
Multiplayer Multiverse: Soul Crisis

Kisho was playing a game with his Brother Kimi, when Kimi logged off of the game and Kisho just wanted to play one more round.

Nico_Leztier · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

The Call to Duty!

"Some say you live your life based on others' ideals and meaning behind the word courage, but I don't want to follow false ideals in a world where the strong are the rulers and the weak are considered useless."

"What the Hell are you on about, Kisho? We're in the middle of the battlefield and you're spitting out poetry?"

Kiso looked at his brother and longtime best friend Kimi. Kisho reloaded the Pistol in his hand and slowly replied, his breath heavy and erratic. "All I'm saying, Kimi, is people don't understand that if we work together we can accomplish great things."

Shots rang out as Kisho took out two enemies on their flank. He pulled the pin out of a grenade and threw it toward an oncoming vehicle before he spoke. "We need to realize that everyone has a place in this big world…"

Kisho tried to shoot his pistol, but it jammed, prompting Kimi to fire his AR15 Assault rifle at the enemy who promptly missed every shot. Kisho used his pistol to whip the enemy across the face leading to the enemy's instant death.

"You chose to bring up this topic in the middle of a Call of Duty match?" Kimi fired his remaining shots at the enemies closing in, his remaining bullets called out the end of the match.

"Man, I didn't even make the leaderboard!" Kimi cried to his brother, but Kisho was too busy enjoying first place.

"It's ok Kimi, maybe next time," Kisho did a little dance for everyone to see.

"I'm logging off for the night bro," Kimi remarked at his brother crossing his arms.

"Sure thing. I'm gonna play one more match before I hit the sack," Kisho winked at his brother, "And don't sweat it. I wasn't born this good. These things take time."

"Thanks Kisho! I'll see you tomorrow morning when we head to school together!" Kimi disappeared in a cloud of code in front of Kisho.

"Lets try Hardcore Team Death Match!" Kisho pressed the matchmaking button but something went wrong and he felt weird like his Soul was being ripped out of his body by force, "What the Hell?" Kisho screamed in pain as he left his plain of reality into one of pain and suffering.

"Hardcore Team Deathmatch, eliminate the other team to win," Kisho heard a clicking sound like a receiver turning off, and he blinked his eyes open groggily.

"What happened?" He looked down at his gun that he held countless times but now it had weight to it he didn't know what to think as the final number sounded the start of the match.

This is An OG thought of mine i hope you all enjoy the story! Remeber to leave a Review on how it could be better!, And you can also give me idea for what game you want fetured next!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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