
New World

New Emperor appears!!

"Heavenly Emperor Zack."

When this news came to light it brought a tsunami like wave with it. Every one started to deduce what will happen to world. What will be the next move of this group of monsters known as Heavenly pirates.

There were also many different reactions from the top brass of this world such as the emperors admirals as well as the great elders of the World Government. Except White Beard who had already been acquainted with Zack, other emperors also became wary of Heavenly Pirates, and started planning on how to deal with Zack.

Kaido wanted to fight Zack to show his dominance over other emperors and Shanks wanted to confront Zack in an attempt to convince him to maintain the power balance in these seas, to avoid creating chaos.

when all of this was happening Zack was in the meeting of his commanders.

"So captain what are your instructions. Will we attack another yonku?" Trafalgar law asked Zack.

"No! there will be no further action for some time. Just maintain the current balance in these seas." Zack said.

After some random instructions to heavenly pirates he dismissed them.

The order for no further action was due to Zack's talk with Eve to move to another world.


After killing Big Mom Zack returned to Heavenly World and met with Eve who was fishing in a beautiful lake which was near their garden.

He went near her and hugged Eve and said "Hello beautiful how are you?"

" I am good but i am getting bored with always waiting for you here and you are enjoying your time outside by fighting and adventuring." Eve told Zack with a bit of sadness in her voice.

When Zack heard her he was filled with self blame, and looked guilty.

It was not that he wanted Eve to always remain inside the heavenly world but due to Eve having only spiritual body it was not convenient for her to remain interacting with others.

When Eve saw his downcast face she turned to him and hugged him and said " Don't feel guilty, you know that i will be able to form my body when we will be traveling to another world right!"

"Yes i know that you can't build your body by depending on the system and only when you will come in contact with temporal laws of this universe you will be able to create your body, but still i feel very sad seeing you alone." Zack said to Eve. Then as if thinking of something Zack asked Eve "Hey Eve can we travel to another world right now?"

When Eve heard him first she was a bit shocked and then answered him " Yes we can travel at any time you wish to travel, dear."

"Excellent! then tell me what will happen to this world?" Zack asked Eve a bit excited.

"If we leave like this then the world will continue to go on like usual and the laws of this world will erase your presence from within, but we have another option which is to remove one-piece world's core and plant it in heavenly world." Eve began to explain and Zack was attentively listening to Eve's explanation.

"Ok we can easily get this world's core by asking Hang wei. so what will happen then?" Asked Zack

"After planting the core to heavenly world, this world will be just like a part of heavenly world and i will be able to control its time." Eve said

"By controlling its time you mean that you will be able to stop the time in this world?" asked Zack

"Precisely! And the other benefit is that we will easily be able to move from one world to another as Heavenly world will act like a medium." Eve finalized her explanation with a smile.

"That's amazing so what will happen to us?" Asked Zack

"Hmm this is a little bit complicated. By using system i can choose the world where we want to go but there is a possibility for time deviation we can divert from the timeline where we intend to go." Eve told Zack after making her calculations.

"How big of the deviation we are talking about here?" Zack asked Eve.

"Not too big, a couple of years maybe." Eve informed Zack after a little thought.

"OK so now get ready we are going to another world, i was also getting bored from one-piece world." Zack was also happy that they can move to other world at-once.

"Are you sure you want to travel now?" Eve doubtfully asked Zack.

"Yes I am sure! and now i will order Hang Wei to bring the core of this world to heavenly world"


Zack woke up from his thinking when Hang Wei contacted him through spiritual communication.

"Young master the core has been planted in heavenly world and lady Eve said that we are good to go." Hang Wei informed me that the time has come.

When Zack heard Hang Wei he at-once entered the heavenly world with a thought and came face to face with Eve.

"So zack you don't want to tell your crew about this? and who will travel with us?" Eve asked Zack.

" Hmm i don't think that there is any need to tell my crew because for them every thing will be same. And i don't want to bring my crew with me to the next world except Hang Wei who will act as your guard in case there are circumstances in which we are separated. And the other reason is that the world where we are going is extremely weak." zack informed Eve.

"Zack i wanted to ask you about the world where we are going but you were acting all mysterious about that. Now that we are ready to go i would like to know to which world are we going?" Eve asked Zack because she will be the one supervising the whole process of travel.

"Well we will be going to the most treacherous world there is the world of 'Game of Thrones'."Zack answered Eve.

"WHAT!!! are you serious?" Eve looked at him as if seeing a donkey with horns.

She can't believe that Zack chose that world in which at every step you have to be careful of backstabbing. As Eve was connected to Zack she had full access to his memories. That is why when he told her about Game of Thrones all that information directly appeared into her head. And she can guarantee that if she gave the 2nd position of the most foul world to game of thrones then no one can claim the first position.

"Yes i am sure i want to go to Game of thrones world. I agree that it is the most treacherous world out there but if considering the cheats i have then i can easily say that this world is a piece of cake for me. And i really want to change the fates of some of the characters in this world. They didn't deserve to get the treatment which they got." Zack smiled.

The cheats which he was talking about were totally overpowered. He already have the most powerful army of un-dead without the weakness of Valerian steel as well as the Dragon glass. In his world he already have different primordial beasts with the power to destroy that world single-handedly. He can have unlimited amount of all the materials in the universe as well as food.

He can give any ability as well as bloodline to the whole world. And the most important he can cover each and every corner of that world using Heavenly world for spying.

Eve also understood the meaning of Zack's words after contemplating some moments she also smiled. Both of them were primordial beings so the concept of death was irrelevant to them until of course another stronger primordial appears which is an impossibility on its own.

"ok then lets begin." Eve said and then with the help of system she opened a black-hole and adjusted the laws of space to their destination.

"Zack as i will be creating my body in the process and i can feel that we will most probably be separated, But as we are all connected to Heavenly world it will be easier for us to get into contact with each other by spiritual communication so lets do our best and meet on the other side." Eve while adjusting the coordinates informed him.

"Its ok. And Hang Wei your duty will be to protect Eve at all the time in that world." Zack told Hang Wei.

"Don't worry Young Master! it is my duty." Hang wei assured Zack that he will be protect her.

"Mou~ as if i need protection." Eve pouted cutely at their statement.

"HAhaha i know you don't need any protection but Hang wei will make sure that the flies don't come near you." Zack know that as she is also a primordial there is no need for protection but in that world there are too many bugs present, so Hang Wei will make sure that they do not come near her and disturb her.

So after bidding good byes they entered the portal and after that the portal closed and with that the time of one-piece world also stopped.