

"Rule one. Look at me when i talk to you. Rule two. Don't bite your lip around me or else..." he paused. I stared at him waiting for him to continue. I strangely enjoy what his touch is doing to me and and i wanted more. " else?" I asked and his grip on my tigh tightened causing me to unintentionally gasp. Before i could comprehend, his lips crashed into mine. I let out a low moan as his tongue slipped into my mouth and began exploring every coner of my mouth. He lowered me so as our crotch are on the same level. He pressed his body against mine, and my legs rapped around his back. His warm lips found their ways to my neck and to my colar bone. He gently kissed and nibbled on my skin as he gently let me go. I stood on my feet but leaned on him for support as my knees were still weak. He let go of me after i gained my stance and made his way out of my office.. "Now you know" he said before closing the door shut.

D_anonymous · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

chapter 27

Third person Omniscient pov

The sound of Evita's laughter filled the entire kitchen. She was sitted on the counter with a mug filled with coffee set beside her. She held her mobile phone in her hands as she typed away on it.

"Oh my God Blaine you are killing me" evita said out loud still giggling as she replied Blaine, rosie's brother. They have been texting overnight as evita was unable to sleep. She had slept through out the whole day yesterday, so she stayed up Throughout the night. That explains how she's awake and energetic by 6am.

Killian's looming figure appeared from the corner. He had a black suit on and was already on his way to work. Upon hearing Evita's last sentence, he stopped in his tracks and followed the sound of her voice.

"Who is Blaine? " he asked walking into the kitchen. Evita turned around and greeted him with a smile.

"Good morning to you too sir " she said. Killian's brows furrowed upon hearing that. "What is she so happy about? And who was she texting" he thought.

"Morning miss valkov. You still haven't answered my question, who is Blaine?" He set his briefcase on the kitchen counter and slid his hands into his pockets.

"He's a friend of mine" evita replied but killian was not satisfied by the answer She had given. Evita was now off the counter, standing opposite him.

"I see you are already going to the office sir. Do you need anything? " she asked, genuinely wanting to know. Although she had determined to not involve in killian's life, she still cares about him.

"No...that's all" killian said looking at her from head to toe.

She nodded innocently as response.

"Okay I'll be on my way now "he said still eyeing her suspiciously but she still had a smile on her face. "Why was he looking at me like that? Do i have something on my face " she thought as killian walked away majestically.

"Okay Blaine, TTYL" evita texted Blaine as she left the kitchen. But not before washing the mug she had used.


" I'm just so confused" killian said as he and rolland made their way to the conference room for a board meeting. He had a very frustrated, almost angry, look on his face.

"Yes i get it, Evita's acting carefree and doesn't give a shit about you anymore, and that's probably because you were an asshole yesterday, i get it. But right now we are heading for a board meeting and you look fucked man. Chill out. Once we are done with the meeting, you hit up evita and apologize, okay? " rolland stated. His outburst took killian by surprise as he stood back to think about it for a second.

"Yeah okay. You are right, i can't lose my cool, I'm killian motherfuckin lockewood. I gat this" he said taking deep breaths.

"Yeah that's the spirit" rolland said slapping killian's butt. Killian jump and yelped at the action.

"What do you think you are doing? Why did you do that?" Killian asked turning to face him.

"Do what? " rolland asked totally clueless that he was referring to his last action. Killian slowly leaned in and whispered in rolland's ear.

"You hit my buttocks" he said and rolland bursted out in laughter.

"Who says buttocks?" He said in between laughs.

"I do, and reduce your voice...there are people around" killian said a bit awkward.

"Okay sir " rolland joked and went into the room and killian followed suit.

The meeting doesn't begin till another ten minutes but There were a few board members along side their assistants present.

"I wonder what's taking miss valkov so long to get here" killian whispered.

"Remember you gave her a week off" rolland who was seated beside him whimpered back.

"Oh shit that's true. I forgot" he said and sighed. I've gotten so used to her being around. Killian thought. Few minutes passed and the meeting began. 2 hours later it was concluded.

