
Mr Lin's Regret



"Oh, I see. I am glad you are with me. My gain, their loss. You are intelligent Li Jing. Brilliant with a high IQ in fact but your true potential is hidden and that is why the word does not know who you are."

"It is okay."

"No, you deserve more and forgive me but that is another reason why I want to show out to everyone. To show the world a hidden genius." A small blush appeared on her cheeks at his compliment and she averted her gaze downwards on the table."

Ye Cheng returned her blush with a smile of his. Heavens knew he liked this girl so much. He gently rubbed on her palm before speaking. "Time to eat. Time to start this year on a good note and not something terrible."

"Sure. Thanks, Ye Cheng."

"Anytime, Li Jing. Eat up."


 By mid-noon, Ye Cheng got himself ready and left her home. She was the kind of close friend he wanted in a girl and he enjoyed her every company.