



To say Ye Cheng was shocked was an understatement. How had things gone from him teasing her to the other way round?

"Ouch. I was looking forward to it," Li Jing added.

He shook his head, snapping out of his reverie and poked her forehead. "What was your naughty brain concocting?"

"A way to milk you dry." Her smile seemed heavenly, yet seductive in several ways. If not that he knew this lady well, he would have thought she was an evil seductress.

"No then. Since you are so eager, I am afraid we would only go after the lawsuit fight with Chairman Zhang."

"Oh, that is true. How is he by the way? Has he taken any actions yet?"

"None for now. The message I left him, gave him enough fright. Now I would have the lawsuit do more justice. If we have to rebribe the false witnesses he created. No."