"Killian its almost 9" rolland said. Killian knew exactly what he was talking about. They both shared a knowing look and went out, heading to the court.





Rolland's pov

I've never seen killian so anxious ever since I've known him. He loves the twins and I know it, every body does. Even killian's parents, even though they never accepted them, because killian refused to marry who they wanted. Killian is just like a tigress protecting her cubs and whoever tries to take them, talkless harm them, will get bitten.

We are all settled in the court waiting for the judge and our lawyer to come in. The hearing doesn't begin in a few, so we still have time. I am starting to panic because our lawyer is never this late. And to top it all off, he's not answering his phone.

"I think something bad has happened to him" I whispered in killian's ear and he nodded in agreement.

"Something must have happened and if nothing happened, and he's perfectly fine, then some thing will definitely happen when he gets here". He said.

"Okay okay calm down, we still have a bit of time on our hands. Let's go outside and see if he has arrived yet" i said . We hurriedly left the court room in search of a missing lawyer. We searched but all to no avail.

"What do we do now?" I asked as i tried to catch my breath.

"Look for an impromptu lawyer?" Killian said also breathing heavily.

"That's not possible killian. I dont know how this court shit works but I think the judge can adjourn the hearing right?" I said still heaving.

"Yeah that's true. Let's go back inside" killian said. We both ran back into the court".


"Heard from the lawyer yet?" Killian asked. We were back at the office now. The hearing was adjourned as i thought, although mr whites tried to make an issue out of him not showing.

"No i haven't " I said standing up from the table. I have to meet rose by 11am this is al ready 10 o'clock.

"Okay, my work here is done. Got to go man, see you at home" I said walking out of killian's office.

"Are you going to see rosaline again?" Killian yelled out but I totally ignored him. He can be so silly at times, moody and angry most times. If you don't get to know him personally, you'd think he's a arrogant bossy asshole, which he is, but it's not as bad as the public describe it. He's been like this since I've known him at our graduation ceremony where he fucking pushed me out of the way to save Joan. That witch. Such audacity she has to come back asking for custody. I took out my keys from my pocket and opened my car. I got in and drove off from the garage and straight home.

I have 45 minutes to get ready and get to the venue. I really hope she sees this as a date because she's a really tough cookie to crack...But I'll keep trying. I bounced into the shower and got out in less than 10 minutes. I decided to keep it casual since its a picnic. Opening my closet, i find tons of clothes in it...and now i don't know which to wear. Should i wear a suit? No too formal, should I wear a loose pants and loose top with a cardigan? Nope, too informal and I look weird in these pants anyway. I wonder why i still have it. I threw it in the laundry basket and took a deep breath. Okay be yourself and don't overdo it. I finally decided to go with a black skinny jeans..skinny but not too skinny....with a white loose top and a deep blue denim jacket on top, since its getting cold already. After a few brushing and combing a little gel, my crazy hair was finally in check. I checked the time and its 10.39 already. Shit! I hurriedly got in my white sneakers, used a little bit of cologne and dashed out of the house.


Rosaline pov

I started get ting ready about 2 hours ago. I'm done with my hair and makeup. Time to get dressed. A red knee length gown with white and gold floral pattern along side a black jacket and was my outfit for today. Im wearing it with a white sandals and purse to match. I can't believe rolland finally asked me out on a date. I hope he sees it as one tho. I checked the mirror one last time and I looked perfect and casual at the same time. It's almost 11. He should be here any time soon. As if on cue, the door bell rang. I took a deep breath as i answered the door. He looks perfect. We both took each other outfit in and I tried really hard to hide my red cheeks.

"You ready? " he asked with his hand out stretched. I took it and stepped out of the house.

