
Talk with Eve and future Plans

In the North where snow was falling one can see at the gates of Winterfell, the family castle of house stark, many people gathered there in a long line.

The reason for this gathering was simple which was to join the rebellion against the current throne. And against the tyrannical rule of the Targaryens, specifically the current king 'King Aerys II Targaryen' who was also known as the mad king.

At the gates of winterfell, Robert Baratheon the leader of this rebellion was riding on his war horse and waiting for his closest friend Eddard Stark to say good bye to his family. Because in a war no one can estimate the duration of war and it is also impossible for a human to guarantee that he will return alive from the war.

Eddard Stark also called Ned stark went towards his wife, Catelyn Stark, and hugged her "I will miss you Cat." while hugging his wife he said to Catelyn.

"Me too Ned! but please promise me you will come back alive. Because me as well as our twin boys will be awaiting your return." Catelyn told Ned in a pleading voice while crying.

Hearing about his twins Eddard's expression turned warmer and then he turned towards his twin boys who were at this point one year old. His elder twin, Rob stark and his younger twin Zack Stark.

And at this moment the younger twin's expression was totally shocked because when Eddard stark was talking to Catelyn stark all his memories returned to him and was going through his memories while trying to come up with a reason as to why he became a child and why exactly at this moment his memories decided to return to him.

But he was brought back from his thoughts when Eddard stark turned towards them.

"Rob , Zack father will be going for an important task so take care of yourself and listen to your mother, ok. Don't cause any problems for your mother." Eddard said to them with warm voice.

"Yes father!" both of them replied at the same time. "Father come back early and don't worry i will take care of both mother as well as brother because i am your older son." Rob said to Eddard while pretending to be a responsible son but in Zack's eyes he was just being cute.

"Haha yes you should take care of them." Eddard laughed. "Ok it's time, i am leaving. Bye" Eddard kissed Catelyn. After which he climbed his horse and together with his guards he joined Robert's team and then they rode off towards king's landing.

After some time when they were out of site, other people of Winterfell also went to attend to their normal lives.

Zack also came to his room and locked his door and tried to connect to heavenly world.

And to his delight he was easily able to connect to heavenly world. And with a single thought he went inside the Heavenly world. What greeted him was a very big lush green world without any boundaries and many different types of animals and beasts roaming here and there.

But Zack was not in the mood of enjoying this beautiful scenery, he really wanted to know about Eve as well as Hang Wei. So without wasting time he directly started to use spiritual communication, trying to connect with Eve. After a moment an excited voice of a girl replied him " OOh Hello Zack. How are you? and why were me and Hang Wei unable to connect with you?" Eve very eagerly asked about Zack. "Thank God you are safe. Well i am totally fine and for your other question the reason as for why i only contacted you just now is that i got my memories some time ago." Zack answered Eve through communication.

"What! you only got your memories now?" eve asked." Yes only an hour ago." Zack answered.

"Hmm Zack tell me at this moment how old are you?" After thinking for some time Eve again asked a question. "I am one year old. Why?" Zack couldn't comprehend as to why is eve asking about his age. "Oh now i get it. Let me tell you i am 7 years older than you now, means i am 8 years old now. And i also got my memories when i turned 1 year old." Eve told Zack.

"Ok Eve enough of this age shit, tell me where are you and is Hang Wei with you? And why are you not entering Heavenly World to meet me?" Zack impatiently asked Eve, because he really want to meet with eve. "Sorry Zack it seems that my connection to Heavenly world was terminated when i made my new body, but i will be able to reconnect with Heavenly World when we meet each other. And yes Hang Wei is with me, When i got my memories back i tried to connect with you but there was no response so i tried to connect with Hang Wei and was able to connect with him. So after telling him my location Hang Wei Came to my side and after that he is acting as my personal guard." Eve replied Zack.

"Hmm Your guard? Eve tell me where are you?" Zack asked her. "You will not believe it! i am now called Evearys Targaryen. And now i am the daughter of Mad king and Rhaella targaryen as well as the twin sister of Viserys Targaryen." Eve replied Zack amusedly. "What the hell! so as you said that you are 7 years old, it means that Daenerys is also one year old now?" "Yes my cute little sister is also one years old. *snicker*"

"You are taking this in a very easy manner. Half an hour ago Ned stark or now you can call him my father went with Robert, to help him in war against the Mad king. From now on the whole realm will become unstable and many lives will be lost including your family." Zack lightly reprimanded eve.

"I don't care about anyone except mother and Daenerys. I couldn't care less about Mad king as well as my scum of a brother Viserys. I will definitely save mother and sister." Eve replied in a very firm voice.

Listening to the firm voice of Eve, Zack couldn't help but sighing "SIGH~~ Do as you please but remember we will have to let the events flow as the original." "Ok i will. And now you have full control of Heavenly world so if you 'Will' it, me and Hang Wei will be able to use the storage and transfer function of the World. It will be very helpful for us in the coming days." Eve told Zack. And thinking about it Zack realized that it will be extremely helpful for Eve as well as Hang Wei.

"Ok it will be done. And contact me at-once if you need any help ok and take care." zack was still worried about her well-being so after talking sometime with her, he again connected with Hang Wei and sternly told him to take care of Eve.

After their talk Zack went to the main castle within the Heavenly World and the first thing he did was to make a proper system connected with both the Heavenly World as well as the System. Which came into the form of a beautiful palm sized fairy.

After which he instructed the fairy to make a very large area into the farm from the novel "Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World." It was very easy as the system contained every single power in the whole universe. And the effect of this farm also increased tremendously due to the Heavenly World.

Then he asked the fairy to breed many different animals who are good at living in the cold of North. For example Polar bear, timber wolf, arctic fox, lynx, walrus, Harp Seal, River otters for their fut. And animals like Bison, Musk ox etc for their meat as well as milk. He also instructed the fairy to Breed Excellent War horses, and to increase the time of the ranch so that he could get an unlimited supply of these animals in the shortest time frame.

He also said to plant some trees as well as flowers and fruits most suitable to north.

After giving these instructions he summoned Katakuri, who was reincarnated into the undead and is now blindingly loyal to Zack and gave a very important task to him which is to save Lyanna Stark, by giving her senzu bean after the birth of Jon snow and to put a gigai resembling her at her place.

He wanted to save as many people as he want. Who died unjustly.

After assigning different tasks he was about to go out of the Heavenly World, at that moment he again thought about a very critical issue. Thinking about it he again called the fairy and gave her another task which was to start the mapping of Game of thrones world.

The fairy after estimating the time told him that it will take approximately 5 years for the whole world to be mapped.

This mapping system was very different from the normal G.P.S system. In this mapping he will be able to move easily from one corner of the world to another in an instant. And there will be nothing which he wouldn't be able to spy on. So Yeah this mapping was a must.

After doing so he returned to his room in the Winterfell and sat on his bed. He started to think about the reforms he wanted to bring in the North.

The first reform on his agenda was a proper drainage system. As he was from a modern world he couldn't bring himself to piss and shit in a bowl which will then be removed by a servant. He wanted to vomit just thinking about it.

The 2nd was to plant different crops, vegetables and fruits in the north so that North could become self sufficient in food department, as North had the biggest area in the whole Westros. He will also somehow bring the animals which he ordered to be bread in Heavenly World to the North, so that food and milk will be in sufficient quantity. He was also thinking about becoming the first food supplier in whole Westros surpassing the Reach.

And the third he wanted to introduce a proper system for roads, as roads will become very important in the near future when the trade will start.

There were many ideas in his brain and he was just going to work on them starting tomorrow, because he was feeling very tired mentally.