
Moonlit Weavers: Demons of the Night

Content Warning: This book contains explicit R18 scenes starting from Chapter 30, as well as depictions of gore, violence, and exploration of controversial topics. While there is a single primary female lead, it is important to note that the main character's romantic relationships extend beyond conventional expectations. ---------------- The darkness of the night is home to creatures born of negative thoughts and energy, and power and wealth are controlled by those who can harness their supernatural abilities. As Arathus finds himself reincarnated into an unfamiliar world, he quickly realizes that it is unlike anything he had ever known, a stark contrast to the tales of his previous existence. Instead of a realm filled with bloodshed and chaos, he enters a world where peace prevails and the presence of mythical creatures is merely a myth. Here, ordinary humans are the norm, devoid of the dark-red skin and menacing horns he saw all the time. But this world holds it's own dark secrets. Embracing his new identity as River Hart, he becomes entangled in a treacherous web spun with deceit and betrayal. But River is no ordinary man. He has a twisted sense of humor and a desire for every woman in the world. River's persona is far from conventional. He often stumbles into ill-advised situations but emerges from them like a shrewd predator, expertly manipulating the outcomes. With a twisted sense of humor and an absurd appetite for the lust, he gives paramount importance to the most trivial of matters, while feigning ignorance of issues of paramount significance. ---------------- He's a beacon of light, a shadow in the dark, A symbol of hope, despair's eternal mark. His eyes are like the river, deep and dark, A mysterious glint, like a question mark. With a heart so pure, a true work of art, His name resounds, the River Hart. -Jīnzi ---------------- Attention all mortals born after the year 2006, I strongly advise you to put down this novel and walk away, unless you want to know the forbidden secrets of your creation. It's like sneaking into your parents' room and finding out where babies really come from - it's just better not to know. But hey, if you're feeling rebellious and want to break some rules, go ahead and dive into the pages of this book. Just don't say I didn't warn you. Yours truly, The most handsome author who's about to spill some serious tea. ---------------- Please note that the cover image used for this book is not my original creation. If you are the rightful owner of this image and do not wish for it to be used, kindly leave a comment here, and I will promptly address the concern. ----------------

Jinzi · perkotaan
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28 Chs

The Request 

I stood tall, with my eyes focused ahead, as a voice echoed from behind me.

"Please…don't turn around," the woman said, her voice trembling.

I kept my gaze straight, curious about the strange energy I felt emanating from her.

"A very peculiar way to make an entrance, my lady," I remarked, my voice cold and neutral.

"I had… no other choice," she replied, her tone apologetic.

"You don't seem to have a physical form?" I questioned, still not turning around.

"I don't have… much time… listen… please," she begged.

"I'm all ears," I responded, still keeping my eyes forward.

The woman began to speak, her voice choked with emotion. "I… know of River's… past and secretly loved him…but was never able to confess because I died before I could."

I listened intently, but my expression remained stoic.

"The people that betrayed him did not do it because they fell in love with a different person. It was a scheme to kill him from the very start. Even the ones that loved him changed tides."

She continued, "They even found out about my affection towards him and killed me in the most brutal way you can think of. They did everything with me and tossed me around like a doll for two months. I was abused and abused and abused – then finally lost… the little light in my eyes."

"Just one request, find out why…just the reason for all of this. I beg you," she pleaded.

I turned to face her, but there was no one. I was left alone with the weight of her words and a deep desire to uncover the truth.

"First time someone begged me for help… I certainly won't disappoint you," I muttered to myself.

The darkness dissolved around me, and I returned to the present, standing in front of Cedric.

"Are you alive?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

"Do you want me dead?" I retorted, my eyes meeting his.

"N-no, of course not," he stammered, his nervousness palpable.

"What's on this drive?" I inquired, holding out the flash drive.

"I'll check it when we get to your place," he replied.

"One more thing - get this house renovated. I'm going to live here from now on," I stated.

"Okay, I'll take care of it by tomorrow morning," he said, nodding his head.

"I don't understand any of River's situation", I said.

"Precisely, even I don't", he said.

"Poor guy had a life worse than the villain side characters of a light novel", I commented as we walked out of the house.

"Where to now?" Cedric asked, falling in step beside me.

"Sightex," I replied.

Sightex was once just a company River started with the motive of selling affordable eyewear products.

However, over the past three years, they had moved into the production of medical devices, and their revenue had skyrocketed to a staggering 15 billion aurums.

Even after deducting production, manufacturing, services, salaries, and maintenance costs, they still earned a jaw-dropping profit of 3 billion aurums but this is nowhere near the top MNCs.

A company with a 20% profit margin in its early stages was a potential goldmine.

This could very well be one of the reasons someone was trying to kill him and succeeded. There is someone out there who is sure that River is dead but he or she isn't aware of my existence.

As I turned to get into Cedric's car, my curiosity got the better of me. I just had to take a peek at what lay behind those giant garage doors.

With a mischievous grin, I pulled out my phone and placed it near the scanner.

As the doors rumbled open, with a massive grin etched on my face.

Four muscle cars from the 1970s and a classic superbike, all black and looking as bad-ass as can be, were parked in front of me.

It was like a scene from one of those cheesy action movies from the 80s.

I couldn't resist the urge. So, I smashed the glass cage of keys with a swift punch.

I grabbed a random key, trying to match the logo to the car and opened the door manually.

I settled into the driver's seat, put the key in the ignition, and turned it with a satisfying click.

The engine roared to life, sending a tremble through the garage.


"Well, I've only seen this in movies", I said.

Feeling confident, I put my foot on the clutch, shifted into first gear, and hit the gas pedal... hard. The car shot forward like a beast.

That is until I realized I had no idea how to control the damn thing.

The car swerved wildly to the right, careening out of control. I frantically tried to steer it back on course, but it was no use.

The car crashed into the wall, and I winced as I heard the sickening crunch of metal on brick.

"Uh…," I sheepishly looked around to make sure no one had seen my epic fail only to find Cedric standing in front of his car with his mouth wide open.

"Maybe I should stick to walking for now," I muttered as I kicked the car door, sending it flying open.

"That is... beyond repair," Cedric said, staring at the mangled vehicle.

"Oh well, it's just a scratch, don't fret," I said, giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"The front of the car is no more--"

Suddenly, smoke started billowing out of the car.

"By the way, where's this smoke coming from?" I asked, turning around to see the car I was just in burst into flames with a deafening explosion.


"Just a scratch?" Cedric repeated incredulously.

"Well, at least it matches the colour scheme," I finally said with a weak chuckle.

Cedric took out his phone and started tapping away at the screen.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Calling for a cleanup crew and a contractor," he replied.

"They'll be here in fifteen minutes to assess the damage and start the repairs and the renovation of the house."

"Oh, good," I said.

"We still need to get to Sightex, though. Who's driving? Me or you?"

Cedric's face went white as a sheet.

"I, uh, think it's best if I drive," he stuttered.

"Are you sure? Because I can-"

"No, no, I insist!" he interrupted, his voice cracking.


"Driving is a spectacular form of amnesia. Everything is to be discovered, everything to be obliterated." 

- Jean Baudrillard.

Jinzicreators' thoughts