
Titles are hard, so random titles from now on

Xiaowen immediately went to his room to read through the {Eight phases of the moon} manual.

After reading it, Xiaowen was amazed. The manual had two parts; the first described a method of meditation that, when done correctly, would let you enter the astral realm.

Once in the astral realm, one could form a connection with one of the celestial spheres.

It taught that as it developed, the mind would naturally accumulate impurities. And if enough of these impurities built up, it would cause the mind to become corrupted. The corruption would eventually start to show itself; mostly as an array of mental health issues.

For those in the supernatural world, a corrupted mind affected the ability to use magic, cultivate, or use any of the mystic arts.

The second part of the manual taught steps to break down what was described as your first or corrupted mind and rebuild a new one. Using lunar energy to rebuild it until it was filled. Once it was, a new mind or moon would appear in your sea of consciousness, and this cycle could be repeated until a mind/moon with zero corruption would take form.

Xiaowen wondered if his mother knew about his powers; because the manual was a perfect fit for him, but he left it up to coincidence.

He knew the full extend of omnipresence could and would drive any normal person mad; it made him even more thankful to God for limiting his powers.

Now that he had a way to increase his mental capabilities, Xiaowen hoped his powers would grow faster.

Now that he had read through the entire manual, he moved on to the next one.

{Body of the magmatic forge} was just as impressive. It involved bathing in a variety of substances, with the final level being magma. As you bathed in each substance, you would absorb energy from the Earth.

The energy would strengthen and reform the skin, muscle, bones, and, by the final level, blood. It would reach the point where the body could mimic the properties of natural earths, metals, and your blood itself would become magma, and once that happened, you could receive protection from the Earth itself.

After reading both manuals, Xiaowen had a thought. What would happen if he were to use the {Eight phases of the moon} meditation technique to connect to the planet itself and combine it with {Body of the magmatic forge}?

If he had a spiritual and physical connection to the Earth, what would happen. This thought made goosebumps run along his body in excitement.

Immediately, Xiaowen got into a comfortable position, which for him was lying like a starfish, and began his meditation.

The mediation was a combination of breathing and visualization. It involved taking three short breaths, holding for three seconds, then a short sharp exhale. You continue this cycle until your body begins to feel light and your mind is completely clear, then imagine that you are pulling yourself out of your body. Imagine every sensation and visualize yourself moving to the point where you physically feel it without actually moving. Once you feel a popping sensation, you can open your eyes.

It took a few hours, but Xiaowen managed to enter the state of lightness and clarity. The hard part was separating from his physical body. He could feel himself separating, but as he did, he could feel his existence fading. It seemed that without his consciousness in his body, it would activate Schrödinger's powers, making it so that only his spiritual body existed.

Luckily for him, Xiaowen read a book on self-hypnosis and was able to hypnotize himself to unconsciously believe that his physical body was always existing. After he did, he succeeded in entering the astral plane.

Once he did, he was mesmerized by its beauty. It didn't take long for Xiaowen to find the celestial sphere that was Earth. Much to his surprise, Earth and the other spheres seemed to see him.

Following the steps to form a connection, Xiaowen extend his consciousness towards the Earth, and in return, it did the same. Soon, the two consciousnesses reached each other and began to entwine with each other. They inched along each other until the two reached the other's main body, and as soon as the Earth's consciousness reached him, Xiaowen felt his mind expand.

The euphoric feeling that Xiaowen felt soon stopped, and memories that weren't his began to flood his mind.

Xiaowen suddenly witnessed the creation of the Earth. From a lifeless rock covered in seas of molten rock to the beautiful Blue Marble, it now was. Actually getting to see the Earth from its begging and slowly form in each eon was the single most awe-inspiring thing Xiaowen had ever seen.

"Not to brag, but it's quite beautiful, isn't it."

Shocking him from his trance was a voice. Xiaowen looked around, only to find that no one was there.


"It never gets old. The few times I have spoken to someone, they always try to look for someone. You have probably guessed by now, but I am the consciousness of what you humans call the Earth. I am similar to Gaia in those fanfics you have read, though she is the human personification of, well, me. Oh, and before you ask, yes, I have seen your memories, and I must say they are quite interesting, but don't worry though, you and I are connected, so I will keep your secret."

"Well then, that saves me some trouble. It's nice to meet you, I guess. Since you seem straightforward, I'm just gonna ask. If I combine {Body of the magmatic forge} with our connection, will something special happen, or is it just redundant?"

"Kind of? I'm not entirely sure. Only a few people have practiced what you call {Body of the magmatic forge}, fewer have reached the level where they could receive my blessing. No one has ever combined the two. To be honest, this is the first time someone has managed to form a connection with me to this extent. I have had others try, but at most, all they could do was hear my voice. I believe you would call them sages. Ha! I got it. If you were to reach the full extent of that manual, I would make you my herald, but don't worry, you wouldn't have to serve me like Galactus or anything. All I ask is that you stop humans and anything else from destroying me, which I don't think is much to ask, seeing that I am your home. Sorry, looks like I took up all of our time. Talk to you later."

Before he could say anything, Xiaowen felt a tugging sensation, and before he knew it, he was opening his eyes, finding himself back in his room, and just as fast, he was asleep.

I wrote this on edibles to it might makes less sense than ususal

FluffyHaremPlzcreators' thoughts