"Yes, i just need to lock the door" i said gesturing to the door behind me. Once i had locked it, we both got in the car and left for the park.





killian's pov

My mind pondered on different things that could have happened if the judge didnt adjourn the meeting. I've been unable to get the thought of losing my kids out of my mind. I sighed and stopped tapping on the table with my pen. What even happened to him? Mr miles isn't one to act like this. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. It rang but no answer. That's definitely suspicious. Everything was fine until this morning. Something is definitely wrong. I can't call rolland right now, he's too busy trying to win over rosaline. There is only one person I can talk to about this. And she's definitely angry with me and a There is a high chance she won't listen to me, talkless of helping. And i dont even want to put her in any form of danger. After a few minutes of thinking and contemplating, i finally decided to.....wait until rolland's done with his date, then we can both go and find out what's happening. In the main time, i need to hire a new lawyer for this case. I opened up my laptop to search for the contact details of my other trusted lawyers and started to call them up. Most of the best ones are busy, some refused because it's out of the blue and some just dont want to. (Not because of how i treated them in the past ) . I had to settle for the least best. Mr McCarthy.


Evita's pov

I have to admit, staying at home is boring and exhausting. I'm so tired of having to do nothing and sit at home all day. I know normal people take a break after something tragic happens to them but I think taking a break gives you chance to think about it and get traumatized. That's why the best way to avoid trauma is to keep your mind busy with other things. I tossed the half eaten bag of chips across the room and slowly slid off the side of my bed. 'I'm a mess' I whispered then stood up. And the condition of my room was capable of traumatizing me. I had clothes thrown everywhere, shoes, unfinished can of drinks alongside empty ones, different bags of chips , both finished and unfinished, were also present. This is horrible, its been just a day, and i am in this condition. "Uggghhhhh" I groaned as i started to clear out my room. In a few minutes I was done and my room was back to normal. Clean, neat and tidied up. I sat back down on my bed and started scrolling through my phone when all of a sudden, killian's name popped up on my phone. Not exactly his name.... Mr Grumpy popped up. I answered after counting 5 seconds.

"Well hello sir, how's your day going ?" I said immediately i placed the phone to my ear.

"Hi miss valkov, my day is not exactly fine." He said and I wonder what the problem might be.

"Oh that's sad. Anything I can do to help?" I asked, hoping, with fingers crossed, that he'd ask me to come to the office.

"Yes...uh..I know i asked you to take a week off but, i have something you can help with. So i was wondering if you can make it to the office in 30 minutes, if not less?" He said and my face lightened up. Yes!

"Ohh yea I'll be there, i mean I wasn't really doing anything, just chilling and chatting with my friends but okay I'll be there." I said trying not to sound to excited to work.

"Uhh y-yes okay, see you soon" he said and ended the call. Thank God he called, i really thought i was going to die of boredom. I quickly got dressed in a nude suit and low heels. Alongside my white purse. My hair was thrown into a not so tight pony tailand I applied foundation, powder, mascara and light pink lipstick that matches with my lip colour. It took 10 minutes but Once i was done with everything, i got out of the house. A driver was already waiting for me. I guess killian had informed him already. In about another 15minutes we arrived at the K.L Inc. Making 25minutes in total. Killian texted me and told me to use the private elevator that my finger print was already on it. A minute after, the elevator doors were opening to reveal killian's office. Although I was still very mad at him, i really missed this office.

"Miss valkov " killian's voice broke my trance. My head snapped in his direction and when our eyes locked, i narrowed mine at him. I slowly stepped out of the elevator and walked towards him.

"W-what do you think you are doing,?" Killian asked me before I got any closer.

"Uh- nothing. Why did you call me here? What do you need my help with?" I asked adjusting my self so i was now resting on his table while he was opposite me.

"I know you are upset about what i said yesterday, i implore you put that behind you" he said calmly. That's a very pathetic attempt to apologize to someone.

"Of course" i said with a fake smile.

"What do you need sir?" I asked him again.

"Its about what ive been hiding" he slowly walked back behind his desk and sat down.

"Yeah what about it? Are you ready to tell me?" I asked sitting too . I already knew exactly what happened but I can't let him know that.

"The twins mom wants them back. She's demanding for the twins of 3/4 of my properties. So today was the hearing at court and my lawyer didnt show up at all. I've been trying his line since, but he isn't answering. Everything was fine yesterday." Killian poured out all he had to say.

"Well duh it's obvious you ex wife kidnaped him so that she wins the case," i shrugged. I mean it's very obvious.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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