Was A Good Man...?


I watched as the detective walked into the room. I was seated behind a single table with a chair opposite where I sat. The room was dark and hot. The ceiling fan was not helping, blowing heat in every direction and making that annoying rickety sound.

As he sat down, I looked at his hard rugged face and knew he wasn't like those other cops who didn't look like they were taking this case seriously.

Almost a month ago, our headmaster suffered a tragic death impaled on the school flag pole. Blood dripping from his body and down the pole, pooling on the concrete ground. I remember when we found out. The first bus just arrived into the campus. The security guards were looking frantic and manic, almost like lunatics. They tried to let us off the bus, but you can't stop inquisitive students. A loud cry came from the backseat and soon everyone scrambled to look at what made her scream.

It was then I saw it too. I remember staring in horror at the sight. My body frozen but visibly shaking. I broke into a cold sweat. It was horrible. It truly was horrible.

"Good morning, Mrs. Adams. I'm sorry to have called you on short notice but we would like to ask you a few questions."

I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked up at him and nodded. My eyes red and swollen from all the crying.

"I understand that you are disturbed and distraught about the whole situation as you were one of the first people to come across such a scene. No one deserves to see that. Especially not a child."

I started sobbing again. "He was a very nice man. Every one at the school admired him. I can't believe this happened to him."

"I heard you are one of his favorite students. Won a few art awards for your school and had you and the others following him to many events. The Prides of Alpha Elites. " the detective continued.

I sniffed up looked at him and took a deep


" Yeah. He'd had have us accompany him to alot of events. Aside from that. I didn't see him unless we were summoned to his office occasionally.

"So, it was strictly a professional headmaster and student thing? Nothing else."

"No please. It was professional. He was a really nice person. Kind to the students and teachers and even parents. That's why it's sad what happened to him!!!" And I burst into tears again. The detective passed me a handkerchief and I took it and proceeded to wipe my tears.

It's funny. I never cried this way at his funeral. Hell, I never cried at all. The headmaster was a good man...well that's

what they think...